Chapter 1

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B.e.a.t-Selena Gomez

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Dear Diary,

Could life be better than this? Never. After finishing school and college , my friends and I am going to go to Haiden, the best place for learning Witchcraft and Wizadry in the world.We had enrolled our names for the new session and were immediately accepted.Well, there is always an advantage for having a mom as a wizard,right? People won't question my witch powers .

Camelia, didn't mind coming at all , she had never been in friendly terms with her step-mom and escaping from her family is something she had always asked from Santa since she was thirteen every Christmas.Arianne,on the other hand really didn't want to go,because as she had sweetly said-'she was too busy making her career',huh.But,at last we got her to tag along with us too. As for Naomi and Janelle,they fell in the same category as me, we just needed a reason to run away from this too perfect world.

Today is the last day for us in our hometown, Maryland, tomorrow we'll be boarding the train that will take us to our hostel cum school.I know,there are going to be so many things which I am going to miss when I live there, my bed,the teddy I used to cuddle with every night till I turned nineteen last December.Above all, I am going to miss my mom so much. She was the only person who I always shared my most innermost feelings to. After reaching there, I'll probably have no one.Oh,god,why do I sound so pathetic?

"Cher!" I jolt up from my journal to see Camelia at the door, her posture as graceful as usual.She had her hands jammed in her dark skinny jeans' pocket and had the trademark grin on her face. I immediately shot up and took her in a bone crushing hug.

"Somebody's missed me...." Camelia teased.

"Of course! How do you think I was going to survive without your beautiful face to brighten my day?"I joked.

"Got your things packed,Cher?"

"Yeah.I'm all set,where are the others?"I asked.

"Oh,Aunt Valerie was giving them some chocolate cookies downstairs and the girls couldn't resist the temptation"

"Had to be. Mom missed you guys so much"

Camelia smiled and we made our way downstairs to meet the others.True to Camelia's word everyone was having a gala time in the kitchen.

Naomi was munching on chocolate cookies sitting on the kitchen countertop, Arianne was on the couch in the sitting room watching New Girl and Janelle was talking with my mom near her.

"Sorry to interrupt" I smiled "But,we should get going"

My mom stood up and hugged me kissing my forehead,"I'll miss you baby girl"

"I'll miss you too Mama"I replied.

She looked at me with a lot of emotion that it was hard to look up at her,so I stared at my perfectly manicured hands,which were recently painted black.

"I love you,mom" I said and she smiled before letting me go.

"All the best my girls,may God bless you" Mom smiled at everyone and walked us to the main door of our big mansion.

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