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"Oh. My. God" I said as I walked around the store

It's Sunday and I'm food shopping. We got done work and hour ago and we realized we needed food because it's going to storm tonight into tomorrow and we're not leaving the house. Our opening day went well and we had a lot of people stop even. The gas station owner had gotten lunch from us every day, always getting something different. He's super nice. We are taking note of what is getting ordered and probably going to do a menu change sometime this week. Pull things that are not selling at all and maybe add a thing or two that we did not originally put on the menu. We have a few things we can make in bulk and freeze. Mostly the desserts because they all go in containers and get served that way, even when people eat in. Cookies we make everyday though because they are easy and eating them fresh is the best. Jaci and I are about to put on so much weight.

"Okay, I can't hear the rain so hopefully it hasn't started yet" I said to myself

I do hear thunder though. Hurrying through check out, I threw everything in the back of Jaci's SUV and started home. I took her car because we knew it was going to rain tonight and didn't want to risk it in the bed of a truck. Jaci would of gone but she went food shopping last time so I said i'd go. Also because Oliver shouldn't be driving if there's a storm. I wonder how he's doing. As if the world knew my thoughts, my phone rang and Jaci's face came up. Ha this picture is from when we were in school and got drunk one night. Fun times, we haven't gotten drunk together in a while.

"Hello" I said

"Hey, how far away are you?" She asked

"Uhm. 10 minutes away why?" I asked and heard Juno barking in the background

"Ok, uh. Oliver is in his room" she said

"Are you upstairs?" I asked

"No, he locked Juno out and he's going insane..the dog. I don't know about Oliver he just jumped off the couch and fucking booked it." Jaci said

"Did you try going in?" I asked

"No no. I was going to see if you wanted to. He's closer with you. Like how the kid in college would only really go to me. He's probably the same with you" She replied

"Okay.. uhm. You think you can help me with the food?" I asked

"Yeah. Oh I was just going to make a sandwich for dinner since the lunch meat is about to go bad" Jaci said

"I'm down for sandwiches. I'll be home in a few" I said

Hanging up, I continued driving and tried focusing on the music and not how Oliver is in his room alone. Turning onto our driveway, I made my way up to the house and back toward the door so the trunk was closer. Using the button up front, I shut off the SUV and jogged around to the back. Grabbing the first laundry basket, I went up on the porch and dropped it by the door. Then I grabbed the second one and pressed the button to shut the trunk. Going back up to the porch, I locked the car and Jaci was already grabbing the first basket. We learned real fast that this is the easiest way. Since you buy in bulk they don't really have bags, so we just throw every thing in two laundry baskets and it makes left so much easier.

"I'll be right back ok?" I said

Jaci nodded and I started up the stairs. Looking at the top Juno looked demonic standing there.

"Hey buddy" I said

Going to Oliver's door, I tried the handle and it was locked. Okay, easy. Reaching above the door I fished around for the key but it wasn't there. Okay, who's door is it on. Trying mine and Jaci's mine was the winner. Going back to Oliver's door, I had to push Juno's nose out of the way while I unlocked in. Opening the door a bit, Juno shoved his way in and jumped up on the bed laying his head on Oliver. The lamp next to his bed is on but he looks like he's sleeping. Nodding my head, I shut the door and walked back down stairs to the kitchen.

The Billionaires Forgotten DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now