The First Time We Met(Edited)

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It was a sunny summer afternoon at Phuket when a certain someone decided that it may be a good time to go and soak up in the beach.

"Hey Ta, are you coming with me to the seaside?" He shouted. "If not, I'm leaving Grey with you." He added.

"No. I'll go later, I'm waiting for P'Ping." His brother answered before picking up Grey and walked back to the couch.

"Okay, I'll be back after a quick soak in the water." He said and went on his way to the beach.

"Hey, Bible where are you going?" Someone called out to him.

"Oh hey, I'm going to the beach for a swim." He replied.

"Okay. Then, I will not take much of your time, enjoy." The other person said before heading to the other side of the resort.

"Thanks P'Mile...please say hi to P'Apo and Jeff for me." He replied and then went on his way to the seaside.

The person whom He called P' was his older cousin, Mile Romsaithong and he has a younger brother named Jeff Worakamon Romsaithong, he also has husband named Apo Nattawin Isarapongporn, now Mr. Romsaithong.

Bible and Ta are so close with their cousins ever since their parents died, Their uncle Mr. Romsaithong took them in and look after them since then and now their cousins Mile and Jeff along with Apo are not just treating them as cousins but treat them as brothers.

At the seaside..

Before going in the water, Bible decided to have a walk and take some pictures of the beautiful scenery in fron of him. He never really liked taking pictures since their parents past away but went back to it when his uncle and cousins and even his younger brother encouraged him to do it again.

At first he doesn't want to do it but when one his friends, Perth told him that the photos that he exhibited on the school festival was the talk of the whole campus and that there's some people that liked his photos and had asked him to do more and make a photo exhibit in the future too.

After a while, he stopped by the rocks to sit in and look through the photos he took. While doing so, he stopped by a certain selfie that he took to take a look at it again as he thought that he only imagined that there's someone with him in one of his selfies (Authors Not: look at the image above👆🏻👆🏻)

In the photo, there's a man with a hat, blue shirt with green sleeves with the same hair length as him, in which the man on the photo has his mouth open as if he's waiting for someone to feed him. And for the first time in years after their parents' death, he unconsciously smiled.

"It looked nice." Someone said from behind him in which he flinched out of fright. "Are you a photographer?" The same person asked again.

"I uh....I'm not really a photographer, it's uhm... it's just my hobby." Bible replied while stuttering. "You scared me there for a sec." He added while chuckling.

"Just a hobby? You call that 'just a hobby?' come on man, they look beautiful and other than that, each of your photo has life and story in it." The man said while praising his photos. "If I were you I would open up a studio or I will put up my photots on an exhibit." Tha man added.

"*Chuckle*thanks for the compliment. I'm Bible, Bible Sumettikul and you are?" He asked.

"Oops hehehe, I'm Build, Build Puttha. Are you from here?" The man named Build asked him.

"No, we're from Chiang Mai. I'm here with my family.... we're just having a summer vacation here. My uncle owns a resort here." He replied in which Build nod as an agreement to his answer. "What about you, do you live here?" He added.

"You can say that, since I go to one of the schools here. But my older brother and I are from Chonburi." Build said with smile showing his beautiful set of dimples. "And did you just say that you're a Sumettikul, and the relatives you're talking about are the Romsaithongs, right?" He added, in which the latter nodded in agreement.

 "And did you just say that you're a Sumettikul, and the relatives you're talking about are the Romsaithongs, right?" He added, in which the latter nodded in agreement

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And just by that, Bible's heart beats like it was on a race, because he's never seen a smile as beautiful as this man that can also make one smile along with him.

"Why, do you know them?" Bible asked after a while.

"Well it kinda sounds familiar, your last name I mean...I kinda heard it from my Phi...and the Romsaithong, I think I heard them too from my second Phi." Build answered unsure if what he said was right or not. And again, Bible nodded his head as an understanding to what Build said. 'make sense'. Bible thought while throwing small rocks at the sea, and his suppose swimming long forgotten.

"Well, what about you I bet you're a senior or you're on college now. Am I right?" Build asked again this time when he noticed that the latter has become silent.

"I'm actually in 9th grade, so you're basically a senior of mine and we go to the same school too and I guess we're on different campus but sometimes me and my friends go there too as I wait for my cousin Jeff so we can go to have lunch together with his boyfriend." Bible replied politely in which made Build make face before hitting Bible on his forearm lightly. "Ouch, why'd you do that P'." He exclaimed while rubbing his arm.

"No need to be polite with me. Okay I may be in 12th grade, but no need for the honorifics you can talk to me informally and call me by my name because from now on, you're my friend and whenever you're with me, you don't need to be shy...just be yourself," Build said before standing up "well then...I'll be on my way now, I will not take much of your time. See you around." He added before going back to the direction of his and his brother's villa, while waving his hand at Bible. "It was nice meeting you too." Bible shouted back at Build while waving his hands in the air happily.

First chapter done🙌🏻🙌🏻
This is my first ff with different characters and a thaibl actors at that....I just wrote this because I had an idea of making a fanfiction about BibleBuild.

Let's all love and support Build Jakapan Puttha, and hopefully the truth will prevail and justice will be serve, the justice that we all want for Build Jakapan💙🖤💙🖤💙🖤

See you on the next chapter guys 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️

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