The Plan, Part 2

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Chadwick and Cassandra arrived at her suite, they started talking about her time with Lane that afternoon.

“Well sister, it’s so good to see you with Lane. You two look good together.” Cassandra smirks, as she pours them a drink. Chadwick cheerfully takes his drink,

“Yes, I’m starting to make inroads with him today. I loved telling Grace that it was in both of their best interests if they separate.” Chadwick chuckles at her words,

“Sis, do you really think that Grace will walk away from Lane without a fight?” Cassandra looks serious, as she hands Chadwick another drink where he toasts her.

“It’s hard to tell, I hope so. It would be better for him and the children, if she would walk away.” Chadwick nods,

“Sis, are you willing to care for his children? He seems to be a family type of man.” Cassandra snorts and snickers at his statement,

“My dear brother, I’ll care for them. School age, I’ll encourage hers to go to Boarding school when they’re of age. While ours will be home. Or I’ll encourage Grace to have them during the school year, then we’ll see them say a month of the summer. But she’ll know mine will have priority.” Chadwick chuckles,.

“It seems you have it all figured out…” Before he could finish or Cassandra could respond, his phone pings with a message.

Barlow: Chadwick, have you made contact with Cassandra recently.?

Chadwick: Yes sir. I’m talking to her right now. What’s going on with things?

Barlow: I need the two of you to come to my home, so we can talk to my guests that are here. I’ll send  you the address.

Chadwick: What’s going on?

Barlow: There some people here that desire to meet and talk to Cassandra.

Chadwick: We’ll be there shortly.

Barlow: There will be drinks and dinner.

Chadwick: Cassandra and I will be there soon. Thanks for all of your help with my sister.

Chadwick clears his throat, as he smiles at his sister.

“My dear sister, are you ready to meet some very important people that could help you with Lane?” Cassandra looks at Chadwick with amusement,

“So you think they will help me get and keep Lane for good?” Cassandra exclaims with excitement,

“They will be influential power for you and Lane, according to Barlow. Especially if he becomes president.” Cassandra smiles as she goes to freshen up and change in order to leave.

Ten minutes later, Joana drives Chadwick and Cassandra to Barlow’s home. Cassandra speaks to her,

“Joana, please stay outside with the car. This is Board member Barlow Raines home. There is no danger here.” Joana nods as Cassandra and Chadwick walk inside.

Joana quietly slips by an open window seeing Mary, Barlow, Dane, Chadwick and Cassandra. There was also an unknown man. She quietly takes a picture of all involved. She sends the picture to Bronte,

Joana: I’m not sure of who everyone is.

Bronte: Thanks for the picture. I’ll put it through the IPS system of anyone we don’t know. Take some pictures of the car’s plates and send them to me.

Bronte sends the picture to Lane.

Lane: What is the picture of?

Bronte: Proof of something big, but not sure yet. But Mary, Cassandra, her brother, Dane. Along with an unknown man meeting at Barlow Raines home.

Lane: Thank you for letting me see them Barlow is socializing with a wanted convict. Please keep Joana on the case.

Bronte: Will do sir. I don’t like what I’m seeing or feeling.

Lane: I totally agree. I’ll show this picture to Grace. To see if this man knows Dane. If so, how well.*

****Barlow’s Home****

“Welcome to my home. Chadwick and Cassandra. Let me introduce you to everyone here. Then we’re going to have dinner. Then to put the plan into motion.”

Barlow leads the brother and sister into the living area, where Mary hands them white wine.

“Thank you Mary. Do you know why I’m here?”

Cassandra inquires as she takes a sip of wine, then Barlow leads her to a computer screen. Where Cassandra sees an older man, who has a warm smile.

“Hello Cassandra. I’m Joplin Stevens. You’ve met my son Dane. The other gentleman is my underboss Falon Daniels. I believe it’s time for us to talk.” Cassandra farrows her brow,

“Talk ? About what sir?” Joplin smiles at Cassandra, as she looks at Barlow sipping her wine.

“Talk with him. He’s the power that you need behind you in your relationship with Lane.” Cassandra nods thinking for a few moments, then a big smile comes across her face.

“Ok Joplin, I’m listening… I’d like to know what you need to say. What is Falon Daniels role in all of this.” Cassandra centers herself squarely in the center of the computer screen.

Once Cassandra gets centered with the computer screen, she hears…

“We need to talk to Cassandra. Do you remember that you and Chadwick worked at my company Stevens Industries. We’re desiring to expand. That’s where you come in.” Cassandra looks at Joplin confused,

“What can I do, sir?” Joplin chuckles at her good question,

“Continue to get to Lane. We’ll need his help. We’re not sure now if Grace would influence him correctly.” Cassandra chuckles,

“I can do that. I’m looking forward to taking Lane away from Grace. That will be my greatest joy!” The men laugh heartily,

“Fallon, you and Dane talk with Cassandra about what we want to do for California.” Cassandra’s expression became very serious,

“I don’t care what you do with Grace or the baby she’s carrying. Please let Lane be.” Mary sneers as she looks at Barlow,

“Wow!  Had no idea that you felt so cold about Grace. What are you thinking Cassandra?” This causes a crackle from Cassandra while everyone gives her interesting looks.

“What do you want? Don’t hold back.” Barlow inquires, after seeing and hearing Cassandra’s reaction.

“Get her divorced, send her and Lex out of California. If Lane wants to see the baby, he can travel to visit. But what he should do is get full custody, with no contract from her. The less he has contact with Grace the better.” Everyone looking at Cassandra with wide eyes.

“I thought I was cold. But I like it.” Dane chuckles,

“Just make her disappear. I don’t care how. I just want Lane to be put in the position to do nothing, but forget Grace. Then he can forcus loving on me. I can make it worth it if he tries.” Barlow shakes his head,

“I can influence the Board to going that direction. What happens after we get Grace and Lane separated?” Dane and Fallon look at each other.

“When Cassandra can start influencing Lane to allow Spencer industries sponsor his political campaign. It’ll be under DJ Enterprises. It’s a branch off of my company.” Cassandra squeals with big delight,

“I would love to be the first lady of his company, and political career. I’m so very excited.” Fallon looks at Barlow,

“Is there anyway, I could get on the security team, therefore I work from the inside.” Barlow thinks for a few moments,

“I’ll talk tp Bronte about this. To see if you can be part of Cassandra’s security team.” Fallon gives Barlow a smile,

“Barlow, please let me know.” Barlow nods at Fallon,

“What can you do for Gov. Lane?” Dane smiles, as Cassandra takes a drink.

“He’ll have the power, wealth for him to be politically strong. This will be so with Cassandra by his side, he’ll be strong.” Mary says timidly,

“Why couldn’t Grace be strong enough for him? I’m playing the devil’s advocate here.” Dane and Fallon look at each with questionable looks.*

Finally Dane speaks up to everyone,

“Grace is a wonderful lady, that I loved once. But being around real power. She didn’t desire the power. So we went our separate ways.” Mary nods,

“All the more reasons we need to find a way to quicken the process. We don’t need Grace to bask in false hope of a long relationship with Lane.” Barlow nods smiling,

“It’s time for dinner. We will talking again soon, Joplin.”

Everyone heads towards the dining room to feast on the dinner in front of them. They were being served prime steak, potatoes, and salad. There was Chocolate Mousse for desert. There was planning conversation as well as light hearted ones as well..

During desert, Cassandra moans from the pleasure of the Chocolate mousse tasting in her mouth.

“Barlow, who made this desert? It’s to die for. I love it so very much.” Barlow chuckles, as he uses a napkin to wipe the corner of his mouth.

“It’s my mother’s recipe, my sister made it for me. Do you want to have the recipe?” Cassandra nods with a bright smile…

****A Few Days Later****

Matthew, Harry, Kacie and Cheryl walk into Barlow’s office, where he is sitting there with a smile.

“Hello everyone, please have a seat. Let’s begin discussing our situation at hand.” Mary sits next to Barlow,

“Thank you for coming on short notice.” Harry clears your throat,

“So what’s going on to call us in early? We were to meet in about three weeks, why now?” Barlow nods before speaking,

“Things need to speed up.” Barlow smiles,
“In speaking with Cassandra, she believes things with Gov. Lane are progressing. The more I got to know Cassandra, I strongly agree that she’s better in the long run for him.” Kacie nods as she crosses her long legs,

“What’s the most recent security report?” Mary smiles,

“Dane’s still on the run and dangerous. So I believe we need to increase Cassandra’s security. I’m going to encourage Bronte to hire a Fallon Daniels. Because Grace has two guards. Cassandra is a precious asset for us. When Gov. Lane starts the divorce proceedings, her guards will be removed. So what happens, not ours or his concern.”  Cheryl nods while asking,

“How strong is the connection between Grace and Lane? Will he let her go when there are children involved?” Barlow rubs his chin for a few moments before responding,

“They can co-parent, or she can walk away. We don’t need to care. She can leave the children, or take them isn’t our concern. Unless it affects Lane and Cassandra. Grace is working for him, that’ll be all she has other than co-parenting with him. I’ll see if I can even change that.”

“Okay. Let’s get this done by next week. And there’s  no reason to drag this out especially since there’s children involved. Hopefully Grace won’t fight the decision. What if she does?” All Boards Members mummers and nod,

“Then let’s set up the official meeting for next week. I’ll head over to Gov. Lane’s office now.” Barlow dismisses the Board members, as he heads towards Lane’s office. Barlow comes to the governor’s outer office and knocks.

“Come in.” Grace replies opening the door, her face falling seeing that it was Barlow. Grace quickly put on a smile, hoping he doesn’t see it.

“Hello Mr. Raines, What can I do for you?” Barlow clears his throat,

“I need to see you and Gov. Lane to speak with you.” Grace nods ,while showing him into the office waiting area.

“Please give us a minute to see if Gov. Lane is free.” Grace knocks on the study’s inner door, quietly stepping.

“Lane, Barlow Raines would like to speak with us.” Lane frowns for a moment, seeing Grace’s anxious expression.

“Love, what’s wrong?” Lane pulls Grace into his arms,

“The further we get into this month, I get anxious. I love you very much. I don’t want to lose you.” Lane kisses Grace on her temple,

“Grace, I love you with every filter of my being and heart. No matter how things play out. Send Barlow in, it’ll be alright.” Grace nods, as she walks out of the inner study. When Grace comes out of the study, she gives Barlow a small smile.

“Gov. Lane and I will see you now.” Barlow nods, walking into Lane’s study. Grace closes the door behind her. An uneasy feeling settles into her stomach.

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