Chapter 6: February 1978 - June 1978

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Note: I am very aroace so I am skiming over the date to allow people to use imagination and to allow people to do spin off one shots of the date.

Things have been awkward between Remus and Regulus since the kiss. They hardly talk to each other and when they do there's a lot of blushing, stuttering and awkward silence around them. Everyone had noticed that something was going on but no one knew what was going on. Barty, Evan and Pandora had had enough. They just wanted their normal friends back. Barty decided he was going to confront Regulus and Evan decided to confront Remus. 

The couple found out about the kiss and that Remus and Regulus like each other but they both refuse to get together or go on a date because of past trauma from relationships. Regulus's trauma stems from his ex boyfriend trying to make him have sex and then guilt-tripping him when he wouldn’t. The ex was also very narcissistic. But the reason Regulus never wanted sex is because he is repulsed by the idea of sex, let alone him having sex and anyway no one was Sexualy attractive. The trauma remus has is because he gets close to something, starts dating someone, is vulnerable with them and then they betray him and tell people his vunreblity. Barty and Evan tried to convince them the other wouldn't do that but "I know but I can't go through that again so I'll just stay single". So Barty, Evan and Pandora decided they were going to trick Regulus and Remus into going on a date.  Evan tells Remus that Lily wanted to meet him at the room of requirements for a extra study session and Barty tells Regulus there's a prefect meeting in the room of requirements.

The room of requirements was set up as the perfect date for Remus and Regulus. There was a table in the middle with candles and plates with a Remus's and Regulus's food on them. Then at the back, there's a cozy area with books of all sorts. The perfect date room.  Remus and Regulus knew they had been tricked as soon as they stepped inside but it was too late, the door had shut behind them and locked them in.  Remus decided they should humour Barty and Evan and go on a fake date so they did. At first it was awkward but then the awkwardness slowly drifted away and they just acted like they normally do around each other even if they are on a date. As the date went on, Regulus accidently revealed he liked Remus so Remus said he like him back. Both reveal why they can't date each other. But after a bit, they both revealed they were both being stupid, of course the other wasn't going to traumatise them, and decided to keep going on dates. They weren't going to rush, they were just going to see how things go. However, they weren't going to tell anyone.  So they went on more dates in secret and the dates were amazing.

10th March 1978 aka Remus’s 18th birthday. Pandora had decided that they were going to throw a birthday party for Remus. So they had Regulus keep Remus away from the dorm room all day which was easy for regulus, they just had a date day. Anymore, Pandora invited the vixens to the party. It was good that the boy's dorm room was big. Anyway the party finally started at 7pm.  The party guests were Remus, Regulus, Barty, Evan, Pandora, Lily, Mary, Alice, Marlene and Dorcas. Marlene snuck alcohol into the party even though Remus, Mary and Lily were the only 18 year olds at the party. The gang tried to keep the alcohol from Remus cause you know recovering alcoholic here but Mary gave him a cup. So Remus got black out drunk which made Regulus nervous because ex would do that a lot but never once did Remus cross that line.  Mary got drunk too but not as much as Remus. She did end up kissing Lily (who was tipsy) though and Lily did kiss back. And they did leave together. No one took notice of that, they just thought they left together because they were roommates.  Anyway around midnight, Slughorn turned up and sent everyone back to bed. But Remus loved the party. Remus passed out in Regulus's bed though so those two spent the night in the same bed. Nothing happened though, they just cuddled.

In May, Remus and Regulus revealed to the gang and the vixens that they were dating. All the vixens congratulated them but the gang? The gang just listed the reasons on how they already knew.

Anyway everything was going perfect in everyone's lives but then June rolled round and everything went dogshit. With June 1978 comes the NEWT exams of 1978. Aka Remus’s NEWT exams.  With NEWT Exams comes stress. Remus and stress don't work very well together. The stress from the NEWT exams sent remus back into his old ways.  He was snapping at everyone. He hardly slept and he hardly ate. He was always studdying or taking an exan. He also always seemed to be smoking. Good thing though is that he never touched alcohol again since his birthday. The gang was confused on where Remus got the cigarettes from but they had to force Remus to look after himself again.  They had to put him to sleep with a potion each night even though it was dangerous. They had to hand feed him to make sure he eats. They had destroy all the cigarettes (they later found out that they had been getting them from a Hufflepuff). They had to force him to relax.  Despite all this, Remus still passed all his NEWT exams with high scores.

On the last day of June, the professors held a graduation ball for all the 7th years where they would get certificates and trophies at the end ofthe party. Remus didn't want to go but he was forced to go for at least 2 hours. So regulus went with him as his date.  They arrived at the party at the same time as Lily. Lily seemed to have both James and Mary as her date to the party. Regulus wouldn't dare ask what was going on. They were only an hour into the party when they bumped into Sirius. Sirius started shouting at them which made everyone stop and stare.  He accused both Regulus and Sirius of being death eaters. Remus did tell Sirius to fuck off but then only caused Sirius to get physical.


Remus was about to fight back when Mcgonagall kicked them both out of the party. So he and Regulus spent the rest of the night in the hospital wing getting his face sorted out.

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