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****Inside Conference Room****

After Cassandra, Grace, Lane, and Lex excited the room, Barlow clears his throat.

“Now they’re out of the room. Agent Price, why did the FBI decide to hide Grace and Lex?” Dwayne stands up,

“The Irish Stevens Mafia family is an ongoing threat to Gov. Lane and Grace. Especially now with the baby in the picture.” Matthew snickers,

“Why? Weren’t the guys involved caught and tried, what’s the problem?” Tammy stands up to continue the conversation,

“The older brother Gavin was pardon to relocate to serve time in NY. After he serves, he’s unable to be around Gov. Lane and Grace. Her ex husband Dane is on the loose.” Harry looks at Tammy intently, before asking the next question.

“Wouldn’t it be better to cut Grace loose and restrict her access to Gov. Lane. Let her deal with her ex, protect the governor?” Dwayne shakes his head,

“It’s not wise to separate the two of them. Dane wants Gov. Lane’s riches and who knows what else. They were targeting him before Grace came into the picture. He’ll kill Gov. Lane without a second thought. The reason Gov. Lane is alive is because Grace saved him.” Barlow sneers,

“Will Dane use Grace to get to Gov. Lane?” Dwayne shakes his head,

“He’s already done that. I believe that he’ll change his game. I’m not going to throw Grace out to the wolves so to speak. Grace needs to stay with Lane.” Matthew sneers with an evil grin,

“All the more reason she should leave with the baby. If she really loves him, she’ll leave to protect the governor.” Kassie rolls her eyes,

“Both are now under the protection of the FBI, they’ll be protected tighter together.” Tammy says as she shakes her head,

“That’s why we moved Grace closer to Gov. Lane. She’s safer here in the mansion with him.” Cheryl clicks her pen annoyed,

“If we separate them, what if Gov. Lane wants to be a part of the baby’s life, what then?” Edward clicks his tongue,

“So what’s the safest thing to do then?” Barlow clears his throat loudly,

“Let’s bring them in to discuss it further. Mary, do you have the documents?” Mary nods. A few minutes later behind Oaklee, Lane being hand in hand with Grace walk in. Cassandra and Lex follow behind  them,

Lane pulls out Grace’s chair for her, kissing her cheek as she sits. Cassandra glares at Grace, who ignores her. Barlow tries to clear the tension,

“Here’s what we believe… Gov. Lane was unaware that the FBI faked Grace and Lex’s lives. Here’s what the board of Directors have agreed on…”

1. Second DNA test will be done.

2. Until results are in…
A. Grace will be housed separately in the mansion.
B. Legal marriage separation activated.
C. Gov. Lane will spend time with both Grace and Cassandra.

3. All dating reports and criminal reports will be turned in to the Board of Directors.

4. Dating will go on during the duration of 30 days.

5. Relationship status will be reviewed at the end of thirty days.

Lane and Grace look at each other in horror, not believing what they were hearing.

“You’ve got to be kidding me! Grace is my wife!” Lane hisses back at them,

“She may be Gov. Lane, but ever sense she has entered your life… You have been kidnapped, almost shot. You could of died! It may be in your best interest personally and professionally, to walk away from her and the chaos she brings with her.” Cassandra injects, as Grace glares at her.*

Lane shoots Cassandra a cold, death glare before he speaks.

“And how is it in my best interest to leave Grace? She is pregnant with my child. No matter what Dane or his mafia family have in store for us. We have a baby on the way and a son to raise together.” Grace sighs as Lane’s words,

“Cassandra, why is our relationship any interest to you? Other than to be a real toxic home wrecker.” Grace asks, as Cassandra sneers.

“I’m interested in Lane. I care deeply for him. If given the chance, I can guide and support him to a promising future. It’s best for Lane that you’re not in his life.” Now Grace starts laughing, as Lane speaks.

“I’m sorry Cassandra, I’m not interested in you romantically. There’s a child involved now, who needs both parents. This child was conceived in love.” Cassandra sighs with annoyance,

“I understand that. Work out some sort of visitation. Or give one of sole custody, while the other walks away. I don’t care.” Lane holds Grace in his arms, whispering soothing words. As Grace spats at Cassandra,

“I will not walk away from my husband! We have children. And we’re happy. You’re the home wrecker! You walk away.” Lane sneers at Cassandra as a dare to speak, as he responds.

“Cassandra, Board Members, please understand that Grace is my wife. I’m grateful to have her back in my life. I have no intention of letting her go. Like I said a few minutes ago, I have no feelings towards Cassandra.” Lane leans in kissing Grace softly on the lips, as he continues.

“Dwayne and Tammy will be able to give you reports on Dane Stevens and the Stevens Mafia family. About the relationship status, I will not agree with it. I’m a happy married man! Lets go Grace. I’m done here.” As Lane starts  to get up, Barlow clears his throat to get his attention.

“Stay seated Gov. Lane. Mary, please give the documents to him.” Mary walks over to Gov. Lane, handing him a file with a sad smile.

“I’m sorry Gov. Lane, but the Board of Directors as your power of attorney that was establish, when you were deep in grief have spoken.” Lane opens the file, along with Grace look at  the legal marriage separation document in rage.

“Lets go Grace, we’re done here. I’ll fight this.”

Lane stands up extending his hand towards Grace, looking past her he sees an evil smirk on Cassandra’s face. Lex looks at her confused,

“What are you smirking at Cassandra?” She turns to Lex smiling,

“It’s now starting. It’s a matter of time, that Lane will need me. I just have to be patient. Their marriage is on the way out. Mark my words.” Cassandra whispers, as Barlow speaks up.

“Gov. Lane, Grace will need to be moved out of your quarters before morning.” Lane ignores him after sending him a death glare. Lane takes Grace’s hand, as they walk out of the conference room with Tammy in tow.

Moments later, Lane hears Cassandra calling his name. As Grace rolls her eyes…

What does that witch want now?

“Gov. Lane, please may I have a word with you?” Cassandra exclaims as she rushes up to the couple, Lane scoffs as they stop.

“What can I do for you, Cassandra? I’m with my wife.” Cassandra softly clears her throat,
“May I speak to you privately?” Grace rolls her eyes, as Lane speaks.

“What do you have that is so private that you’re unable to speak in front of my wife Grace?” Lane coldly states to Cassandra, who narrows her eyes at Grace.*

“Legally you two are separated. So Lane, you’re a free agent for me to pursue. So run along Grace, you need to pack and move out of his quarters. It’s a matter of time, I’ll be moving in.” Lane kisses Grace deeply and passionately, then he looks at Tammy afterwards.

“Take Grace to my quarters, wait for me there. Oaklee?” Lane whispers something to Oaklee, who nods. Before she walks off with Grace, who faces Cassandra.

“Do you know how to feel remorse? You’re a stupid home wrecker. Just because you receive a few minutes, doesn’t mean you’ve won.” Cassandra scoffs with a laugh,

“Run along little girl. Lane needs a real woman to meet all of his needs.” Grace ignores her words, as she, Oaklee and Tammy walk off. Lane turns to Cassandra, with a very cold stare.

“You have three minutes. My wife is very distraught and needs me. So whatever you need to say, do it quickly.” Cassandra slaughters up to Lane, putting her hand on his chest which he quickly removed.

“Technically you still may be her husband, but you’re now legally separated. I’m here for you. But I need you also.” Lane rolls his eyes, returning back to a cold and stoic expression.

“What do you need me for right now?” Cassandra smiles up at him,

“I want to spend time with you, like the Board  of Directors stated we should. I haven’t really spoken to you since our last date, and Grace even interrupted. I feel very neglected right now.” Lane stiffens, as he clears his throat.

“Cassandra, I was honest when I said there were no feelings on my end. But until I can get it reverse… Call Oaklee, set up for a lunch meeting in a couple of days. I’m going to start being real busy. The Board may of legally filed a separation, but Grace and I will not agree with it. It will never last, we’re a strong couple.” Cassandra smiles before she starts to chuckle,

“From what I understand, she has to live separate from your quarters. It shouldn’t matter, you’ve been apart for awhile now anyway. Shouldn’t be a big adjustment.” Lane scowls at her,

“Not by our choice or desires. I will be looking into this. I love Grace. Now again what do you really want?” Cassandra gets an evil grin on her face,

“I want to be able to love you. I don’t have a lot of baggage with me, unlike Grace. I know you say you love her now. I understand that. But the Board and I are concerned for your safety. Give me the thirty days, you’ll change your mind about Grace. Just give me a fair chance.” Lane looks at her puzzled,

“When I was seeing Grace, I was aware of her baggage and I chose to continue to pursue her. It still won’t make me walk away. Though I appreciate your concern, we can only be friends. Just schedule a lunch meeting. That’s all I can do.” Cassandra nods, as she thinks. Lane cocks his head at her,

“What Cassandra?” Lane asks sarcastically, as Cassandra smirks at him,

“Lane, I really want this with you. I’m falling in love with you.” Lane looks her stunned,
Cassandra pulls Lane’s lapels on his suite jacket, bringing him close to her.

“Lane, I’m so turned on right now.”

Cassandra pulls him down to her, kissing him deeply while caressing his length. Lane pulls back stunned, then grows very angry.

“What are you doing, Cassandra?” She smirks as she kisses him  on the cheek,

“Time’s up! Don’t ever do that again!” Lane exclaims coldly, walks away ignoring Cassandra who’s calling after him. After he disappears, Cassandra smiles like a Chester cat.

You enjoyed that kiss, Lane. Would love to be a fly on the wall to see how you explain that hard on to your so called wife Grace.

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