Friendship Over?...

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Before starting this...I have decided to make it a little fast forward and don't want to make it seem a little boring to read hehehe

It's been months since Build came back to Chon Buri from Chiang Mai and is doing pretty good at his last year, although it got quite hectic, he still finds time to call or text Bible whenever he's not that busy with all his paper work.

Sometimes they even sleep on one of their calls to the point where they wake up the next day still on call....only if they put their phones on plug to not make the call cut off.

And only a few months left before Build finishes senior year in High School and his older brothers have decided to let him study abroad just like them. They said that it's his choice where he wants to study as long as he graduates with a degree from the course of his choise too.

After graduating in senior high, he decided to study in the United States, just like his P'Tong who graduated at the Harvard University and his chosen course is Graphic Design/Art where he can make his own designs and let those didn't believe that he to can make an art that can be a masterpiece in the future, he also enter in some clubs that could help him enhance his skills not only in arts but also in photography.

When Bible graduated in senior year, he went to Bangkok University and took the course mechanical engineering as he is good in it according to his younger brother Ta. And thanks to his P'Jo, he doesn't have to live in apartment as his older brother let him live in his condo as the older said that it is also closer to his school and don't need to travel that far anymore as it's only a few minutes away.

The only thing that changed for the both of them is the time zones....whenever Bible tried to call the other through video call via Skype, Build would be asleep or at school and vice versa, until they both lost contact with each other....thinking that the other doesn't want to be friends with the other, so instead of sulking in one corner and questioning why the other gave up that easily on their friendship, they just made themselves busy and made new friends.

"Are you two still not talking to each other?" One of Bible's friend asked.

"No...and why would I talk to him when in the first place he broke our friendship." He replied coldly continuing the project that they're doing in his condo.

"How can you be sure that he doesn't want to be friends with you anymore, have you asked him if he still wanna be your best friend or not?" The same person asked again.

"You know Ble, Perth is right...why don't you try and ask him about it ?" Bas said agreeing to what Perth had said. That also made the latter to think it over but then shook the idea off and just continue what he was doing and didn't answer his friends.


Build just got out of his place when sneezed thinking that someone had remembered him. Getting inside his car, he saw that something was he went back up to his condo near the university to check if he forgot the thing that he always wear and can't leave not unless he's wearing the two most important thing he had aside from the one that he made. After making sure he has it, he drove his way to his friend's place so that they can talk about the presentation that they're going to report the day after tomorrow.

When he arrived at his friend's house, he was welcomed by a pretty girl, he thought that she is Art or Indy's sister but she wasn't. The said girl was one of their group mates but only now he knew about her or seen her.

"Why didn't you tell me that she's here or when did she decided to join us?" He whispered yell at his other friend, Reward.

"Sorry man, we didn't know too...not until Kenlert told us that she's gonna join us and help us to do the presentation tonight." The latter said honestly as he too doesn't know about it.

" that we're all are here, shall we start?" The man called Kenlert said with a wide smile, but Build didn't sat on his place....instead he went out to the porch as it seems that Kenlert doesn't want him to be part of the project anymore.

"A penny for your thought?" The girl asked after a few minutes of hime being out in the porch.

"Are you sure you're in our group or are you just here to pester me?" Build said straightforwardly not looking at the girl. "You know I hate when girls throw themselves to me and ask me to be with them and be their boyfriend....but you.... you're too bold to come here and use the group project to be here. Do you really think that I can fall in love with you, girl dream on because believe it or not I'm not into you and I am gay, how many times do I have to tell you about me being gay?" He said coldly still not sparing any glance to the said woman.

"Well, I don't believe you unless you have proof that you're not attracted to me." The woman answered before sitting beside Build and linking her hands with him and that it only made Build to be more annoyed and be disgusted with her mere presence before he stood up, leave the woman alone in the porch and walked to his car and leave the place.

Driving back to his place, Build glance at his hand smiling sadly as he remembered that the person that he's been thinking for months now hasn't contacted him yet...he even leave multiple messages and calls and even emails but didn't get any replies from the latter.

Entering his room, he took off the necklace and looked at it before looking at the pendant...doing so, he saw that there was a letter engraved at center of's his initial and Bible's...'J♡W'. Seeing that, he couldn't help but teared up with a sad smile. 'Maybe it's over for us...maybe he doesn't want to be friends with me anymore, but I'll wait....I'll wait until the day we meet again, I won't give up on us Ben...I won't.....just you wait.' He thought wearing the necklace again before lying down on his bed. their friendship really over now? Did Bible didn't want to be friends with him anymore? And...what did he do wrong for their friendship to be over just like that?

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