Chapter 38

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Vanessa Lovely's POV

I was in the palace with Barry and we were waiting for the others to arrive.

Barry Allen: Baby, are you okay?

Me: Yes, why shouldn't I be?

Barry Allen: Because this battle will be difficult.

Me: Love, everything is okay, I am fine. The faster we're done with all of this, the faster we'll get back to our family.

Barry Allen: Please, stay focused!

Me: I am always focused on my goal and right now, I have two. First of all, I want all of this to be over so we can go back to our family and secondly, I want them to pay for all the pain they caused me by taking you away from me!

Barry Allen: Vanessa, don't take the path of revenge, it won't...

Me: Barry, I don't plan on chasing them or putting myself in danger; I just want to catch them and bring them to justice... it wouldn't be bad if I have to beat them up in the process. –I whispered the last sentence.

Barry Allen: Nonetheless, I want you to be careful!

Me: I'll be fine, please look after yourself too. You promised!

Barry Allen: I know sweetie, I'll be careful. –he said and kissed me.

Me: I'll look out for you as well, I'll always be listening!

Barry Allen: Stay focused on the battlefield, so that I can do the same.

Me: Okay. –I replied and pulled him in for another kiss.

After the necessary preparations were made, Emma opened a portal and at Steve's signal, the battle began. I was running with all my might and giving small thrusts with sonic vibrations from my arms, so that I could go faster. I lifted my feet off the ground slightly and was boosted by the sound waves, going even faster.

I reached the first dozen of Lex's soldiers. I kicked the first one in the chest and sent sonic vibrations through the ends of my legs, sending him hurling away. I kicked the next soldier at the shin, while using vibrations, which now gave a boost to all my moves. As he was falling forwards, I put my knee across his neck and knocked him down on his face.

The next one came and I ran to him. I grabbed his left arm, bent over and at the same time threw him over me to the ground. The next soldier was standing in front of me and I just hit him with my palm on the bottom of his chin, making a sickening sound because his teeth shattered. I lunged at the next one and jumped, punching him in the chest. After knocking the others unconscious as well, I decided to move on to my next target.

They were soldiers as well, but kind of bigger, like a bad imitation of a super soldier. I drew my knives and ran at the first one, climbing on top of him and running my legs over his head, knocking him down and quickly grabbed his arm, breaking it. The second one came and I cut him with the knives in the chest, but it didn't have much effect as his skin was tougher. I drove my knife into the back of his knee, forcing him to bend his body, and kicked the knife to go deeper. I ran after him, grabbed him by the neck and with the force I had, I hit his head on the ground and I landed on my backside. I found one of the Wakandan spears stuck on the ground, so I put my knives away. I took it in my hands, when Proxima Midnight landed in front of me, falling on the rest of the soldiers.

Me: I didn't expect that.

She made a strange face and growled. She was holding her weapon, which looked like a spear, and was aiming at my head. I held my own weapon in my hands, raised it like a shield above my head and with a little push I pushed it off of me. As she took a few steps back, I spun around and jabbed her in the ribs with my spear.

Proxima Midnight: You'll pay for what you did little human. I will decapitate you and find your children. I will raise them to hate you and see your head every day, knowing you failed to protect them!

Me: Take it back before you regret it!

Proxima Midnight: Oh, what happened? Will you cry?

Me: No, you will! –I replied and stabbed her in the stomach.

I kicked her, pulling the spear out of her belly as she fell down. I took a few steps back and then ran, driving the spear into the ground as I held it by the edge and flipped high into the air, letting out a scream, driving her further into the ground. I came crashing down on her, punching her in the head, leaving her unconscious.

As soon as I stood up, I saw Thanos, who grabbed my wrist and put a bracelet on. It stung badly as soon as it touched my skin. It was like it was absorbing my power... I tried to scream, but nothing happened.

Thanos: Oh, don't try too hard little human, it won't work! –he said with apathy and just threw me forcefully in the air.

I went too high and just before I hit the ground, Barry caught me.

Barry Allen: I thought I told you to be careful!

Me: I was.

Barry Allen: Didn't look like it.

Me: I have bigger issues right now. –I said, showing the bracelet.

Barry Allen: What is it?

Me: Something that mutes my powers!

Barry Allen: We have to take it off immediately; it's dangerous for you to be here without your powers!

Me: Not so much...

Barry Allen: It is!

Without a word he took me in his arms and we joined Bucky, who broke it at once. Barry left and as I walked away, I heard someone approaching Bucky from behind. I immediately turned around and made a cry.

Bucky Barnes: Thanks!

Me: Don't mention it!

We were surrounded by various aliens and were standing back to back. I took out my guns and we both shot the aliens until we'd dealt with all of them. Then I left Bucky and returned to the middle of the battlefield.

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