Chapter 17

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Wounded people are keep walking in to the emergency room. Most of them are by foot, holding on to one another. I keep trying to reach Evan, but he doesn't answer. They were at the pier, him and Christopher, probably right when the big wave came, and took the whole pier away. Is that actually what happened? Did that big wave take the whole pier and the people on there with it? Even thinking about it makes it harder to breath. I walk up to the emergency station, while I try to catch my breath, and calm myself down.
    "You're coming with us, Kinsley," I hear someone say behind me. I turn around, and see Jackson standing beside me. "Get an emergency bag, and come with me," he says without explaining where we're going. I grab one of the bags and walk after him through the halls of the hospital.
    "Avery, where are we going, if you don't mind me asking?" Put before he could answer we're standing outside next to two big ambulances. Jo, Meredith, Alex, and a couple of the interns are already loading up the ambulances.
    "They set up camp closer to the coast, and we are going to help them out," Jackson finally explains. "You're ready?" I nod my head and step on one of the ambulances. I take a seat beside Alex, with two interns across from me. I never really talked to them, and to be honest, I never actually remembered their names. Now I think about it, it is not really that great. Why did I never take the time to get to know the new people?

The motor starts, and we drive away from the hospital. I look around the inside of the ambulance, and I feel my body getting a bit nervous. I try to take a few deep breaths, which I really hoped would work. But it didn't, unfortunately. The drive isn't very smooth, understandable, but not helping either. Everyone probably thinks that I'm over it, that I left my memories about the accident behind me, and went on. I don't blame them, because I never even talked about it anymore. Not even to Alex. I try to calm myself, but I start to see flashes of my old memories. I see the prisoner lying on the gurney, eyeing me with a creepy stare. I remember losing consciousness when I bumped my head. I see the police officer lying on the floor of the ambulance, with a bullet wound. I take a deep breath again.
    "Hi, are you okay?" I hear a woman's voice ask, and I look up. Both of the interns are staring at me. One of them has long blond hair, which she had bound in two tight braids. The intern next to her is the guy I yelled at last time. I know his last name is Smith, because I helped him study one time.
    "I'm fine," I answer without even thinking for a second longer.
    "Well, you don't look fine," I hear Smith say next to the blond intern.
    "Do you not like ambulances?" she continues. I shake my head, without saying anything.                  "Because I would get it if you did. I heard this story about an ambulance going over a cliff. I think there was someone from Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital on it."
    "Yes, there was definitely one of us on that ambulance. And I heard rumours about a serial killer escaping that day," Smith reacts.
    "I heard that too, how crazy is that."
    "Can you two shut up," I hear Alex almost shouting next to me, which got their attention.
    "Do you know more about this?" Smith asks Alex.
    "Do you know who it is?" the girl asks.
    "It was me, okay. I don't like riding on an ambulance because it was me that day," I speak, eventually, in an attempt to shut them up.
    "I knew it," the woman reacts.
    "You didn't ...," Alex starts, but I interrupt him.
    "You didn't know that. And for the record, it wasn't a serial killer. He never killed three people." They both look at me, and for the first time, since they got on the ambulance, they're quiet. "Can we please move on now?" and they both nod their heads.
After a couple of minutes of quietness, the ambulance stops.
    "Did they ever get that man who escaped that day?" the female intern asks me, before she gets off the ambulance.
    "You would shut up about it," I hear Alex say behind me.
    "Sorry, I was just wondering," she reacts quietly, and steps out of the ambulance. He has actually never been seen again. The police never told the public they arrested him, and I hope they never stopped looking. We take the hospital supplies we brought out of the ambulance, and we take them to the entrance of the emergency hospital. I walk into the building with Alex by my side.
    "Sorry for those interns, by the way. They don't know when to shut up."
    "I'm okay, don't worry about it. They were just curious, I get it." We put all the supplies down and admittedly go to work.
    "All done, try to keep the wound clean," the fifteen-year-old boy nods his head. "Don't forget to clean the bandages when needed," I add while I look at his mother who is standing behind him. She nods her heads. "You guys can get some water and food outside if you like."
    "Thank you," they both say before they leave. I clean the used instruments, and get some water. I try to reach Evan again, but again no answer. By now I think of the worst scenario, and I see him somewhere in the water, faced down, without Christopher anywhere inside.
    "We need your help, Kinsley," I hear Alex shouting, and I walk up to him. He is pushing a gurney to one of the doors, up to an emergency OR, and I walk after him. I close the door behind us, and I walk up to the person on the gurney. On the gurney is a young woman from around my age. She's unconscious, and has some guts on her face and arms. And it seems like she's pregnant.
    "Ready for an emergency C-section?" some doctor I don't know asks.
    "Here, you're going to do one here?" I ask him surprised.
    "We're not able to drive her to an actual hospital." Of course, they aren't, because there is no time. I feel sorry for her without even knowing the pregnant woman. No one wants to bring her baby to life like this, without even knowing what is happening. "Her pulse his stable, we have to do this right now," the doctor says, and he starts to make an incision.

After what felt like only a few minutes, I walk out of the OR. I walk through the doors, ignoring my surroundings. I walk up to the entrance in need of some air.
    "Sam, what are you doing here?" I hear a familiar voice say, but don't react. I keep walking to the entrance, but then I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Sam, are you okay?" I hear the voice ask, and I turn around. "Are you okay?" I hear again, and I look up, and see Eddie's worried face.
    "I lost someone a few minutes ago," I answer him. The little boy was brought to life, and it looks like he is going to be okay. His mother, on the other hand, died due to her injuries. She had multiple internal bleeds, and we weren't able to save her. So, the little boy came to life and lost his mother on the same day, at the moment, even in the same ten minutes.
    "I'm sorry, are you okay?"
    "Yeah, I will be." I take a few deep breaths, and try to bare my feelings. "Have you heard something from Buck?"
    "No, but he is probably safely at his apartment with Christopher," Eddie answers with a smile, and I realize he doesn't know where they went today. Should I tell him? He has a right to know what is going on, and that his kid is probably not that safe as he thinks.
    "Eddie Buck took Christopher to...," but before I can tell him, I see Alex waving at me. "I need to go, but I will be right back," I say quickly. I walk up to Alex, and I feel Eddie's eyes on me.

After I got some people stitched up, I clean up and search the room to find Eddie. But I can't find him anywhere. I walk to the exit and step outside. To my surprise, Eddie is standing next to a delivery van with his son in his arms. How is that even possible, and if Christopher is here, where is Evan?
    "Where are you, Buck?" I say out loud to myself, and I walk up to Eddie. Christopher sees me walking up to me, and he opens his arms. I walk up to him, and give him a hug. "How are you feeling, are you hurting?" I ask him.
    "I would appreciate it if you could check him out," Eddie says. I nod my head.
    "But she has to hug Buck," Christopher says all of a sudden. I look surprised at the kid. Christopher shows me a big smile, and he points to something behind me. I turn around, admittedly, and there he is. Buck is actually here, he is safe. I run up to him, and he looks relived seeing my face.
    "Sammy, Sammy, are you really here?" he asks surprised.
    "Yes, and you're safe. Are you hurt, are you bleeding?"
    "I'm okay," he says, but I know that's not true because I can see a big cut on his arm.
    "I will look at your arm in a sec., but first I need to do this." I take his head between my hands and kiss his lips. Evan is surprised at first, but after a few seconds his lips are working with mine.

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