Surprise Part 2

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Tammy looks at Grace and Lane as she speaks,

“Dr. Wade will be here after lunch. We’ll let her to know to bring a DNA  test for the three of you to take.” Tammy states, as she places the call. Lane holds Grace to reassure her,

“Tammy, please tell Dr. Wade to put a rush on this. I want to get back to my husband.” Grace asks boldly, as she laces her fingers through Lane’s.

“Yes, we can! Grace, isn’t there something you need to show Lane, while we get lunch ready.” Grace goes to her room, returning to Lane.

“I hope this makes you smile, Lane.” When Lane opens the box, he sees a baby book. This brings through a storm of emotions as Lane smiles,

“Thank you, my sweet Grace. It’s beautiful.”

During as well as after lunch, Lane heard everything that had happened since the shooting. Also Lane filled them in about what was going on his life. Around 2pm Dr. Wade arrived,

“Hello Gov. Lane. I’m Dr. Nora Wade. I’m here to administrate the DNA test. Then I’ll be checking on Grace and the baby.” Lane and Lex had their cheeks swabbed, while Dr. Wade drew blood from Grace.

In the bedroom with portable ultrasound, Dr. Wade puts gel on Grace’s stomach. After a few moments they hear some whooshing sound, tears swell up in Lane’s eyes.

“There’s your baby.” Now tears were falling down Grace’s cheeks, Lane leans in sweetly kissing  her.

“We made this baby. Beautiful.” After Dr. Wade takes measurements,

“There you two go.” She points to the screen,

“Your little one is growing perfectly.” Dr. Wade points everything out to them,

“It’s our little pumpkin.” Lane exclaims through his tears, Grace giggles at his reaction. Lane kisses her again,

“We did good Lane. But please don’t light our pumpkin up like a jack o lantern!” The three laugh at her remark. Dr. Wade prints out several pictures for the happy couple.

After spending the day with  Grace and Lex, Dean notices that Lane is very quiet in the SUV.

“What has you so quiet Lane? What’s on your mind?” Dean asks concerned,

“In my heart and mind, I’m glad and very excited we’re having a baby. But the fact I have to prove it’s mine is driving me crazy.” Oaklee squeezes his arm,

“Lane, we’ll work on your schedule, so you can see Grace everyday. We should have the test results by the weekend.” Lane nods with a determined expression,

“I know you will Oaklee. Work with Mary. I only want any dates late morning or lunch. Afternoons and evenings are me to spend time with Grace.” Oaklee nods as they pull up to the Executive Mansion.

“Consider it done Lane. I’m relieved and glad the two of them are alive, and back with us.”

****Earlier that Day****

Mary stood on the balcony watching Lane and his friends ride away from the mansion. Her thoughts went wild…

What could be more important, to throw away a date. Doesn’t Lane understand what we’re trying to do is help him in the long run.

Short time later, Mary was knocking on the door of the suitor suite.

“Come in.” Paige opens the door, stepping aside to allow Mary to enter.

“Good morning Ladies.” Mary says cheerfully,

“Here is the date card. The thing is I’m not sure when it will take place.” All of the ladies look at Mary confused,

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