Chapter 9: January 1982 - his death

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As the years went by, time started to blur for Remus. Luna grew older and grew up with Remus as her uncle Remus who lived in their house. Luna grew up as a mini Pandora but with a bit of her dad. She was perfect. Remus tried to protect her from all bad in the world including keeping her in the unknown about him being a werewolf. But Luna was a smart little girl and worked out Remus was a werewolf when she was 7 and started helping Pandora with the Wolfsbane potion.  Pandora started being very secretive though with her spell creation. 

However, in 1988, Pandora became ill like Regulus did. Everyone noticed but she said she was fine. Remus tried to confront her but she never opened up about anything. In June 1990, Remus and Luna were there and were watching when Pandora casted the spell that killed her. It was then that Remus found out Pandora was trying to finish what Regulus started. She was trying to destroy a horcrux.  He found a letter on her desk from Dumbledore.

"Dear Pandora,
As you know Regulus died trying to destroy a horcrux. However, he failed. I have found said horcrux. I know you have been creating spells and potions that work. I also know you would want to finish what your friend died trying to do. So here's the horcrux for you to destroy
From Albus Dumbledore"

Remus had had enough. All his friends were dead because of dumb-as-a-door. He couldn't take it anymore. He knew he promised to care and look after Luna if anything happened to Pandora (even if her husband was around) but he couldn't. He couldn't just sit around and wait for Dumbledore to get him with his plans. No he needed to disappear off the face of the earth. He needed to get away. So he packed up his stuff and left in the middle of the night so no one could stop him.

Despite all his tries to disappear and his promises to never get messed up in Dumblebee's plans, Dumbledore still found him and still tricked him by using Harry, Luna and Nevile as bate. He guilted him into so many things because Remus had a need to protect Harry, Luna and Nevile even if it meant being emotionally tortured again.

Dumbledore forced him to:

1} Come back to Hogwarts as the Defence Against The Dark Arts Professor. (He was shocked to meet a boy called Dean Thomas that loomed like a male version of Mary though)

2} Protect Harry from sirius Black and find out the truth.

3} let Sirius move in with him at the end of the year.

4} help lock up barty before watching as Barty dies.

5} join the order

6} watch as Sirius Black dies in the battle of the ministry.

Remus started drinking and smoking again to deal with all this. He had had enough and he didn't care about his life anymore. He had lost to many people to care about himself anymore. Drinking is the reason Remus agreed to marry Tonks and is the only reason Remus became a father to Teddy Lupin (who was created because both Tonks and Remus were heavily drunk.

Remus went head first into the battle of Hogwarts (after telling Tonks to stay Home with Teddy) because he never wanted to be a dead and because he was ready to welcome death even if he was only 38. He was angry at Tonks when she showed up to fight. He was even more angry when she died first because that meant he couldn't die now because Teddy would need one of his parents. But in that one moment of realising this, Antonin Dolohov took his chance and killed Remus.

Mary was the only Marauder or Vixen or silver gang to still be alive.

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