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>>Srinagar,Uttarakhand, India

           I just got here last night, and I still can't feel my butt. From the airport we travel 18 hours to get here, I don't know if the traffic keeps following me or it's really like this before I came, but it's really fine for me. Now that I can see the beautiful and refreshing view infront of me. Srinagar is really nice place, it's mountainous and have terraces like in Benguet. It's really cold this season, Christmas is two days ago and I'll spent my New Year here with my bro-friend's place. We've been friends for 5 years through my ex,  he is one of my ex-bf's close friends, I've met them through internet. Don't get me wrong, I was young then and thinks like life is a fairytale.

           I look on my shoulder when I sense someone is behind me, and guess who? Yeah!The devil itself, my one and only bro-friend. I turn so I can face him, "Good morning bitchy bro!", I greet him while wiggling my eyebrows and smile.

          He just smile and put a scarf around my neck, "It really suits you, you look like a granny", pulling the scarf playfully tighter.

         "Granny your butt, wanna get a spank now child?",smirking infront of him.

         "No, granny I don't want your spanking today", he says with a twinkle in his eyes, "Maybe later at night",whispering on my ear.

         "Too suggestive Mr. Singh." I turn my back towards him so he can't see my redden face.

         After a minute he ask me again if I'm ready for tonight, because I am thinking about his joke I told him to shut up.

         "Sis, I'm talking about the wedding tonight. Remember you're here because of your vacation and to be my companion to that chaotic yet a blessing in disguised wedding of your so-called Ex that is also my close friend?" He is just staring at you like waiting for you to be a coward and beg him to let you just stay here. But you know him too well,you can't persuade him.

          "Yeah. I know that it's just that I'm too nervous", I told him.

          "Geez! Don't be like that", smiling at me "You're beautiful and everything is done with you both,right?", he pat the top of my head.

          "Oh dear, I have no good dress for that occasion, I had a sundress but I guess it's not a proper clothes to wear"

          "No worries my ugly duckling, mom already have one for you. I just hope you'll not look like a bride", he chuckles.

          "You know, Harish I want to punch you straight. He and I are done a long time ago."

           He hold my elbow and guide me to go inside their house. I smell the freshly cook breakfast and some other herbs. Last night, I thought that his mom will eye me like I'm a pest, but my assumption is wrong she is sweet and generous. We reached the dining area and sit on the vacant chairs, his married siblings are here with their family to meet me, that's what he said. But, I doubt that I'm not that important to meet anyways.

          The breakfast last for hours because of constant chitchats and updating their live this past 2 months. They also asked me if I'm staying for good,but I answered them that it's only a vacation. I saw in their eyes that they are expecting me to stay, but what will I do here. My career, friends and relatives are in Philippines, how can I leave them?

          After the breakfast I helped them to clean the dining area, sweep and mop the floor. Harish is sipping his coffee while leaning on the side of the sink and keep staring at me.

          I stopped my chore and look at him,"What?Did I do it wrong way?"

          He just smile and walks out. I shrugs and look at his sister that washing the dishes. She is smiling too. What's the problem with my mopping? Is it not good or am I missing something?

          His mom insisted that we go to the market and buy some hair pins and other accessories. Hours passed and she buy food in stalls,
"Babe, you need to eat this, by the time we got home you need to be ready for you'll leave early for that wedding ceremony ", she looks like she is worried.

          I just grab the food and thank her. We walk home while I eat, maybe it's not proper but we are in hurry. After 20 minutes we can see their house, and there is Harish looking on our way. I hurried my steps so I can get there faster.

         Outside their house I see his sisters setting a small table and a high stool and they just wave at me while I say hi to them. His mom rushes me to the bathroom where there's a bathtub already fill of warm water with flowers. I don't know what is it but when I heard the door closes I remove my  clothes and lay in the tub, it's warm and calming. I close my eyes for a moment but it turns into a little nap. I snap awake when I hear someone calling me outside the door, it's Shanti telling that I need to come out and just put  the robe. When I got out they are waiting for me except Harish, he is not around maybe readying also.

        The girls giggles and do my hair and makeup, they also help me to wear this two piece dress that I don't know what is called, then they wrap me with a fine lacey cloth. They stare at me like I'm an abomination, until their mom hugs me and tell me that I look like I am the one who'll gets married.

       I sigh in relief, at least I look like pleasing in their eyes. And my groom oopppss I mean my escort came out and we move to go into Jatin's village,  yeah that's my ex.


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