Chapter 3

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Alicia Hale's POV

Ever since I was captured and managed to free myself by controlling Sinestro with my powers, everyone started telling me that I should learn to control this bigger power of mine, but I was scared. I was scared of losing complete control, of hurting my loved ones, of losing myself and that's why I kept saying no.

Deep down I wanted to learn how far my limits can go, to meet this new and superior power, to tame it and take back control. Even if this voice in my head is dark and destructive, telling me to do unimaginable things, I had to try for Pietro; I had to try to protect him. That's how after a long time, thought and pleadings, I decided to try.

Pietro, Professor X, Logan and I went to the farthest place we had for training at the Institute and I was going to try to control Logan. Everybody knew that he was the best option for this and he volunteered, since he's the only person who can heal faster, which makes it safer.

Before the training session, Pietro asked to talk to me for a while and looked serious. He saw that I was curious and started the conversation before I could say anything.

Pietro Maximoff: I know that all this is hard, but I'm glad that you made the decision to try. Even if you doubt yourself, I know that you can do it. If you need anything, I'll be here and I...

Before he could finish his sentence, Logan coughed, gaining our attention.

Logan: Ready to start?

I smiled at my boyfriend and took my place at the center of the room. Pietro and the Professor stood behind me, while Logan was in front of me. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, raised my hand at my shoulder's height and opened my palm, starting to use my power.

Me: How is that?

Logan: It's a little painful, but I can handle it. Keep going, do whatever you want and don't be scared. I can take a lot and I heal fast. –he smirked.

I moved my hand to the right and Logan's body headed towards that direction. I repeated my movement to the left and he followed. I trained a little longer, but, unfortunately, the same voice started speaking in my head.

Voice: Hurt him! Come on, he can heal... no harm done!

Me: No! –I said and lowered my hand, closing my eyes at the same time.

Voice: Do what I say. Kill him, he'll come back! –the voice kept getting louder in my head.

Me: Stop... -I begged.

Voice: Even if he doesn't come back on his own, your friend Aurora will do it. She did it for her boyfriend; don't you think she'd be willing to do it for Logan? –the voice kept going, filled with sarcasm.

Me: Shut up!

I placed my hands on my head and moved it left and right, making Logan hit on the walls, since I hadn't broken the connection and he was still under my control.

Voice: See? He's healing. Make him bring his claws out and stab himself!

Me: I told you to shut up!

I dropped my hands suddenly and opened my eyes, which felt completely blackened. A wave of air came out of my body, which felt like it drained my energy and I fell down. Once my knees touched the ground, I started hearing a buzzing in my head and the voices didn't stop, they kept multiplying, creating a stronger buzz.

Logan was now free from my control. Another wave of my powers came out, but this time it was water. The buzzing was now even louder. The same happened with the next one of my elements, earth. Lastly, there was fire and the buzzing was so loud that I felt like my head would explode. I placed my hands on my head and screamed with everything I had.

Next, hot air came out and it was blowing upwards. Even my hair was flying upwards and it was kind of a reflex, because I wanted no one to come closer to me. After a while, I could feel that someone was draining my energy. I turned around and saw Anna-Marie, who was touching me in order to absorb my powers. Before I could react, I lost my senses.

When I woke up, I instantly figured out that I was in the Institute's infirmary and Aurora arrived.

Me: That's it! I will never try to use that power again! –I said the minute I opened my eyes.- It's very dangerous for me and the people around me.

I sat up in the bed and she placed her hands on my shoulders.

Aurora Diamonds: I don't want to hear that! You can do anything!

Me: Not this. –I said defeated.

Aurora Diamonds: I know that fear has taken over you right now and you want to protect us all, but this isn't the solution. You have to give yourself time in order to manage this aspect of your powers, just like you did with the rest of them.

Me: I don't know...

Aurora Diamonds: I'm scared too, but I'll try. Alicia, look at what we have accomplished so far. We are Omega-level mutants, we visited DC's earth.

Me: You're right, but I still don't know. –I replied, wanting to change the subject of the conversation, but she didn't get it.

I noticed that there was a change in the way she held herself, becoming distant.

Aurora Diamonds: I don't want to hear "I don't know". You know that we should try and we don't have another choice, otherwise everyone is in danger from our enemies. –she said abruptly.

Me: So the solution is them being in danger from us? –I sighed.

Aurora Diamonds: If you really try, that won't happen. With each moment that goes by, we have to work and find our enemies, before they find us, and...

Me: And kill them? That's what you were getting at? That's what you do every time you disappear? Looking for our enemies?

Aurora Diamonds: I wasn't going to say that... -she said sternly, but I know her well enough to figure out she was lying.

Lately something is on her mind and her attitude changes a lot.

Me: What happened? How did the conversation come to this? –I asked calmly.

Aurora Diamonds: I don't know... -she said going back to her old polite self.

Me: It's just that I don't know if I can try this again...

Aurora Diamonds: Just rest, I'll visit you again later. –she said and before I could answer, she left.

After a while Pietro arrived.

Me: Thank you for bringing Anna-Marie.

Pietro Maximoff: I would do everything for you.

Me: I know; me too. –I replied with a smile.

Pietro Maximoff: Do you want to talk about what happened?

Me: Not now. –I pleaded.

Pietro Maximoff: Of course.

Me: What would you say if I asked you out on a date? Tomorrow night? Just let go of everything for a while and have fun.

Pietro Maximoff: I was about to say the same thing. Let me handle everything! It will be amazing. –he said and kissed me passionately.

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