Chapter Six: Ayato All Along

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I freeze as Raiden Shogun signals to a random guy in the back and he leads me/Kuni away.

I know where we're going.

But I do wonder, was myself getting re-trapped in The Shogun's purgatory-esque world a part of the plan?

I assume so, because it would be quite obvious to both Ayato and I that it would happen to me.

I tense up as that random guy hooks me/Kuni-chan up to an all too familiar machine.

I don't want to return, but if I remember what Ayato said, he mentioned that pink sticky note person has been trapping people's spirits in a hellish cycle of dreams.

And I think that they hellish cycle of dreams Ayato spoke about is the E.Ternity.

I have a feeling Ayato wishes me to find someone currently trapped in the E.Ternity.

And I have a feeling I know who that is.

My vision turns black as the random guy turns on the machine.

My entire body goes numb until I can't feel it anymore, and I feel my consciousness separating from my physical form.

It's a bit like bodyswapping but you can feel it a lot more.

When my vision finally returns to normal, I find myself back in the all too realistic world of the E.Ternity, which, for the sake of the narrative, I shall call it E.

I find my 'avatar' being of myself, as in not Kuni-chan's body, except I'm clothed in a strange sleeveless white shirt and orange yellow shorts.

I hate the aspect of this here white shirt, which is the fact that it also has no sides but I can't do anything about it really.

It makes my sides very cold.

On a brighter side, I know for a fact that Raiden Shogun cannot monitor what goes on inside E.

She won't know that I'm not Kuni-chan unless she actively enters E herself.

Although, as far as she knows, I could still be trapped inside E, as a former beta tester.

I shake my head and begin my search for a certain person.

Fortunately, it doesn't take long to find said person.

I find my target sadly drinking boba at a randomly placed bench.

I walk up to him and sit down across from him.

He lifts his head and his green gaze falls onto me.

His eyes widen.

"Heizou? Oh no, oh no, you were caught too?" He asks worriedly.

I shake my head.

"Nah, I'm here of my own accord. Anyways, how have you been these past five years Thoma?" I ask.

Thoma stares at me, confusion painting his face.

"Of your own accord?" He asks.

"Surprise! Ayato commissioned me to come save you!" I say cheerfully.

Thoma stays quiet for a moment before standing up and picking me up in a big hug.

The man is at least a foot taller than me, he can damn well pick me up via a hug.

Thoma smiles.

"I knew my Lord wouldn't give up on stopping the Shogun!" He says enthusiastically.

"Mhm. We have a solid plan." I say. "Please put me down now."

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