Rebuttal, Part 2

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****Private Living Quarters****

Oaklee and Tammy walked with Grace back to the private quarters,

“Grace, Tammy, please go pack some clothes for a week. Lane is going to take you to a different location for some private time.” Grace gives Oaklee a small smile,

“Thanks. What’s Lane’s plan?” Oaklee thinks seriously, before speaking.

“It has to do with appearance, showing the Board that you’re his choice. And to also reconnect.” Grace throws in clothes in a bag before she speaks up,

“What is Lane really thinking, Oaklee?” As Oaklee hands Grace some toiletries, she smiles.

“In your living room, where the heavy blue curtain is. Behind it is a security door. It goes into a hallway between two bedrooms. That’s where Tammy will be staying. Everyone will think you’re staying there. I’ll pack a few clothes and items to put over there, just in case. But you and Lane can slip between the quarters discreetly.” Grace beams,

“Ha ha. That way they’ll never know.” Oaklee nods with a smile,

“Yes, no matter what, she can’t deny the love I have with Lane.” Then they hear the main door open and close,

“Who is it?” Grace calls out,

“It’s me, my Love.” Lane walks up kissing Grace deeply, then he nibbles her lip and ear. Grace inhales and scowls, Oaklee smirks.

“Get a room you two.” Lane smirks as they pull apart,

“Plus you need to change. I can smell that home wrecker on you.” Lane kisses Grace’s cheek,

“I will. We’re in our bedroom. But please stay, the three of us need to talk while I pack.” Lane started packing all types of clothing.

“Oaklee, put a call into my law firm to Tanner Meadows. I want to see what legal route, we can do for the legal separation, dissolve the Board and their power of attorney. He may need to get ahold of James Reagan out of Boston. I’m going to start having advisors instead.” Oaklee nods, as Grace speaks.

“Lane, can we get all of this overturned?” Lane kisses Grace on her temple,

“That’s the whole point. And I want us to get away. So we can relax and reconnect.” Grace nods as they are led out a side door.

“Where are we going Lane?” Grace quietly asks,

“We’re going to leave this place for a week. I don’t want to see this place anymore than I need to.” Lane squeezes Grace’s hand,

“We really do need to reconnect. What did Miss Cassandra want so badly?” Lane shakes  his head,

“To pull you away from me.” Lane chuckles,
“Cassandra just wanted to remind me of what the board expects from me, regarding dating the two of you. But what they don’t know is that you’re the only one I’ll be dating.” Grace shakes her head,

“What was Cassandra’s plea?” Lane gathers Grace into his arms, kissing her cheek.
“We’re here. I’m going to answer your questions, when we get settled in.” They walk up to the check in desk,

“We’re here to check in for Gov. Lane Rupas and Grace Rupas.” The blonde young lady gawked at Lane,

“You’re Gov. Lane?” Lane chuckles, as he pulls Grace close to his side,

“Yes, we reserved the penthouse.” The blonde girl named Harper frowns,

“Sir, I’m sorry. The penthouse was taken up by the owner and his girlfriend this morning. And we’re full from an event in the city. From behind Harper, a throat was cleared,

“My lady, we don’t turn away the governor of California from our Luxury Hotels.” Harper turns around and gasps,

“Mr. Davidson, sir, I’m sorry. We have no more rooms.” Mark looks over the bookings for a few a minutes, he looks at Harper with cold, stern eyes.

“Harper, is it?” She chokes back a tear, as she nods.

“Well, Anna and I took penthouse 2, there’s a penthouse 1. When these two go up to the top floor, the hotel will then be full. These are VIP guests, please give them their cards so they can enjoy their time here.”*

Mark Davidson turns towards the couple,

“Gov. Lane, I apologize for the misunderstanding. Please go enjoy your penthouse, here’s my card. Maybe the two of you could join Anna and I for dinner this evening..”

Lane extended his hand to shake Mark’s hand, who returns the shake firm. Then he hands Lane his business card, as they head up to the penthouse. Mark turns to Harper,

“Harper, how long have you worked at my hotel?” Harper swallows nervously, as she looks at Mark.

“Mr. Davison, I’ve only been here a little over a week. I only had one day of training, before the girl was fired. Mr. Jones has been too busy to assist me.” Mark exhales before speaking,

“I’ll have a word with Mr. Jones. If he appears to be too busy over the next week, pull me aside and I’ll assist you. Catch on quick and you’ll go far.” Harper nods, as Mark heads back to the management offices.

After Grace and Lane settle in the penthouse, Lane takes her hands.

“I’m ready to fullfill my promise to tell you what happen between Cassandra and i.” Grace nods,

“I figure Lane, that she would try to make a stand.” Grace states to Lane,

“Yes, she figures she has the backing of the Board, she has it in the bag.” Grace starts laughing,

“Yes so. She doesn’t see me as a threat then.” Lane starts laughing with Grace,

“You could say that. But I told her, I knew what you went through when I pursued you.  That you’re not responsible for Dane and his family’s behavior. You’re not at fault here.” Grace smiles,

“So what does Cassandra have over mw other than my baggage?” Lane wraps his arms around Grace,

“Even though there may have been a little chemistry in the beginning between Cassandra and i. Mostly because I thought I had lost you. But once I saw you, everything died, and never grew from there. And it won’t because you’re in my life, plus she’s way too pushy.” Grace gives Lane a thoughtful look,

“I understand that she’ll going to be trouble for us.” Lane runs his hand through his hair,
“I’m looking to what I can do legally. I hate the fact I’ll have to have lunch with her in a few days.” A tear slips down Grace’s cheek, Lane’s thumb wipes it away.

“It’ll only be public lunch meetings. Nothing real romantic will be the message to her. Plus I have an interesting surprise for her. It’s only until we can stop the Board. Don’t worry my sweet Grace, you’ll always have my heart.” Grace hugs Lane, as his phone rings.

“Hello?” A soft chuckle is heard on the other end,

“Hello twin brother. How are you? Grace?” Lane lets out a hearty laugh,

“We’re good. It’s good you’re in town.”  Lucca sighs,

“When may I see the two of you?” Lane glances over at Grace,

“How about tomorrow for brunch. We have dinner plans tonight.. We’re going to need your help.” Lucca softly chuckles,

“I can’t wait to see how I can help the two of you.” Lane smiles,

“We’ll see you tomorrow.” Lucca clicks his tongue,

“Until then, I’m seeing  Lex tonight.” The men hang up, Lane gives Grace a small smile,

“I wish I didn’t have to worry about you, having to see me spend time with her. But after hearing my plan tomorrow, I hope your pain will be lesson.”

Lane kisses Grace on her temple, working down towards her lips. After a passionate kiss, Lane caresses her lower lip with his tongue desiring access. Grace parts her lips slightly with a moan, as their tongues dance in their kiss. When they part, Lane caresses her cheek.

“Let’s take this to the bedroom, my Love. We have some time before we need to get ready for our dinner plans.” Grace giggles as Lane picks her up bridal style, carrying her into the master bedroom suite.*

****Executive Mansion****

Cassandra  was in the suitor suite, when she sees Sandra ready to walk out of the suite. Cassandra stops her.

“I thought all of the ladies were already dismissed.” Cassandra inquires,

“I had to wait for my suite to be finished.” Cassandra looks at Sandra confused,

“I don’t understand.” Sandra chuckles,
“Gov. Lane  has set me up with his best friend Dean. We hit it off, so he set up a suite close to Dean. Why are you still here? Since Gov. Lane’s wife is now back.”  Cassandra chuckles with a wicked smile,

“Oh, haven’t you heard? Because Gov. Lane was in a deeply emotional grief stricken, the Board filed power of attorney. To file a legal marriage separation on his behalf. Because of her ties to the mafia.” Sandra cocks her head in confusion at Cassandra,

“Gov. Lane knew of her past when he married her. When I was at dinner with Dean and them, I saw nothing but strong love between them. Please don’t hurt them.” Cassandra lets out a hearty laugh,

“The Board of Directors are pushing for a divorce. They’re being very compassionate in allowing them see each other over the next thirty days. During this time, we’ll be seeing each other as well. I will make sure we get close, to be there when Grace is kicked out of his life.”  Sandra shakes her head,

“What about the baby? And the little boy that he adopted? It’s not as black and white as you think.” Sandra states to her, Cassandra looks at her as she throws some things  into a bag.

“Lane will get the baby. We can raise the baby, Grace will be lucky to get supervisory visits. It will not be safe to be around her. Plus when they get school aged they can be sent away to boarding school, as Lane and I raise our own children. He’ll forget about them.”

Sandra couldn’t believe what she was hearing, then there was a knock on the door. Sandra opens the door,

“Hello Mary, come in I’m on my way out.” Mary smiles as she walks in,

“Hello Sandra. Do you remember where your new suite is? Is Cassandra here packing?” Sandra nods,

“Yes, I remember. Cassandra’s in her room. I’m heading out. Bye.” Sandra shuts the door behind her, she pulls her phone out texting Dean.

Sandra: Hey Dean! I need to see you. ASAP. We need to talk.

Dean:  I will meet you at your new suite.
Sandra: See you in a few minutes.
Inside the suitor suite, Mary goes to Cassandra’s room and knocks.

“How’s the packing going, Cassandra?” Cassandra smiles back at her,

“A few more items, I’ll be ready for my new suite. Is it close to Lane’s private quarters?” Mary shakes her head in response,

“You’re in the same wing as Sandra, but on the other end which is closer to Gov. Lane. Grace and Tammy have the suite next to his private quarters. Oaklee got the quarters, when Grace returned. Tammy stays there, plus there’s three bedrooms. Yours and most suites are one bedroom.” Cassandra sighs in frustration,

“Is there anyway to have her switch? Put her in the suitor suite if she needs more rooms. ” Mary puts her hand  on Cassandra’s shoulder,

“I’ll work on it. What are your reasons for the switch?” Cassandra gives her a small smile,

“The Board desires for the divorce to happen. I need to be able to have more access to Lane.  Grace needs to have less, moving her to the other side of the mansion. Lane will see and think of her less.”  Mary nods at her words,

“I’ll see what I can do. And if the Board can step in. I’ll call Gov. Lane. He and Grace are out of the mansion.” Cassandra scowls,

I NEED TIME WITH LANE! He did say that we could have lunch in a few days.” Cassandra states strongly, as she walks out of the suite.
“Don’t worry we’ll make sure you get the time. You deserve to be with Lane.” They part ways.

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