Chapter One: Back To The Future On Steroids

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I wake up lying on an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar house.

Where the everloving heck am I?

I sit up and my brain begins to connect dots.

So then the thing with that Target acquired Ouija board actually happened?


I do not recognize this room one bit.

I get off the bed and realize I'm not even dressed in what I used to be before.

Instead of my black hoodie and grey pants, I'm wearing a purple hoodie, a white scarf, and...grey pants.

Okay fine, the pants are the same, but the rest isn't.

As I begin to try and wrap my head around my current situation, it just seems to get weirder and weirder.

Am I really over a century in the past?

No, there's no way.

Suddenly, I hear a door from downstairs slam, causing my heart to jump into my mouth.

Well, clearly not literally, but I digress.

Do I dare go downstairs?

If I'm in some random person's house and I'm not supposed to be, things could get really awkward.

But, then again, I suppose it'd be weirder for me to actively hide.

I swallow my pride and head downstairs.

As soon as I reach the downstairs kitchen, I find someone I don't expect to find.

That being my dear Heizou.

He wanders the kitchen, inspecting a ridiculously horrifying amount of dried blood on the floor and walls.

Where did all this blood come from?

"Heizou!" I call.

To my dismay, he shows no sign of hearing me, so I walk over to him and attempt to grab his hand.

To my surprise and general horror, my hand goes right through his.

"What the fuck?" I breathe. "You're the one who's supposed to be dead."

Hmmm...maybe I should talk to the spirits in my ouija board..." Heizou mutters to literally nothing, smiling to himself.

He puts his backpack on the ground and pulls out a Ouija board.

A Ouija board that seems eerily similar to the one I found in our bedroom.

"Heizou, honey, did you learn nothing from highschool? Playing around with Ouija boards are only bad news." I say, conveniently forgetting that I used one myself not even a day ago.

"Yo spirits, can you make me as smart as Sango so I don't get fired in four months from inevitably failing to solve this case?" Heizou asks the air.

I don't know if I'm technically a spirit, but since I'm displaying the traits of one, perhaps I could use the board to talk to him?

I place my hand on top of his on the triangle and attempt to move it.

I succeed and move the triangle to 'yes'

Heizou's eyes light up.

"Let's go! You're my new favorite spirit now." He says.

I smile sadly.

Oh Heizou, always teasing people and joking around.

It's no wonder why he gets along with my brother so well.

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