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After graduating, Build decided to come back home because he missed his older brothers and want to spend lots of time with them before starting his work in their company.

But what pissed him off the moment he stepped foot on their house to surprise his brothers was when he saw the woman who disgust him, Pam.

"What the hell are you doing here? And how did you know were I live?" He asked completely annoyed and irritated.

"Is that how you supposed to talk to her Build? You didn't even told us that you have a girlfriend and now you're acting like you didn't know her?" His P'Tong said who seems mad by Build's attitude and by how he treated Pam, but it's only what the eldest said but behind those words has different meaning in which only the three of them knows.

"Don't be mad at him P'Tong, I was the one who told Build not to tell you about us yet...I'm sure he didn't mean to raise his voice like that." Pam said acting like a good girlfriend who understands Build and put a smile on.

But the Puttha brothers alreadg knew that those smile isn't even real and are fake but they didn't show it to her on how annoyed they are to her.

"So, what are your plans Jak?" P'Us asked Build when their youngest brother chose to sit beside him and not beside Pam.

"Hmm, maybe meet my old friends and see how they're doing and maybe visit P'Mile, P'Apo and P'Jo." He answered looking straight at Pam's direction to see her reaction when he mentioned three men. "Oh and maybe visit Jeff, Job, N'Barcode, N'Ta and Bible." He added before drinking his juice.

"Uh...can I come babe, I wanna know the...." Before she could even finish what she was saying, Build cut her off.

"First of all don't you fxcking dare call me 'babe' because there was never an us since the beginning. And second NO, you can't come with me as I will not let my friends to be manipulated by you just like how you manipulated Art, Indy, Reward and Kenlert." He said sternly with emphasis in each of his words while glaring at her.

And because of what he said, Pam went silent and eat her food silently without muttering any words until she's done. When they're all finish eating their food, Build went up straight to his room to wash up and rest for a while before unpacking his luggage.

Meanwhile downstairs, his two eldest brothers are trying to console Pam who looks upset but deep inside she's mad....mad because this is not what she expected Build to react, she thought that by asking the latter if she could come to meet his friends she can make them all believe that she is his 'girlfriend' and make whoever the person that Build is in love with will know that he's taken and that he has no chance anymore.

"I-I...I should go Phi, maybe....maybe Build is not in the mood right that's why he said those things, we also had a little fight before going home....we were supposed to flight back here together but I went back first so that I can give him some time to cool down first....but anyways I should go home now, my parents would be upset if they knew that instead of celebrating with them, I am here with you guys." She said innocently in a make up story but changing it for the sake of not being caught red handedly.

And both brothers only nod their heads as if they understood her and pat her on her shoulder in a somewhat reassuring manner before walking her to the front door, making sure that she leaves their property before closing the door, locking it, put the security system on and went upstairs to Builds room.


Bible is celebrating with his younger brother at one of their cousins restaurants as the latter is now finished with senior year and so is his remaining days in college. Because of his intelligence, he got accelerated and now a 4th year college and is graduating in 2 weeks time. After their small celebration, the two brothers went back home and played video games for the rest of the day.

"Hey, have you contacted P'Biu na?" Ta asked out of the blue making his older brother to stop the game and looked at him as if he said something wrong. "Don't look at me like that...the last time I checked you two are still friends and none of you both said anything, I even had to ask P'Biu myself." He added.

"No....he dumped our friendship since the day he studied abroad. And I'm sure he's happy where he is right now or maybe he started to have a family of his own already." He replied.

"How sure are you when you didn't even tried to contact him or even check your messages, call or emails that he sent you. And no, don't answer me with 'I changed my number and email so what's the point' that you kept on telling me. Look Phi, P'Biu has just arrived here in Bangkok and I'm pretty sure he went straight to their family house." Ta said in a more matured voice.

"Even P'Us told me about an annoying lady who keeps teeling them that she's P'Biu's girlfriend and that they've been together since day one of their college life. But i didn't see any girl in P'Biu's social media....I even checked the girl's social media and you can already see that those photos of her with P'Biu is all edited and photoshopped." He added showing some photos that he found from the woman's social media accounts.

" what if he has a girlfriend now, you know that I am courting Pansa and if she said yes to me, it makes us even....he has a girlfriend and I too has girlfriend, it's a win-win situation." He replied coldly before getting up from the floor and went to his room and slammed the door in the process.

Inside his room, he lay down on his been thinking if he should check his old emails to see if what Ta told is true or not...after contemplating and considering his decision, he opened his laptop and opened his old email, thankfully he still remembers his password to his old email.

Checking the inbox, he sees nothing but old emails from Build...but what caught his attention was the important emails that he didn't remembered he had one. Opening the important mail, he saw lots of important emails from the man that he tried to forget all this years.

Reading each messages, he realized that it was only him who thinks that their friendship is already over, he even cursed himself from keeping their symbol of friendship when the other man still has it and wears it every single time.

He even stalked the girl's social media to see if what Ta told him is true or not. And by just looking at each of the photos that Pam posted are either photoshopped or edited...and when he saw Build's social media, it can be seen that he only posted photos of him or the nature and while scrolling throught Build's posts, he saw one post that he saw from Pam's post.

'What the hell, this woman is sick....she even replaced my face into hers.' He thought to himself still couldn't believe what he just saw and it pisses him off just thinking about what this woman could've done for people to believe her.

"Well let's just say that she manipulated all of P'Biu's friend in the States by saying that she's his girlfriend and that they're already in a relationship long before he started studying in the States." Ta said from the door before giving his phone to him to show his conversation with not only P'Tong, P'Us but also with Build.

"And I know her family....they own a small company and is trying to get a hold of P'Mile just so they can collaborate with them but P'Jeff is smart enough to tell P'Mile not to sign them up yet and they made the right decision as they have some illegal activities going on in there company." Ta added showing the tablet to him before leaving him to sink all the informations he just got.

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