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"Gen! Kiara is home, come down for dinner!" I heard my mom yell

Closing my notebook, I stood up from the chair I was in and pushed it into my desk. Grabbing my phone, I shoved that in my pocket before heading down the stairs and seeing my sister in the living room with my brother and her husband

"Well look who it is" I smiled

Kiara turned around and wrapped her arms around me as soon as I was close enough.

"Oh I missed you, how have you been. Congrats on graduation! I'm sorry I couldn't make it I was in paris" She pouted

"It's fine" I laughed "I got the dress you sent and it was perfect"

"Oh i'm so glad" She smiled

I'm actually wearing it tonight too. It was a red, long sleeve dress that went down to the floor. How she got her measurements on the nose were beyond me, but then again I haven't grown much since the last time I wore one of my sisters outfits. The top of the dress was lace and hugged me in all the right places, it also had an open back along with two slits on either leg stopping mid thigh. I love it, and can't wait for my sister to see me wearing it tonight either. Heading into the dining room, we all sat around the table and our father cleared his throat.

"I hope you are all ready fro the party tomorrow. It's being held for a few reasons but I hope you all enjoy yourselves. And since all three of your are above drinking age, please don't over do it. Jameson" Our father said

"That was one time" My brother groaned

Our father shook his head while our mother just laughed softly. After saying grace we all dug into dinner and chatted about how our days have been. Mostly Kiara since she no longer lives at home.


"Gi are you ready?" Kiara asked

"I'm just pulling my shoes on. Do you have a minute?" I called back zipping up the second boot

"Yeah why- wait. Omg, that's the dress. It looks so good, spin" Kiara yelled

I just smiled and shook my head at my sister but did as told. I watched as she smiled and pulled out her phone taking pictures.

"Okay, i'm going to post these later but what can I help you with" My sister asked

"Hair and makeup. I was never good at it" I pouted

"Of course. Let's go to my room" She said

Following my sister down the hall, we made the left turn in to her room and I sat on a stool, bench? I don't know. My sister spent the next half hour getting my hair done and doing make up while also muttering how she wishes she had more time.

"Girl's! We are going to be late!" I heard my father call

"Okay, done. It's not my best work but you still look amazing. We are going to have to tell Jamie to keep watch tonight" My sister smiled

"Thank you" I smiled back

Leaving my sisters room, I stopped back at mine to grab my bag and jacket. Pulling that on, I put my phone, wallet, keys, and the lip gloss my sister used in the bag before draping that across my body. Heading down stairs, my sister was behind me and she went over to her husband who kissed her. Heading outside, we all piled in the family SUV and my father drove us to where ever we were going. I never really pay attention when I go. Pulling into an underground parking garage, we all piled out and someone took the car to, I hope, park it.

"Alright, we have a table with the McGarret family, so when it's time to sit down we can all find each other.

"Oh! I can't wait to see Cindy. I haven't seen her since our wedding hun" Kiara said holding her husbands arm.

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