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Warning ⚠️🚨🚨🚨 NSFW, Sexual intimacy after******

The next morning, Lane rolled over over seeing a sight that he had so missed. Grace was asleep beside him, a smile creeps over his face. Lane counts his blessings, as he leans in kissing Grace on her cheek.

“Good morning my sweet Grace.” She stirs as her eyes flutter open, Grace gives Lane a sleepy smile.

“Good morning my handsome husband, it’s a delight waking up next to you again.” Grace pulls Lane towards her kissing him tenderly on the lips,

“Lane, what are the plans do you have for us today?” Lane runs his hand over his face,
“The biggest thing today is the Board meeting with the Board of Directors. I’ll need you and Tammy there to answer questions that I may not be able to answer.” Grace looks up at the ceiling,

“What are you thinking of my Love?” Grace turns to look at Lane,

“Lane, what do you think they want to know? What about the baby?” Lane gathers Grace into his arms,

“Don’t worry my love I will be there with you. We should know the DNA results shortly.” Grace smiles as they get up to start getting ready for the day. When Grace steps into the shower, she doesn’t hear Lane until he slips in behind her. 

“Oh, I didn’t realize that you were going to join me. Believe me when I say I’m disappointed, just surprised.” Lane chuckles, as he nibbles on her ear,

“I want you.” This causes Grace to giggle, though it comes out more like a moan.
“Do we have time?” Grace breathlessly says through a moan, as she leans into Lane’s touch and kisses.

“I’ll make the time, because I’m the governor. I’m the boss, what I say what goes. They don’t.” Lane continues to whisper  in her ear,
“My sweet Grace, face the wall put your hands on the wall.”
Grace complies, as Lane spreads her legs. He spanks her right cheek, causing Grace to squeal from surprise than pain. Lane fingers clit, testing her wetness as warm water falls over them. Lane moves her back against his chest, as he lines his length up with her center, plunging deep inside of her.

Lane thrusts in and out slowly until he hits Grace’s g-spot, bringing out a loud moan from her lips. He quickens his thrusts as he feels her walls tighten and flutter. Grace’s moans get louder, as heat builds up  in her core she cries out.

“Lane… I’m… going… to… cum!” Lane let’s out a husky growl,

“Cum for me Love!”

Moments later, they both reach an intense high of an orgasm together. Lane holds Grace tight until he senses that her legs could hold her weight. Then Lane lathers up a loofah, starting to wash Grace’s body and hair lovingly. Grace washes Lane, as they’re drying themselves off, Grace turns to Lane,

“We need to do this more often. It saves water.” Lane chuckles,.


“Yes, it does, we need to finish getting dressed. Oaklee will be meeting us for breakfast.” Fifteen minutes later, there was a knock on the door of their private quarters,

“Come in.” Grace says while answering the door, for Oaklee and the breakfast cart to enter.

“I met with Barlow Raines, he gave me an idea of what to expect in today’s meeting. Cassandra was leaving his office as I arrived.” Oaklee stated to the couple,

“Interesting. So what’s to be expected?” Lane insists urgently,

“The biggest issue is why Grace’s death was faked, and did you know about it?” Lane scoffs, as Grace giggles.

“I had no idea. Yet I shouldn’t be surprised by that. I had no idea Grace’s death was faked. And you know I couldn’t fake my grief. That’s a question for Tammy and Dwayne to answer.” Oaklee nods in understanding.*

Oaklee continues,

“The reason for their thinking is that you were real resistant to dating the ladies.. and…” Lane scowls in frustration,

“Oaklee, I was grieving! I had no idea that she or Lex were out there.” Lane hisses with screaming volume, Oaklee holds her hands up in surrender,

“Lane, I know that. I was with you, and saw your pain. All you need to do is tell them that, without an outburst. Despite how you may feel.”  Lane nods sitting down, as Grace squeezes his hand.

“Grace, be prepared to hear them say that the baby’s Lex’s.” Grace nods thoughtfully,
“Lane, I know. I found out a few days after we went into hiding. I hadn’t seen or spoken  to Lex since the wedding. We were to together when we spoke to him. Do we know when the DNA results yet?”

Grace inquires nervously, Oaklee smiles as she hands an envelope over to Lane. He smiles widens as he reads the contents.

“What are you reading Lane?” Grace asks with curiosity and intent,

“ I AM THE FATHER! As  I knew I would be!” Lane exclaims as he leans over kissing Grace,

“Well, there goes their crazy theory that the baby’s Lex’s.” Oaklee  smiles, trying to not giggle,

“You’re right. But you shared the house, they may try to go down the affair route. The Feds are fake etc…” Grace could feel anger boil deep inside of her,

“Lex was a gentleman, but was supportive especially after he found out I was pregnant. How dare they?” Lane caresses her back in order to console her,

“Relax and breathe Grace.. Please don’t stress our baby. We will get through this.” Grace listens to Lane by taking deep breaths, until she was able to calm down.

“Why Lane why?” Lane gives Grace a stern, but sad look.

“I don’t know my love.” Oaklee takes a breath before helping the conversation continue,

“Grace, I’m sorry, but what I’m hearing from Barlow is that they want you out and Cassandra in.” With tears in her eyes, Grace shakes her head.

“NO! NO! NO! I will fight with everything in me to stay with Lane. No way will that happen.” Grace trembles in anger, as Lane holds her.

“Oaklee, I will not walk away from her. We need to see if Lex and the Feds will help us.” After hearing Lane’s words, Oaklee gets thoughtful before responding.

“If it comes down to it, I’ll have Lex and Dwayne be available for any questions they may have.” They all finished eating, in order to call Dwayne and Lex.

****Other Side Of The Mansion****

Mary escorts Cassandra into Barlow’s office,
“Good morning, Ladies, please come in and have a seat.” Mary and Cassandra have a seat, Barlow hands them a cup of coffee.

“I would like to go over what will be happening in the board meeting this morning.” A sly smile came over Cassandra,

“I’m excited especially if we can get Grace out of the picture. Please let me know what I can do to get Lane on our side. I want Lane to know, I will fight for him.” Barlow smiles,

“Here’s what we should try to establish in the meeting.

1. Did Gov. Lane know that Grace was alive the whole time?

2. Why was Grace and Lex’s death faked?

3. Did Grace and Lex have an affair?

4. DNA results on paternity on Grace’s baby.

5. Second DNA needs to be done to verify results.

6. Encourage Lane’s brother Lex to help Grace raise the baby, even if it ends up being Lane’s.
A. Or Lane gets full custody.
B. Terminate Grace’s parental rights upon birth of the baby.

7. Recommend a divorce happen between Lane and Grace.

8. Encourage marriage between Cassandra and Lane.

This is the Outline I have been able to come up in such a short notice.”

Mary nods while listening, as Cassandra smirks.

“I really love this outline. What if Gov. Lane resists all of this? He showed resistance in the dating season.. In reality , I’m sorry Cassandra, this could become rough. I know that Gov. Lane does love Grace. You’re up against a relationship that’s establish and solid.” Tearfully Cassandra nods, as Barlow continues,

“Cassandra, do you think you could be strong enough to be in the meeting? Because if you are, the very presence of you could unnerve Lane and Grace. Their marriage is less than a year old. Hopefully  it won’t take much to rip it open, letting it fall apart.” Cassandra has a wide smile, as she takes a sip of coffee,

“It’ll be nice to throw in a huge curve ball to see what they will do.”

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