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You know. Maybe Jaci was right. I did get nervous any time I went out with a guy in college. Oh, don't get me started on the one's I dated in High School. I think the longest one that lasted then was 6 months. He never met my family because I refused. I always said they were busy with meetings or cases, his older brother told him to break up with me though because he knew Jameson. Guess they weren't friends. I didn't mind. I don't think I actually cared about a break up until college. Now, here I am getting butterflies in my stomach because i'm going on a date with the kid I grew up with. It's still summer and fucking hot, we all just got done work and it's Sunday. So, we actually have a bit of day light left today.

"Hey girl. Oliver is down stairs already" Jaci said walking in my room

"Does this look okay?" I asked

"Yes, you look amazing. Now go so I can make the sushi I've been excited about" She laughed

Shaking my head, I grabbed my phone off my bed and shoved my wallet in my shorts pocket. Heading down to the front door, Oliver stood up from the chair and smiled at me.

"Hey, you look beautiful" He smiled

"Thanks" I said and put my head down

"Let's go" I heard him chuckled

Following Oliver out the door we got into his truck and I looked at him.

"First, you look very nice" I said "Second, where's Juno?" I asked

"Thank you. And i'm leaving him here. There's no storms today and hopefully no triggers are around. So I feel comfortable leaving him. Plus he's limping from a rock that got stuck in between his paw pads so he's on crate rest" Oliver replied

I nodded and watched as we drove down the many back roads in this area. We live, pretty much, in the middle of no where. I love it because I can explore our property and I don't like neighbors. Once we get farm animals I will be very happy. Coming into town, we drove around a bit before he pulled into an Italian restaurant.

"Wait, I've been wanting to come here" I said looking at him

"I know" He laughed "You say it every time we pass here"

"I don't say it loudly though" I replied

"I know, but I can read lips and I watch the way you stare." Oliver smiled

"Military boy" I muttered

Looking over at Oliver. He was giving me an amused look before he laughed. Getting out of the truck, we headed inside and this man made reservations. Look at him go. Following the hostess through the very fancy place, we got seated at a booth and handed menus.

"Now. I know this place can be pricey. Don't worry about it. Get what you want" Oliver said

"You didn't even give me a chance to sigh at the prices" I laughed

"Ignore the prices Vi" He laughed back

"Hello, can I start you two off with drinks tonight?" A waiter said

"Can I get sprite" He asked

"Mhmm, and you miss?" The waiter asked

"Sprite as well please" I smiled lightly

"Any appetizers or do you two need more time?" The waiter asked

"More time" Oliver replied

"Okay, I will be right back with your drinks" The man said

A minute or two later he came back with both sprites, as well as a bowl of bread and a plate of peppers. Oh it smells good. Looking at Oliver he grabbed a piece of cut up bread and took some peppers off the plate. I did the same thing but dipped the bread in the juice first. Looking over the menu, I decided on the filet with broccoli and mashed potatoes.

The Billionaires Forgotten DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now