Chapter 35

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Song for this chapter-

The Call-Regina Spektor


"Ouch!" A familiar female voice exclaimed in pain as I bumped into her. I backed away a little and noticed it was none other than Kendall, herself.

"Maurice?" She inquired. "What happened?"

"You okay, Kendall? I was just...worried about you..." I said.

"Worried? Just for a couple of minutes in the ladies washroom?" She eyed me incredulously.

My eyes turned dark and cold at that comment."A couple of minutes is enough for the Evil Side members to abduct you, when there is no security of Haiden, no  telepathic connection between you and me.Enough harm can be done."

The aura around us darkened. My worries taking over, where were the Venator brothers now?They surely did not stop chasing after my mate, as she was the destined Princess of Darkness.They would never give up, and it is impossible to detain them in their quest.

"We should go.The others are waiting outside." I told her, breaking the silence. She nodded and guided me outside the crowded cafeteria, while the manager gave me a weird look as we were leaving probably thinking.'What was wrong with that dude a few minutes back?'

"People" My mate spoke as soon as we had reached the group outside.

"Yes, Cher?" Everyone asked in unison. She smiled at that coincidence and then said. "Why did no one prevent my mate dearest not to barge into the ladies washroom like that.Thank God, it was just me, or else there would have been a big drama out there."

Everyone started laughing , Darren said. "Well, sis, your mate is very dangerous and scary. We did not want to be in his bad books., he could've fried us for lunch, ya know"

"Darren" I said in a warning tone. He winked at me and I shook my head. He really liked pulling everyone's leg.

"Let's go now, Cher. I am sure you don't feel good after all that excitement and milkshake betting." I reminded her. " Rest would be good, tomorrow starts the Winded Wars, and it consumes a lot of your energy, trust me."

"Ha. Tell me about it." Brenton said before running his fingers through his hair.


It wasn't until night, after dinner, that Kendall and I had some time to talk about our planning for the New York trip.

"Aren't you nervous?" I asked her.

"Why?" She quirked her eyebrows at me . " Why would I be nervous?"

"Meeting my family...I heard girls panic a lot about stuff like these..."

She punched me on my arm. "Are you comparing me with other girls..?"

"Never." I swore,shaking my head vigorously. "Never can I compare my beloved to the rest of the female population of the world."

She laughed at my feigned innocence and kept on walking. We were in the first floor of the girl's building. Sure, i wasn't allowed to enter, but everyone was in the common room and we had no CCTV cameras so this interaction was allowed. So, we were pretty safe.

"But, something I do know, honey, you are scared of dealing with all that paparazzi and groupies who would follow us everywhere during our vacation, thanks to your parents for being famous." She said.

"Actually."I sighed. "I wouldn't have gone back at all. That world is not for me, all that glitter and glamour where everything is just fake and fragile,it's not my type."

"I know" She paused. "I am scared about the Evil Side searching for had cost a lot. I don't know what happened exactly, or rather how it happened...our telepathic connection.I don't  understand how it got lost.There has to be a cure right?"

"There is a cure, for sure, but we need to see, if it's actually possible for us to try it.I know Alec Martin from Gladiators clan and his mate, Fenella Wells, during their previous game, of The Winded Wars, which was held last year,Fenella had lost her pendant, and that was the end of their connection." I told her. "That's exactly the reason why, I  am afraid, now that you've been to The Evil Side once and with that tattoo...I don't think we would be good at this so easily. Alec and Fenella had done everything in their power to get their connection back , but it had been weak right from the start and with one pendant lost, they had no chance of retrieving their connectivity back."

"Oh Jesus" She breathed. "That sounds rough...Maurice, are you sure we will be able to get through this or will we also be...?"

I held her by her waist and brought her closer, she stopped talking instantly, our faces a few inches apart. I could feel her breath.

"Never" I whispered. "Never are you to even think like that ever."

She gazed into my eyes, her facial features detectable because of the moonlight that flooded inside the building.

"I trust you.It's gonna be okay.." She spoke softly, looking at me.  The small tingles that I had been feeling ever since our touch, were now in rapid electric waves. Our proximity, always, always had to be so  electrifying. 

Kendall closed the gap between us  without hesitation, her lips were soft against mine, a sweet smell of strawberry this time, and that's when a rush of adrenaline hit me and I kissed her back with much more passion than I had intended to, remembering the place we were standing. Her hands wrapped around my neck as we made out, right there, in the girls' building corridor.

"Maurice" She breathed , as we backed out from each other to take in some oxygen.The kiss had left us breathless.
She looked like she wanted to say something more, and I knew exactly what she wanted to.

"I..." She began, but I placed my index finger on her lip, shutting her down.

"You and I." I motioned between us with my hand. "We don't  swear our love for each other like other couples. Swearing our love for each other will be cheap. I know you love me, and you know that I love you and it reflects in our actions, in our thoughts, in our deeds and in our hearts, the more we express our love in words, the less valuable and unique it becomes."

She gave me bright smile before pulling me in for a hug.

"You can never stop lecturing me about how special I am for being your mate, can you?" She teased.


Cason:Hello, everyone out there!


Maurice:'s so tiring to go and click on the vote button...

Brenton:How old are you  eighty three? Go and click on the vote button you ass or Anna stops the TDMM story like this when the best part is YET to come in the next few chapters!

 Hello guys, it's me Anna, tell me how you liked this chappy..had been writing it for a longg time. COMMENTS AND VOTES HIGHLY REQUIRED!!


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