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A/N Hey everyone, trying to switch things up a bit. I started on here when I was around 13 and wrote fan fictions because what else would you do at 13. Now over 10 years later, i've really started enjoying writing and decided to give it another go. I hope you enjoy this story.

Everything in this story is a figment of my imagination especially since i have no idea how billionaires are haha. Enjoy!

Genevieve, 24, youngest daughter of the Stagliano family. Was not suppose to happen but ended up being a miracle child. Having two children already and seeing how they've been affected by the spotlight of their families wealth, Gen's parents decided to keep her a secret and step back out of the spotlight for a bit. Letting their family grow up with out everybody knowing their business. Of course their two older children are well known, they can't stop that. Maybe Gen will get to lead a normal life.

Kiara, 28, oldest daughter of the Stagliano family. Loves her little siblings with all her heart. Has a career in fashion and her own line that she got with a little help from her father. She has an amazing fashion sense and makes the most beautiful designs. She just didn't know how to get started. While no one knows who her younger sister is, she took that to her advantage and had her model almost all of her designs. They look amazing on her anyway. But now she has models of her own so she no longer needs to drag her sister, or even her younger brother out of their rooms and force them to do a fashion show.

Jameson, 26, the middle child and only son of the Stagliano family. He is always with their father as he will be taking over the company one day. That being said, he is one of the biggest lawyers in the country. The biggest being his father, like father like son and that's exactly how it is. Partying is not his thing but he will go out every now and then with his buddies, especially when his closest friend gets out of the military.

Oliver McGarret, 26, Jameson's best friend and the youngest of his siblings. Granted he just has an older sister, who is best friends with Kiara. Him and his sister are some of the only people who knew who Genevieve was growing up. At 18 Oliver enlisted into the military and has been serving his country ever since. After getting in an accident over seas and needing pins in his leg, he had a minor stroke from who knows what and has since been medically discharged from the military. But that does not affect him at all. After doing loads of PT and getting cleared by three different doctors, he just beeps when going through a security check. That's all, which makes flying not fun but he doesn't mind.

At 24 years old, Geneveive has graduated form college with a culinary degree and wants to open her own shop. Of course her father was more then happy to give her the money and get everything started for her. But growing up she learned to do a lot for herself and taking pride in making her own money. While she loved her siblings they always went to their father when they needed something and didn't get a job until they were forced to in college. Gen had a job at 16 working in a small restaurant/cafe in her town. She kept it a secret from her family for about 4 months until her parents got suspicious and looked at her bank account. She came clean right then and there and cried, she felt bad but wanted to make her own money. Her parents weren't mad, they were proud of their little girl. Ever since then, her father has been putting money into a savings account for Gen. He knew she wouldn't want him to but if she ever found her self in trouble he would tell her about the account. Until then, she'd have no idea.

Once she turned 21, her parents starting bringing her along to all the events they attended, normally Gen would just want to stay home while her parents and siblings went but she sparked in interest around 18 and her parents made her wait until 21 to bring her out. They wanted to make sure she was ready for what ever questions would be thrown her way. But surprisingly, she only made it to two events and no one really asked questions. Some thought she was Jameson's girlfriend - ew - others thought she was their niece. She didn't mind. So when her parents had asked if she wanted to attend the party the family was invited to she agreed. Little did she know a lot of things were planned for this party, but what happened wasn't.

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