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****The Next Morning****

After his shower, Lane was standing in his closet being indecisive on what to wear to see Grace and Lex. Dean walks in totally amused.

“What are you smiling at Dean? Lane spats at Dean, while he chuckles at him.

“Lane, relax it’s only your wife and brother.”  Lane throws his arms up and defeat, picking something nice yet comfortable. Later in his study, Dean teases Lane.

“Why did you throw you arms up in defeat, Lane? You’re only seeing Grace and Lex.” With a look of determination, Lane responds.

“I was told they were dead. This whole thing caused me a lot of pain, that wasn’t necessary.” Dean and Oaklee seem a little surprised by his response,

“Where do you get to meet them?” Oaklee asks out of concern,

“I got their loca…” The study’s door bursts open, revealing Mary.

“What do you want Mary? I need to have Bronte to stand in front of the door now?” Lane hisses at Mary,

“Well good morning to you, Gov. Lane.” Mary exclaims back to him,

“So what can I do for you?” Mary looks at Lane puzzled,

“I’m here to remind you of your date this afternoon.” Mary chimes proudly, as Lane softly chuckles.

“Lane, I have the two appointments rescheduled. About the date thing, that is totally up to you.” Oaklee states,

“Why are you needing to reschedule things, Gov. Lane?” Mary asks with curiosity,

“I have an emergency appointment, please extend my apologies to the ladies.
Especially the one the date is with.” Mary shakes her head at him,

“When do you think you can do the date? Mary states, as Lane frowns at her.

“I have no idea. Until I get through this appointment, I refuse to make any promises at this point.” Mary couldn’t believe what she was hearing,

“Alright, Gov. Lane, please keep me posted. I need to let these ladies know what’s going on. How did your date with Cassandra go?” Mary asks flatly,

“I’ll let you know. As of the date, it was okay. I learned a lot of what she’s desiring and thinking.” Lane let out a breath, he didn’t realize he was holding, until Mary left. Outside the study Mary thought to herself....

What is going on? What is he hiding? Lane needs to stay focused on finding a wife..

“Let’s go guys. I really need to see Grace.” Dean and Oaklee  nod in agreement, as they all head to the SUV where Bronte is there waiting for them.

****Gold Park Home****

During the ride to Gold Park Home, Lane was so nervous that he was tapping his foot.

“What is it buddy? You seem nervous.” Dean asks Lane, as he squeezes his shoulder to reassure him.

“I’m excited to see Grace, I was so nervous seeing her last night. It was like a dream.” Lane answers in a shaky voice,

“Don’t get discouraged, we’ll have answers soon.” Oaklee chimed in to encouraged Lane, who nods at her.

“I have. I want Grace and Lex back into my life. I have nothing against these ladies. I just don’t want to date. I never wanted this.” Lane states sternly, when they arrive at Grace’s home. Lane closes his eyes, while taking a deep breath before knocking.

“Come in.” Dwayne says as he steps a side allowing Lane  and his friends to enter into the home. Lane extends his hand to Dwayne.

“Sir, I’m Gov. Lane Rupas. These are my close friends Dean and Oaklee. It’s good to meet you.” Dwayne shakes his hand,

“I’m Dwayne Peters. There are two people here that are very excited to see you.” Dwayne leads them into the front room, where Lex was wide eyed while Grace was in tears of joy.*

Dean and Oaklee stood there in shock, while tears filled Lane’s eyes.

“Love, it’s so wonderful seeing you. I was hoping you were alive, that I wasn’t dreaming last night.” Lane walks over to her, wrapping his arms around Grace kissing her deeply. As they touch foreheads,

“Love, is this kiss real or not real?” They hear a hearty laugh  from Lex,

“It better be real, cause we have to watch the show!” Everyone laughs, as Lane embraces Lex. Oaklee and Dean also hug Grace,

“It’s great to see you big brother! I really have missed you.” Lane and Lex break from their hug,

“It’s so good to see both of you. I have so many questions.” Grace starts to giggle through her tears,

“I bet you do!” Grace gives Oaklee a hug, who gives Lex a smiling nod.

“I miss you, my friend. This really makes my day.” Dean hugs both of them,

“Welcome back…” As Lex talks to Dean and Oaklee, while Lane pulls Grace into his arms kissing her passionately.

“Get a room you two!” Everyone laughs, causing the couple to blush and turn red.

“Forgive me Folks, but I haven’t seen my wife for a very long time. I’m very excited to be back around Grace and Lex.”Now Lex snickers, while Lane arches his brow at him.

“Please don’t kiss me brother.” This caused the group to laugh in stitches, Dwayne glances over to Tammy before clearing his throat.

“Everyone please take a seat, so we can start to answer any questions Gov. Lane and his friends may have.” After everyone sits down Lane clears his throat,

“I really have one really nagging question in my heart…” Lane declares very sternly,

“What is it Gov. Lane.” Tammy asks curiously,

“What was the real reason for faking their deaths? Dane is in prison, and will be there for life.” This time Dwayne clears his throat,

“I’m sorry that we weren’t able to get ahold  of you. We really thought they were serious danger. This family kills without a thought.” Lane squeezes Grace’s hand,

“What was the danger? I did let the other brother serve his time back in NY.“ Tammy gets up and starts pacing,

“Sir, we were deeply concerned. We traced calls from Jonix back to the mansion, but a different department than yours.” Fear  starts to fill Grace’s soul, as she clings to Lane.

“What does this mean?” Lane snuggly increases his arms around Grace as he kisses her temple,

“Someone on my staff may know what’s going on…Or?” Lex eyes widen as he asks,

“Or what Lane?”

“He’s right! Someone close to him is trying to pull the strings. That has us deeply concerned.” Dwayne chimes in,

“I can tell you this, it’s not me or Dean. We have been by his side from the start. We support Lane and Grace.” Oaklee hisses, as Dean shakes his head..

“This was the information we were going on, right after the shooting. We felt we had to move quickly” Dwayne states strongly,
“When you pardon Dane’s older brother, things did quiet down until a few days ago.” Tammy adds,

“What happened now?” Lex hisses as he asks the question,

“We gotten intel that Dane was being transferred further north away from you. For your safety and security reasons, we waited until he was transferred to move you two here. Plus we’re still not sure how the family will react.”

“I understand. Did something happen during Dane’s transfer?” Lane asks in earnest,

“We got some interesting news yesterday, the confirmation came this morning. It’s bad news.” Grace’s eyes grew wide as she puts her hand to her stomach. Lane looks at her with concern, while Dwayne continues the story.

“As Tammy stated, Dane was being transferred north. When there was an accident, Dane along with three other inmates escaped.”*

Lane and Lex stood up at the same time in anger,

“What? What happens now?” The brothers say in unison,

“Two of the inmates have been caught.” Tammy informs the group,

“Please tell me they got ahold of Dane?” Grace exclaims,

“No, he’s still on the run.” Tammy flatly states,

“Any idea where he might be?” Dean inquires sternly,

“The report this morning says he’s about 50 miles north of here. We‘re  tracking him in every way possible.” Grace bursts into tears, as Lane holds her as anger boils deep inside of him. Lex runs his hand over his face,

“What are you going to do to keep Grace safe?” At this point Dwayne is pacing,

“Grace will need to be careful about being out, but we will work with you Gov. Lane. On how the best way it needs to be handled.” Lane blows out air, as he thinks for a moment.

“A lot will be shown when I dissolved the dating season. If there’s someone on the inside, the beast may show when that happens.” Grace looks at Lane confused,

“What’s the dating season?” Grace asks annoyed through her tears, Lane squeezes her hand.

“My sweet Grace, I barely got through your guys funerals, when the Board of Directors that my father had sey up, started demanding that I find a wife to further my political career and my company. To start having a family right away.” Grace slowly nods at him,

“the ladies compete, the winner gets a date. It just started, I was upfront with the ladies that I wasn’t over you. All of them seemed okay with it, except one. And that was the lady who was in the bathroom, when we were speaking.” Grace took several deep breaths before speaking,

“Who is she? What does she want? Lane, the reason I’m asking, how will she take it when you tell them I’m alive.?” Lane closes his eyes, remembering the date conversation from the night before.

“Her name is Cassandra. From all that she told me last night, she has the future for us all planned out.” Oaklee face plants her hand as she groans,

“Is she the one who kissed you at the gala? If so she’s the reason I pushed to get back towards you, along with missing you.” Grace volunteers to Lane,

“Yes, my love. She’s a very forward, aggressive type of lady.” Grace looks at the others,

“Tell him Grace, Lane deserves to know the secret reason  why you pushed to get back to him.” Lex chimes in, as Lane cups Grace’s chin kissing her softly.

“What is it love?” A tear slips down Grace’s cheek, causing Lane to gently dries it with his thumb.

“A few does after they brought Lex and I went into hiding, I found out I was pregnant.” Lane looks at Grace comfused for a moment, then scowls at Lex. He throws his hands up in surrender.

“I haven’t touched her Bro…” Lane looks over at Dwayne and Tammy,

“Was Grace tested in the hospital ?” Dwayne shrugs his shoulder,

“Sir, they never said anything, but we can get access to her records.” Lane nods as he kisses Grace lightly on her cheek.

“When does she see the Dr. again? We need to do testing to shut out any questions and doubts, when we announce that Grace and Lex are alive. There should be a DNA test done.” Hurt swells in Grace’s heart, she stands up for everyone to hear…


“Lane, I’ve never touched another man!” Grace hisses, as Lane holds his cheek.

“Love, I’m not saying you did. I know how you feel about me….” Lane tearfully states to her… Oaklee speaks up,

“Grace, we know the two of you were trying to have a baby. Lane is trying to protect you. Keeping everything quiet until the results are in. Because the press would have a heyday if the find out. We don’t need anyone to look bad here.” Oaklee states, as Lex nods..

“I agree with Oaklee on this. I know I can be known as a playboy at times. I refuse to let people use that reputation of mine to hurt you or Lane.” Lex chimes in,

“Lane, I’m so sorry that I slapped you. I love you so much. I’ll never be unfaithful to you.” Grace quietly apologizes to Lane,

“I know my Love. I love you too.” Lane leans in kissing Grace softly on the lips. 


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