Chapter 36

385 36 3

Song for this chapter-

Love Myself- Hailee Steinfeld


"A very hearty welcome to one and all." The announcer, who I recognized as Alisha Abraham from the Leuchen clan speak in the mic " This is the most important game of Haiden and is played every year as a mark of the end of term celebration. The four renowned clans-The Galdiators, The Leuchens, The Seasons and the Jorians are all geared up for the best game of the year!"

A round of applause was heard from everyone as they took their seats.The ground behind the Main Building where our Flying Lessons took place, was the venue where the Winded Wars took place every year. The four clans assembled down in their own huge groups along with the house teachers and their monitors.

"The competitors for the Second Stage who are willing to come and solve the next two riddles are asked to come to Professor here." Alisha said, indicating to wards Mr. Lucifield. "Three competitors each clan."

"I elect Naomi, Brenton and Janelle for this." I told our clan.Everyone nodded in agreement. Naomi was well-known as the nerd in our clan and Brent was wise and intelligent while Jane had no problem figuring out underlying meanings to sentences. They would work together, perfectly.

"C'mon people don't be shy.This is your chance!" The announcer emphasized on the last word.

"Wish us luck." Janelle said before swiftly getting up and walking to the leveled platform where Professor sat along with the others. Each clan had two papers now and everyone had furrowed eyebrows as they went through the paper, even Naomi, was it that difficult and comprehend?

"They kind of look tensed." Cherry whispered.

"Fifteen minutes before we take up your papers.Time starts....NOW!"Alisha shouted and the clan members ran in different directions to find answers to their riddles.

"The members are allowed to take aid from library or something, like referring to some book for instance, but of course it has to be done by the three participants only, no  help, whatsoever, can be taken from the other members."

Oh, crap.


It was around twenty minutes later, that Naomi, Janelle and Brenton came back, with wide grins on their faces,  right after the Jorians team which had two blonde goth girls with a really tall guy. The Gladiator and Leuchen clan members were nowhere in sight. As expected, of course, because the Gladiators did not have much brains, they used their physical strength to win battles.

The three of them had triumphant looks as they handed their answer sheet and came back to us. They were instantly attacked by numerous questions.

"How was it?!"

"Couldn't you people complete it a bit earlier?" That had to be Arianne.

"Wait,wait,what were the questions?" Natalie Case asked from behind.

"Yeah, about that..." Janelle spoke up. "Brent, you got that  extra paper?"

"Coming right up." He piped as he pulled out a piece of paper from his jacket pocket.

"That's what we got, I have some doubt with the second riddle, it was kinda complicated you see..." Naomi explained us.

In bold letters the Third Riddle was written.

Adorned with ivory,coloured with gold

Shiny as the stars, easier to mould.

"Hmm...that means The Vessel of Eternity is coloured golden and is pretty shiny and it has designs in ivory, but easier to mould...?" Arianne asked.

"Oh, you see Lead , Mercury,Cesium are metals which are known to be the softest, so they are easier to mould as well." Naomi said.

"So, which metal is this out of the three?" Jacob Reay asked.

"We had judged it on the basis of it's appearance and reactivity and also it's thermal and electrical conductivity, based on that it is Lead, because it's appearance can be changed with the gold by electroplating." Brenton said.

"Oh, I see." Arianne mumbled. "What's the Fourth Riddle, guys?"

"Here" Brenton turned the sheet and there were a few more scribbled sentences on it.

If you can take the darkness and  yet radiate  light

If you see their sins and yet believe in your sight.

 "This riddle tells us about the person who will be able to find the Vessel,am I correct?"Camelia echoed.

"Precisely,yes. But, it also gives us details about who that person is, someone who might have darkness but who  still has enough place to take in the light, that is a person who can see others' sins and yet love them as they are and when needed show them their mistakes and guiding them to the correct path." Naomi explained. "At, least that's what we got."

"Appreciative." Cason said. "Shall we go and change? We can get someone else from our clan to inform us about the results and ranks after the second stage."

"Yeah, sure." I agreed. "Ask Catherine Baxter and Nora Xavier to let us know as soon as the results are announced."

The nine of us got up from our seats right  in the front row and left for our respective buildings for changing into our war clothes for the third stage of the Winded Wars.

As I put the key of our dorm inside the attached lock, it clicked open, and the things inside were vaguely visible by the light light from the corridor lamp.

Hearts steaming with anticipation and excitement, we changed into the black jeans and white shirt with a leather jacket to go with it. The four of us opened the wooden case we had in our wardrobe and took out our ivory wands.

"Let's hope the girls can pull it off." I murmured.

"Of course they will. We will win, just like the previous year." Brenton assured me.

"C'mon, now, I don't Camelia or Cherry making fun of us because we accidentally happened to take longer time to get ready than them." Darren groaned.

A small smile hinted on my lips before vanishing away completely. Now was not the time to have fun and amusement, Jovial.


Thankyou for reading guys! It's been two days since my last update and i wantede to update soon 'cause I wanna complete the story fast. Just so you know, the story has 50 chapters in total equally divided by 2 chaps of Cherry's POV and the latter half 25 of Maurice's POV.

Next update in a day or two!! Keep VOTING AND COMMENTING!! DO NT BE A SILENT READER PLEASE!!




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