Chapter 6, Beginnings

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****New Orleans****

Lex ran out of the room after Grace, hearing her timeline to their handlers. He knew that Grace was missing Lane, and feeling emotional.

"Grace, please stop." Grace turns around, her eyes blazing with rage. This causes Lex's stomach to flip,

"What? What do you want Lex?" Lex gently, but firmly grabs Grace's arms.

"Grace, calm down! This stress isn't good for the baby." Grace bursts into tears,
"Shish! It's going to okay." Lex tries to hug Grace, but she pulls away.

"Listen to me sis! This is the Board of Directors doing, not Lane's. He loves with intensity, he won't turn his feelings off that quickly. So my best bet is that he's in deep grief for you." Grace starts to calm down, when Tammy walks in.

"Grace, I hope you're alright. I have a doctor appointment set up for you, if you're up for it." Lex smiles,

"I want to go with you, Grace!" Tammy shakes her head,

"This is the first time any of you have been out of the house. We need to careful>" Lex felt totally dejected and disappointed goes to the living room.

Tammy and Grace climb into the SUV with tinted windows, driving for ten minutes to a grey brick building. After they enter into the waiting area,

"Who are we going to see?" Grace inquires to Tammy,

"Her name is Dr. Wade.' Moments later a black lady named Dr. Wade walks out into the waiting area.

"Ladies, please follow me." Tammy and Grace follow Dr. Wade into the exam room,

"Alright Ms. Appleton, let's take a blood test to confirm your pregnancy."

Dr. Wade draws the blood, handing the tube of blood to her nurse to take to the lab. After taking vitals and a vaginal exam, Dr. Wade gets the ultrasound machine wheeling it over to Grace.

"Are you ready to see your baby?" Grace nods, due to being emotional. Tammy reaches out holding Grace's hand, as she whispers.

"Pretend he's here! We'll try to wrap these things up quickly." Grace nods as Dr. Wade gets the gel to put on her belly.

"Ms. Appleton, please lift your shirt. This might be a little cold." Dr. Wade puts the gel on Grace's belly, after a few moments everyone could hear the baby's heartbeat. Whoosh! Whoosh!

"That's a heartbeat! And right there is your baby!" Dr. Wake points to a figure that no bigger than a peanut,

"It's only on the size of a peanut." Grace exclaims through her tears, Tammy squeezes her hand. Dr. Wade smiles at Grace,

"Would you like a picture, dear?" Grace gives her a tearful smile,

"Yes, please, two." Tammy looks at her confused,

"Why two Grace?" Tammy asks as she squeezes Grace's hand,

"I want to make two baby books. One for me, one for Lane." Tammy quietly nods,

"We can pick up several baby books on the way home." After the appointment, while Tammy ran into the store Grace was alone in the SUV. Grace sees that Tammy left her phone.

Knowing that Grace knew Lane's personal, private number. For several minutes Grace struggles with the desire to talk to Lane. She dials his number, Grace blocks Tammy's number.

"Hello?" A male voice answers,

"Lane?" Grace meekly says,

"Yes? Who is this?" Grace starts trembling hearing Lane's voice,

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