Chapter 8

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Vanessa Lovely's POV

It's been a little while since we returned to our own earth and I reached the ninth month of my pregnancy. My everyday life returned to normal; well, as normal as it can be while having a huge belly and the tiredness that comes with moving houses. Last week we were busy, because we were moving into a new and big house with Barry, which my dad gifted to us, so that we can have our own home now that we'll start a family. Everything could be done quicker with Barry's speed, but we chose not to use it because we wanted to enjoy every moment. All of our friends, my brother and my dad helped us, leaving their own touch in our home and I really love it.

It's a two floor house and has a classical style from the outside. On the top floor there's a big bedroom, which is mine and Barry's room with its own bathroom, two bedrooms for the kids, two spare rooms which we changed so that everyone can have their personal space. We put musical instruments and soundproofed one of them, so that I can have my own studio and Barry built his own lab in the other. Also there's a huge balcony and a bathroom. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, the living room, a huge dining room, two guestrooms and a bathroom.

I was hanging out in our old apartment, because I had to pack a few more things before we would move in our new house permanently. I was watching a movie alone, because Barry was at work. I was eating some fruits when the bell rang, so I went to open the door and I saw a strange woman standing in front of me.

Me: Hello.

??: Don't you recognize me?

Me: No, should I?

??: I'm your mother.

I'm pretty sure I was freaking out. I even wondered how my water didn't break from all this tension. When I realized the situation I was in, I tried to close the door, but she stopped me.

Biological Mother: Not so fast.

Me: Leave me alone!

Biological Mother: You speak to your mother like that?

Me: To whom? How dare you? I don't have someone like that since you left me in order to pay your debt!

Biological Mother: Well, I don't care about you; actually I don't give a fuck about you, that's why I left you. Unfortunately, I need your help. Chad's trial is close and I want you to withdraw your statement!

Me: Are you kidding me?! There's no fucking way I'm going to do that. And as you can see, I'm pregnant; something I'm sure that doesn't move you, but I want you out of here now!

Biological Mother: You will pay for what you did to my Chad and I don't care about your condition; you'll come whether you like it or not! -she grabbed and started pulling me.

I resisted, told her to stop, but she didn't. When I yelled at her, a few sound waves came out and she was thrown on the wall. When I realized what happened, I closed the door and called Barry.

Me: Barry, come here right now! She's here and she figured out my identity!

Barry Allen: Who is she?

Me: The woman who birthed me.

At that moment she knocked on the door and started yelling.

Biological Mother: I will tell everyone who you really are Vanessa!

Barry hung up and came immediately. I heard them talking outside.

Barry Allen: Aren't you ashamed at all? You come here and disturb her after all the pain you caused her?

Biological Mother: There was no pain, I just made her stronger. Now that I think about it, she should be thanking me. She helped me pay my debt, I'll give her credit for that... but hurting my Chad? No! I can't accept that!

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