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While the ladies were enjoying desert, Lane went over to Dean and Oaklee to discuss the ladies.

“What are you thinking, Lane?” Oaklee inquires getting to the core of the important issue,

“I’m torn between Sandra and Cassandra  for different reasons. Though I really don’t want to do this. I just pictured myself with donors.” Lane states shaking his head,

“Spill it Bro, let us assist you to sort it out. Remember in the end you can walk away from all of them. Just pacify the Board of Directors for now.” Dean reassures Lane,

“Sandra is down to earth and easy to talk to, and spend time with. Now Cassandra she’s interesting not in a good way, I want to know what makes her tick.” This made Oaklee think for a moment,

“Lane, it depends on what you need and want from this date.” Lane furrows his brow for a moment, then he gives his friends a small smile.

“I got it! I made my decision.” Lane gets up from his chair leaving, while Dean looks over towards Oaklee.

“Oaklee, who do you think he’ll choose?” Oaklee thinks for a moment before smiling at Dean,

“I bet he’ll choose Cassandra! Dean chuckles at her choice,

“It he doesn’t  choose Sandra in the long run, I would love to get to know her. She seems beautiful inside/out.” Oaklee shakes her head giggling,


Back at the cabana, Lane rejoins the three ladies who were chatting.

“Ladies, did you enjoy your lunch? I want you to know the decision on what lady to give this lilly pin to was not an easy one. All three of you have wonderful  qualities I admire and respect. If you’re not picked, don’t worry this is only one time, there will be others.” The three ladies nodin understanding,

“Cassandra, there’s a lot more I need to ask of you. Will you accept this lilly pin?” A big smile came over her face,

“Yes, I will Gov. Lane. Thank you.” The couple hug each other, then Lane walks over to Paige.

“ Paige, I really enjoyed getting to know you today.” Paige smiles at him,

“I hope you find the answers that you seek.” Lane smiles as he kisses her on her cheek,

“Than you so much for your kind words..” Lane walks over to Sandra, kissing her on the cheek,

“I so enjoyed our conversation. It was so down to earth, I can relate to it.” Sandra smiles up at him,

“I did too! Was your wife Grace down to earth? Good luck with Cassandra, she’s a real handful. At least in the suite with us she is. I hope you receive the answers you seek. Lane softly chuckles,

“Thank you Sandra, Grace really was. That’s one of the many reasons why I love her. Please know that I was torn between you and her. There’s just things I need to know from her.” They hug, and Sandra whispers in his ear.

“Gov. Lane. I saw the pictures. It’s too soon for all of that.. I know that you’re deeply grieving for Grace, all of us are aware of that but her.” Again Lane softly kisses her cheek,

“Thank you so much for being sensitive to my pain. I’ll see you at the next event.”

Lane and the ladies part ways, he goes to his quarters. Cassandra was above the moon regarding the dinner date. If she wasn’t gloating about it, she was picking out her evening gown or getting ready. She comes out of her room ready with a smile on her face,

“Ladies, how do I look?” Most shook their heads and walked out, while Sandra gave her a smile,

“You look nice. But Cassandra, please be more sensitive and respectful to us. We’re all here to support each other and Gov. Lane.”

Feeling slightly deflated, Cassandra nods.

In his private quarters, Lane quietly gets ready wondering what the night would bring. He has no idea….*

****Gold Park Home****

After several days of settling into the new safe house, into their bedrooms. Both Grace and Lex seek out Dwayne and Tammy,

“Is there anyway that we can go out for a quiet dinner?” Dwayne and Tammy look at each other,

“You have changed your hair color, it shouldn’t  be a problem. While we’ll there, try not to draw attention. We’ll be there in case there’s trouble.” Lex smirks at Grace,

“We’ll be good. It’ll be nice to just ger out.
How about going to Morton’s The steakhouse. It’s an awesome place to eat.”

Lex chimes in, then everyone gets ready to go out for dinner.

****Morton’s The Steakhouse****

As Lane stood at the entrance of the mansion, waiting for Cassandra. Bronte walks up to him,

“Sir, security is set up for your evening.” Lane chuckles at his words,

“Thank you Bronte, for not saying date.” Bronte nods with a smile,

“What would you call it sir?” Lane furrows his brow for a moment,

“Interrogation by dinner.” Bronte lets out a hearty laugh,

“That’s a good one sir. I’ll be close by in case you need me.” Moments later, Cassandra comes into view with a smile. Lane nods as he extends his arm to her,

“Are you ready, my lovely lady?” Cassandra nods with a smile,

“Yes, and you look handsome.” Lane and Cassandra slip into a black limo, heading towards Morton’s The Steakhouse. For a quiet dinner for two. Lane wanted to be in a area where he could quietly question Cassandra. When they arrive to the restaurant, Cassandra gasps.

“I have never been to this place before. Do they serve good food?” Lane chuckles nervously,

“I have. This is one of my favorite places. They some of the best steaks and seafood here on the west coast. Part of me wanted to sit here and eat good food.” Cassandra chuckles at his words,

“I remember Grace saying this was one of her favorite places. But together, we never had a chance to come together.” Lane says emotionally, Cassandra smirks at his words…

That’s a great thing…. This will be our place, so you can forget Grace…

“It’s going to okay. We can make some new memories… that’ll only add to the memories you have of Grace.” Lane closes his eyes to stop tears that were threatening to fall…

My sweet Grace! I miss you! Please know I haven’t stopped thinking of you. I love you so very much!

Lane assists Cassandra out of the limo, she takes his arm as they walk into the restraunt. The hostess leads the couple to their private reserved table, Lane notices there’s another reserved table nearby. But they would still have privatcy. Lane tried to not appear concerned at this point. Lane and Cassandra place their drink and food orders, then they start up some conversation.

A short time later… Lane looks past Cassandra, not believing what he was seeing. Lane’s face color turned pale, as he took a drink of water. Cassandra cocks her head looking at him concerned,

“Are you okay? You’re looking very pale. Are you ill?” Cassandra asks, as Lane shakes his head in response.

I’m not going to tell you that I just saw my dead brother and wife walk into here with another couple. You would think I was crazy. So yes I’m going to tell you I’m alright.

“I’m fine. I thought I saw something, no big deal. Plus I guess I’m very hungry.” Cassandra clears her throat,

“Gov. Lane, if you’re okay. I need to head to the ladies room, before our food arrives.” Lane stands up giving her a small smile, as she leaves. As he seats down he thinks,

Stay there for the rest of the night for all I care. I need to know if I’m seeing things.

Lex looks at Grace and the others,

“I’m going  to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

Grace nods, as Lex and Dwyne exit heading towards the bathroom. Within moments, Grace senses a presence she hadn’t felt in awhile. Tammy looks at her concerned,

“What’s wrong Grace?” She shakes her head,

“I’m not real sure. I sensed something I hadn’t felt in awhile.”  Grace shrugs her shoulders as she looks around, when her eyes lock with…



The very presence that Grace felt made her heart flutter, with the person her eyes were locked with. It was non other than Lane. Grace gasps loud enough for Tammy to become alert.

“Grace? My Love?!” Lane asks curiously, but a little bit confused. He heads towards her.

“Lane?? It’s me Grace.” She softly exclaims, trying to keep her emotions in check. This was difficult seeing Lane’s emotional state.

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