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Warning: ⚠️🚨🚨 NSFW & NUDITY

“Hello, I’m Dane.”

Cassandra smiles at the man’s forwardness,

“Thank you. I’ll take a Long island ice tea. What’s your poison?” Dane chuckles at her,

“Whiskey neat, only the very best.” Dane summons a bartender over to him to take their orders,

“So what brings you here?” Cassandra asks curiously,

“I love the whiskey and the mermaids. Tequila Sunrise is really my favorite drink.” Dane responds with a chuckle,

“Hope you don’t mind Cassandra, but I’m waiting for my best friend.” Cassandra looks at him, while cocking her head sideways.
“Really? Who would that be?” Before answering Dane looks beyond her, seeing a familiar face.

“Hey Dane, what’s up? Who have we hear?” Cassandra turns around to see Chadwick, her brother.

“Hey brother. What brings you here??” Chadwick laughs as he summons the bartender,

“To be here to meet with my best friend, drinks, oh can’t forget the mermaids. What about you?” Cassandra laughs with a smirk,
“You guys, what is it with the mermaids?”
“they’re pretty and very entertaining.” The three of them laugh, while drinking and eating the food Chadwick had pre ordered.

“I had to get air and drinks, in order to relax” Chadwick looks over at Cassandra with concern,

“How are things with Lane? Anymore dates?” Cassandra takes a sip of her drink, while Dane looks at Chadwick then back at Cassandra.

“Who are you dating, Cassandra?” Dane inquires towards her,

“Gov. Lane Rupas. His wife was dead, but her death was faked.” The guys look at each other,

“Where does that leave you?” Cassandra gives Chadwick a small smile,

“The Board of Directors filed a legal marriage separation. So Lane is dating me and Grace for thirty days. Then the Board is going to push for a divorce.” Dane chuckles,

“Sounds simple and easy. So why are your panties in a wad? Consider it thirty days of spending time saying good bye to Grace.” Cassandra frowns at Dane,

“It isn’t. She’s pregnant. The baby’s is Lane’s. They went for a second DNA  test yesterday. We both have two dates a week.” Chadwick squeezes Cassandra’s shoulder,

“When was your last date?” Cassandra sneers at him,

“Today at lunch was wonderful. But it turned out being a double date with his best friend Dean and Sandra. She was one of his suitors, but hit off with him. I hated it, I wanted to alone. So I could show him, how I could really love him. He’ll then quickly forget her.” Chadwick gives Cassandra a side hug,

“It’ll work out. Even if they co-parent regarding the baby and the little boy. Just keep Grace in her place. By showing that you’re the superior woman, and Lane is your man.” Cassandra gets an evil smirk on her face,

“I love that! I would really to put that woman in her place, so I can do that!” Cassandra exclaims excitedly, the men exchanged looks before Dane spoke up.

“Well, Cassandra, maybe I can help.” Cassandra looks at Dane puzzled,

“Sis, I need you to listen to him, if you want to get where you desire with Lane.” Cassandra takes a bite of food, as she nods.

“Okay Dane, I’m listening.” Dane clears his throat, after taking a sip of his whiskey.

“I was married to Grace. We had two boys together. I kept the oldest Jamie, while releasing Jared to her.” Cassandra smirks,
“Do you know any weaknesses of hers? So I can exploit them. I know Lane adopted your son Jared.” Dane shakes his head,

“I know. I’ll do everything to help you. But I need your word, knowing me to stay a secret.” Cassandra frowns,

“Once I knew you were once married to Grace.  I know what you did. You have my word. Anything to get her away from Lane. I need to go to the ladies room.” Cassandra heads towards the ladies room.*

Chadwick turns towards Dane,
“Does she know Chadwick?” Chadwick chuckles after exhaling,

“No, I haven’t told her. That your father is behind her being here to draw Lane in. Joplin believes having Lane in his pocket, will increase his power.” Dane raises his brow,

“I was going for his riches, using Grace. Went about it wrong. Should of used influence as well. I know the Mexican Delgado Mafia family wants California. Luis and Carlos are ruthless. I ended up shooting Grace, though I was aiming for Lane. This has ended being set up better than originally planned.” Chadwick shakes his head,

“Dane, just be careful. I know there’s strong feelings involved.” Dane nods,

“She will be a good asset for us. My father adores her.” Chadwick cocks his head sideways towards him,

“What do you mean?” Chadwick quietly asks,

“Cassandra being that close to Lane, making her a huge influence for the Stevens Family.” Chadwick sips his drink, when Cassandra comes back.

“Cassandra, I need to go. Enjoy your time with Dane.” Chadwick kisses Cassandra on the cheek,

“Tell Kacie hello for me.” Chadwick laughs as he walks away. Dane looks over at Cassandra,

“I have missed his company. It was good seeing him. So Cassandra, where are you working now?” Cassandra smiles,

“I was working as a assistant with my brother, now I work with Mary in public media for the governor.” Dane nods as he takes a drink,

“What else would you suggest I need to do to get closer to Lane?” Dane chuckles,

“You seem frustrated, dear?” Cassandra cackles,

“You think? All I want to do as have more alone time with Lane, not a double date.” Dane chuckles, as he shakes the ice in his glass.

“I’m not Lane, but if you’re interested in a little fun. There’s pool tables in the back, would you like to play some pool?” Cassandra nods smiling,

“Let’s go. I do need to tell Joana where I’m going to be.” The couple gets up, then Cassandra goes to Joana, tapping her on the shoulder.

“Joana, I’m going to the pool tables in the back area. I’ll be fine.” Joana nods, quietly after Cassandra leaves takes a picture of Dane. Cassandra and Dane pick their pool sticks.

“Do you want to break?” Dane asks Cassandra, who nods yes as her answer.
“Go for it. Would you like to put up a bet?” Dane chimes in, causing Cassandra to chuckle.

“What are you thinking?” Dane smiles as he sets up the balls for the break,

“If you win, I’ll do whatever you want. When I win, you do what I wish. Games 2 out of 3.” Cassandra smirks,

“I win, you fill  in ways to help me win against Grace.” Dane nods smiling,

“When I win, you’ll help me and my family get in the goood graces of Gov. Lane. Before you leave, I’ll even relieve you of your frustrations.” Dane sneers, while Cassandra beams a smile.

“Deal.” Dane finishes setting up the balls,
“Your break, my dear.” Cassandra hits the white ball, hitting three solid balls. Back and forth the two went. Until Cassandra hits the eight ball in with a bright smile.

“I win.”

The next game, it started looking like Cassandra was going to win. But when she hits the eight ball, the white ball follows suite. This brings a smirk to Dane’s lips,

“It’s now tied my dear. Be prepare to lose.” Cassandra shakes her head sneering,

“Really? You better get a notebook to write down information of Grace.” Dane chuckles,
“Time to break my dear.” Cassandra hits the white ball sending two stripe balls in.*

“Stripes.” Cassandra gasps, as Dane laughs as she misses her next shot.

“How dare you.” Dane smoothes  the end of his stick,

“Prepare to lose Cassandra.”

Dane focuses intently on the shot and several next shots. He was down to one ball before the ball, he misses. It was Cassandra’s turn, she did her best to catch up. Cassandra takes her shot at the eight ball, and misses.

“My turn.” Dane takes his shot, hitting his ball in. Then focuses on lining the white ball towards the eight ball, for the center pocket. When he makes the shot, Dane smirks at Cassandra.  

I want you, Cassandra, bend over the pool table, and let the fun begin.” A surprised glance comes from Cassandra,

“What? Someone could see?” Dane smirks at her,

“I paid the bartender to reserve the area for us. Ready?”

Cassandra nods, as she pulls Dane close to her. Kissing him hard and passionately. After coming up for air, they continue kissing deeply. Dane roughly pushes Cassandra onto the pool table. Where he rips her panties off, passionately taking her sexually. Causing Cassandra to try and muffle her moans.  


****Board  of Directors****

There was a knock on Barlow’s office door,
“Come in.” Barlow’s voice calls out, as the door revealing Chadwick.

“Why hello Chadwick. What brings you here?” Chadwick grins,

“I saw Cassandra a short while ago.” Chadwick smiles,

“How is our girl doing these days?” Chadwick clears his throat loudly,

“She had a date with Lane today.” Barlow lights up with a bright smile,

“What happened today? How is the relationship between  Cassandra and Lane?” Chadwick cracks his knuckles,

“They had lunch at the Pizza Press. Then they went to play mini golf with his best friend and his date. Cassandra’s craving more time with Lane. Can we figure out how to separate him from Grace?” This brought another smirk to Barlow’s face,

“Yes, you’re right on point here. There’s a need to increase dating time for Cassandra, while decreasing time for Grace.” Chadwick nods though he shifts uncomfortably in his seat,

“Barlow, how are you going to be able to do that?” This comment causes Barlow to sneer at Chadwick,

“Chadwick my boy, please leave that to me. Cassandra is the better choice for Lane. Stay in touch with Cassandra. Let me know when there are any concerns regarding their relationship. We need to stay many steps ahead of Lane and Grace. Is there anything else we need to discuss?” Chadwick stands up shaking his head,

“Not at this time. I promise I will keep close tabs on Cassandra. How soon do you think her dating time could be increased?” Barlow clears his throat,

“Gov. Lane is on vacation for a week. He wanted time away to clear his head.” Chadwick turns to Barlow,

“Is Grace with him on this vacation?” Barlow rubs his chin for a minute,

“I’m not sure.. if she’s with him, it isn’t fair for Cassandra. I’m just saying. I don’t care if Grace is married or pregnant. Cassandra is better for Lane anyway.” Barlow nods,

“I’ll do everything I can to assist Cassandra. Remember she has the support of the Board of Directors. Where poor Grace doesn’t, no matter how much love the two say they have for each other. Mark my words.” Chadwick nods and leaves the office. Barlow smirks as he dials Mary’s number…

****Davison Luxury Hotel****

“Make sure to have it sent up in 15 minutes. Okay, thank you.”

Lane exclaims into his phone, as he looks around in the living/dining room. There are roses on the table, as well a path of roses from the door to the table. Lucca whistles at the view as he comes out of the bathroom,

“Whoa bro… This is beautiful. Grace will love it. I’ll be around Tuesday to intercept your date with Cassandra. If there’s anything I need to know about her, call me.” Lane smiles, as he hugs Lucca before he leaves. Lane takes out his phone texting Grace,

Lane: Hello my Love.

Grace: Hello Lover. How are you?

Lane: Better now that I am at the penthouse. Would be better if you were here.

Grace: I’ll be there soon. Saw you and HER through the window of the Pizza Press.

Lane: What did you observe my darling?
Lucca was with her after we ordered the food. Please don’t remind me.

Grace: She looked happy, but you looked like you were going to get sick.

Lane: You could say that. Thanks to the rescue from Lucca, Dean, and Sandy.

Grace: What did they do to help you?

Lane: It got changed to a double date. They played mini golf, I got to skip out on the whole thing.

Grace: How’d she like that? Will be there soon.

Lane: She thinks Lucca is me. That’s the good part.

Grace arrives to the hotel about twenty minutes later, she texts Lane that Oaklee just dropped her off. Lane chuckles at her text… as he gets into position.

I love you, my dear wife…

When Grace walks into the door, she gasps.
“My Lane, where are you?” Grace cries out, as Lane chuckles.

Follow the roses my love.. You will find me…. The note says, as Grace follows the roses along the marble floor. When she reaches the dining room table, she receives a surprise.


There sat Lane at the dining table, holding a glass of champagne in the nude.

“Are you hungry, my Love?”

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