The Plan of Exposing Her and her Family

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It's been weeks since Build came back from the States and since then, he busied himself in their company working as an employee as he doesn't want his brothers to spoil him and give him the highest position, he insisted on starting from where the other employees had started.

And since them, he seldom see Pam as he doesn't want to get involved in that woman's business much more as her boyfriend. He may be a silent person but he can be scary once he's been provoked....he even hired a private investigator to get to know who Pam is and what her family does. He gets even more interested to Pam as he gets to know more of her secrets and schemes, even her whole family are involved to her stupid schemes.

"I see you didn't stop investigating her and her family...any progress?" His P'Us' husband said.

"No and I will not stop until I know what she wants and she's manipulating every person close to me that she's my girlfriend when in reality she's not." He replied while reaching for the folder on his right and gave it to the older. "And guess what, she's been doing it ever since she was young just so she could get money from all her victims. I even made a plan to expose her and her entire family but I need to pretend around her that she already got me wrapped around her fingers....and when the time comes that she trusts me enough, I will tell the whole of Thailand maybe even the whole world of who she really is. After that, I'll make it look like I left or commited a suicide with a suicidal note that points to her." He added sharing his plan to him.

"But, won't it be too risky for such plan? What if it failed...what would you do?" The older asked after taking everything in.

"Don't worry P'JJ, I have back up plans if this plan failed." He said before sharing his other plans and filling him in too on what would be his contribution once he proceeds with his first plan.

After hearing the younger's back-up plan, he fished out his phone and send an SOS message to his boyfriend and Tong and also adding those who are close to their family adding a short message saying that it's pretty urgent and that Build has something important matter to discuss with them all and sent it after making sure that everyone will receive the message.

After that, Build stood up and said: "Actually Phi, send another message and tell them to meet us at your bar or wherever, just not here in the house....I can't risk talking my plans when I know that she had planted a spy camera around the house except for our rooms and bathrooms. I just remembered it now, I noticet it the moment I entered the house a few days ago....she probably thought that it wouldn't be too obvious and just planted them without checking her sorroundings first....and she might've mistaken the CCTV cameras displays or props but she had clearly disregard all of it and planted all her spy cams everywhere." He said before giving his phone to the older that shows Pam who's planting the spy cams into thinking that no one's paying attention or that no one's watching her every move.

Seeing that, JJ immediately sent a new message to everyone saying that change of plan and place....after sending the new message, Build and him immediately left the house and drove their way to their new meeting place that he had coordinated to all of them.

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