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"It looks so good" I smiled

Walking around the building, I smiled at how well it is starting to come together. It was up to me to come to a check since Jaci had to go back to New York for an appointment she forgot about until her mother called and reminded her. It was funny, but she was smart and left clothes back home too, so she just packed essentials in a duffel bag and made the drive. And now you're probably wondering with Oliver is. He had an appointment too, but his was local so he just had to drive half an hour away and should be back around dinner time. We are getting hit with a storm tonight too, high winds and possible flooding. We have had small ones all week, but this one is suppose to be worse. Oliver has not been feeling all the storms, he didn't come home a night or two and said that he was doing tests. I don't know, I told him he has to come home tonight because i'm not trying to be alone in that house during a storm.

"Alright Miss. Stagliano, we will have the rest of the kitchen done in the next week or so, just waiting for everything to come in. And we also will get the smokers set up in the back" The GC said

"Thank you. Everything is looking amazing so far. I can't wait to see when it's finished" I said shaking the General Contractors hand

He gave me a smile and I walked out to my truck. Texting the two of them, I let them know the dining room is almost finished and the outside is starting to come together. Jaci replied back almost imedietly.

Great! I can't wait to see it. I should be home late tomorrow, my parents want to go out for lunch since they have a meeting tonight

Sounds good. Hopefully you don't drive into the storm we're about to get

I think it should pass through here around 2. I might hold out until then

Hopping in the drivers seat, I started her up and went right over to the gas station. My gas light may have come on as I was coming down the road but I was already running late. I had to take out meat for dinner and didn't remember until I had to leave. I got out some chicken, and since chicken takes forever to defrost, I filled the sink up with hot water. Then spent most of my time finding something to weigh down the meat. Going to make a simple chicken and veggie dinner that is easy to prep, and easy clean up. Seeing as Oliver will probably be in his room all night, I don't feel like cleaning. Once I got her filled up, I paid inside the gas station and the guy stopped me.

"Are you one of the ones renovating next door?" He asked

"Yeah, we are going to open a restaurant" I replied

"Ohh, what kind of food?" He asked

"Good old BBQ" I smiled

"Oh, yes we need a BBQ place around here. I could eat it everyday" He smiled back

"So can we. Still have a bit till we open, but i'm excited" I said

"Well I can't wait to give it a try. I'll be there opening day, mostly because i'll need lunch" The man laughed

I laughed back and said goodbye before heading back out to the truck and started the short drive home. I may have sped a little because the sky is black and I don't feel like getting caught in the storm. Making my way up the driveway, I saw the tree's sways and some bigger branches were starting to fall. So the truck is going in the garage. Do we have a chainsaw..I don't think we do. Once I walked inside, I drained the water from the sink and let the chicken sit there. It's only about 1 in the afternoon so I have time for it to defrost. I wonder if Oliver is on his way home, if not i'm going out to get a chainsaw. 

"Hello?" Oliver said after four or so rings

"Hey, we don't have a chainsaw do we?" I asked

"No, I don't think so. Why?" He asked

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