Chapter 4: September 1977 - December 1977

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The rest of the summer went by in a flash and Hogwarts soon started up again. Remus was kind of nervous. He was going to be re-sorted (hopefully into Slytherin), he was going to be a prefect again which means talking to Lily and James and it was his NEWT exams this year. So a lot to stress about.

Anyway, the gang said goodbye to Hope and Lyall, after promising to come home for Christmas, and got on the train. They sat at the far back of the train away from everyone. Remus and Regulus sat together on one side of the table and Pandora, Evan and Barty sat across from them. Remus spent the train ride studying while Evan, Regulus and Barty told Pandora about how cool living with the lupins is. Remus must have dropped to sleep because the next thing he knew was his head was on Regulus's shoulder and they were at Hogsmeade station. He quickly sat up, both him and Regulus were blushing slightly but no one seemed to notice. They all quickly got off the train and made their way to Hogwarts. Once there, they go to the great hall but Remus was stopped before going in by Mcgonagall. "Mr Lupin, you will be re-sorted before the 1st years are sorted into their houses so stay out here Mr lupin". So Remus had to wait outside with the 1st years.

It seemed like ages but when the doors finally opened, Remus was call forward before the 1st years were even allowed inside the great hall. So he quickly walked up to the teachers table and sat on the stool so the hat could be placed on his head.

'Ravenclaw or Slytherin this time?.............. ummm OK then. BETTER BE SLYTHERIN!'

Remus quickly went over to the Slytherin table and sat next to Regulus. The great hall filled with whispers that loud enough that Remus had to cover his ears but not loud enough that people could understand what everyone was saying. However the whispers were quickly silenced as the 1st years get sorted. Remus slowly uncovered his ears as Regulus whispers "you ok?". Remus nods.

That night Slughorn had to find a dorm for Remus to sleep in as he definitely couldn't put remus in a dorm with Slytherins his own age because of Severus. It was then that Slughorn found out that Remus had been dorming with Regulus, Evan and Barty for the last year so instead of putting Remus into a single dorm, a extra bed got placed into their dorm for Remus.

Everything was going smoothly untill the end of the first week at Hogwarts. All week Remus could here all the gossip going around because of him being re-sorted. People had noticed that Remus had changed friend groups but now he wasn't even a Gryffindor anymore so people wanted to know what happened between Remus and the Gryffindors. They wanted to know what had happened. Remus had had enough of their content stares and whispers about him. He hated it. But the gossip was only the tip of the ice burg and Remus would gladly take that over what started at the end of the first week. At the end of the week, people started calling remus horrifying things (he got called mudblood at one point) as well as traitor, not a ture Slytherin, betrayer and filthy half blood.  Because of all theses, Remus ended up in fights a lot which got him in detention a lot but the teachers couldn't stop from being a prefect as a punishment because Remus never wanted to be prefect at all.

The biggest fight didn't happen untill the beginning of Hogwarts though. Remus had bumped into Sirius on the way to watch Regulus in the Slytherin vs gryffindor quidditch tournament. Sirius had very little to say about Remus's new colours but his wand (the magic one, get your head out of the gutter) and his fists did. So of course Remus's wand and fists replied. Luckily Dumbledore turned up before anyone was killed. Remus and Sirius did end up in the hospital wing for a couple of days though followed by 3 week dention. But all is well.

The second biggest fight happened in the middle of October. Remus, Regulus, Evan, Barty and Pandora were hanging out in th empty Slytherin common room when Severus stormed in and over them. He started a verbal argument with Remus about how he doesn't belong here, he is a filthy half-breed, he shouldn't be a Slytherin, how he is a monster that almost killed him and lot of other stuff. When the others defended Remus, Severus told them all about THE PRANK. How remus is a werewolf and how Remus nearly killed him. But all they replied with was "we know. We have known for year". Unable to get to remus and his friends, Severus stormed out. Remus was still in shock though. His friends knew this whole time and didn't hate him. Seeing Remus's face, the gang had a talk about it. It was then that Pandora and Regulus agreed to brew a new potion thar helps wearwolfs. This potion was Wolfsbane and was very legal to make so Remus agreed to let them. No one ever found out about that argument because Severus's ego was to bruised so Remus didn't have to worry about more detentions.

Over the course of the last week of October, Remus taught the purebloods all about the muggle holiday of Halloween. About its history and about how muggle children dress up as characters before going out to people's houses and ask for tweets or they will get tricked. So instead of going to the Halloween feast, the gangall dressed up as different things and soon out to a muggle town to go trick or treating. Pandora said she was dressed up as a Nargle.  Remus was dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood for the irony. Regulus dressed as vampire well not really. He wore his normal clothes and said he was a vampire. Evan dressed as an angel and Barty dressed as the Devil but a really sexy one, revealing one. That night was so fun.

In December, Remus toom Regulus, Evan and barty to history Christmas the muggle way (Pandora went home).  Evan, Barty and Regulus loved it. It was amazing. Hope and Lyall even got them presents. They were so shocked and happy at the same time. But its then that Regulus and Evan reviled that thru never really celebrated things like Yule because their families don't do good family stuff or holidays. Barty reveals too that on Yule that he and his dad don't fight so his mum can have a good day. So hope and Lyall decided to make their birthdays the best thing ever.  Evan, Barty and Regulus also taught hope about the wizarding world and wizarding traditions. It was the best Christmas ever.

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