Chapter 6

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Emma Jonson's POV

I knocked on the door, but no one answered. I opened and entered, finding Bucky shooting up on his bed terrified. I walked towards him and sat next to him.

Me: Bucky, are you okay? -I asked him, but he didn't answer while his gaze was stuck on the door.

I placed my hands on his cheeks, to force him to look at me and he grabbed my wrists tightly.

Me: James, I'm here, with you! -I reassured him, touching my forehead to his.

Bucky Barnes: Emma? ... Emma! -he sighed.

Me: Are you still having nightmares? I thought they stopped... On the missions we've been together, every time we slept in the same room, you didn't get them.

Bucky Barnes: When I'm with you or Steve, I don't have nightmares.

Me: Why didn't you tell me?

Bucky Barnes: I didn't want to worry you... also it's not as terrifying each time.

Me: You should have told me... I would have helped you.

Bucky Barnes: Steve knows...

Me: Is that why you're having so many training sessions in the middle of the night?

Bucky Barnes: Yes...

The fact that he didn't tell me anything in order not to worry me, even though he knows that I could help, it's very annoying, but at the same time he shows me how much he cares.

Me: Get up and follow me. -I said and walked out of the room quickly, heading to mine.

A few seconds later, Bucky walked in and looked at me clueless.

Me: What?

Bucky Barnes: Why did we come to your room?

Me: James, just lay on the bed. -I ordered him, pulling the blanket so he could get comfortable.

Bucky Barnes: Are you sure? There's no need to disturb you.

Me: I want and I can help you, so let me! If I could train the whole night with you, believe me I would, but since it's a bit uncomfortable right now-I marked showing my belly- this is the only option. To tell you the truth, I prefer it. -I smiled.

Bucky Barnes: Okay. -He lay down and I put the blanket over him. - Aren't you going to sleep?

Me: Not yet. I want to finish some files first. -I replied and his face fell.- But I will be here looking after you.- I saw a loose strand of hair on his forehead, placed it behind his ear and then kissed him on the forehead.- Goodnight James.

Bucky Barnes: Goodnight and thank you.

I sat down on my side of the bed and he turned on his side, facing me. He put his hand on my thighs and drew infinity signs with his finger, until he fell asleep.

A few days later, the rest of the team was on different missions and I visited Stephen and Wong. We had lunch together and then they had to leave because of an emergency, which they couldn't discuss, and left me alone in the house. I decided to clean up before I went home and while I was walking towards the kitchen, I heard the door open behind me. Since I heard the door, I knew that it wasn't my family, because they use portals.

I left the dishes on the sink and when I turned around, I saw three men wearing red military uniforms, with white masks that covered their faces. Before I could react, they attacked and I took a defensive stance. They ran towards me and I created a shield around myself.

Me: Babies, mom has to dance for a while. Stay in there! -I marked looking at my belly.

I took a plate, smashed it on one's head and he fainted. The other two attacked me with their fists, which I managed to dodge, until one of them tripped me up and I fell backwards, managing to take the other one with me and use him as a shield when the first one tried to stab me.

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