Give Peace for the Nice Lich

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(Crunchyroll decided to make Konosuba a premium show to watch, like what the fuck?! So I had to spend a little while to find a site that uses the sub version with English subtitles.)

(Also this chapter might be a little bad since I got kinda made, because I accidentally started the next chapter before this one. I was happy to start writing the next one, because Darkness comes back and I'm doing something really good in the next one)

The party is sitting at a table at the guild. Megumin, Smaug, and Aqua on one side with Kazuma on the other.

Smaug is resting her cheek on the table as drool falls from the corner of her mouth. "So hungry."

Aqua's and Megumin's stomachs growl.

"Tomorrow we're going to a dungeon." Kazuma states.

"No." Megumin quickly says.

"We are."

"No, no way!"

"We are! We are!" Kazuma yells to Megumin.

"I mean, I'm practically useless inside a dungeon!" Megumin cries out. "I can't use explosion magic, which makes me an ordinary civilian!"

"Remember when you joined up with us, and you said you'd carry our bags, or whatever we needed?"

Megumin looks down in sadness and Smaug raises her tail up and Megumin quickly hugs it tightly. 

"Hey, can't we wait until Darkness gets back?" Aqua asks.

Kazuma stands up and slams his hand onto the table. "Listen to me! Right now, we've got as much debt as some countries! If we don't do something, we'll starve to death! How can you guys not understand this?!" He starts to rubs his hair.

"Even though I'm being paid more now for folding those milk cartons?" 

"Are you stupid?! Of course you are!"

"Even thought I've been selling vegetables non-stop?" 

Smaug closes her eyes. "Smaug's tried, you guys are way to loud."

"Shut-up Smaug!" Kazuma shouts and he turns back to Aqua as he reaches for something in hos pocket. "Those side and part-time jobs are never going to bring us the kind of money we need!"

Kazuma slams a piece of paper onto the table and the three girls look at it.

Kazuma slams a piece of paper onto the table and the three girls look at it

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"For beginners... Keele's Dungeon?" Aqua reads the paper. "Hasn't this place been thoroughly explored already?"

"Well, the thing is..." Luna walks over to the table. "Recently, a new passage was discovered by accident, so there was going to be a large-scale quest to escort the survey team..."

"But I asked her to give us the first crack at it." Kazuma informs the party.

Luna smiles. "That being the case, the other adventurers don't know about it yet."

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