Karma's Knocking

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I slowly wake up and realize my bed is empty. Where the hell is Bobby? Is he one of those annoying people who always wakes up early? I sit up and stretch my sleep away. I quickly realize the entire room is empty except for Noah and Hope. I slept in! Maybe I'm the annoying one here. There's whispering happening under those blankets. I scowl with annoyance. That should be me.

"Morning Noah," I call out as I exit the room. I doubt that'll stop them from doing anything, but one can only hope. I'm putting Noah on the back burner for now. They are not a good couple and I can only hope that Noah will come to his senses and dump her. Gary. Gary's my focus. I'm not ditching Bobby. I really like the guy and we're already becoming fast friends. There's no way I'd drop our alliance. Bobby will always stay my number one. I'm determined to have fun and get a tiny bit of action though. My brothers suffocate me and they have no say right now.

I dig through my bikini's, searching for a sizzling one. Maybe I didn't dress sexy enough yesterday. Maybe that's why Bobby pushed friends so fast. No other guys really went out of their way to chat with me either. I've got to do something different. Gary is an easy target. I've already gathered he's a ladies man, so I shouldn't have any issue grabbing his attention. I'm worried about poor Hannah though. I don't want to hurt her.

I grab one of my many sexy bikini's. It's a pale blue string one. It really draws attention to my boobs and ass. I take a quick shower and pull my hair into a wavy ponytail. My hair isn't curly, but has a cute beach wave to it. I usually straighten it, but it seems pointless here. Just like makeup; completely pointless in this heat. I add my eye lashes, minimal makeup and apply sunscreen. I spitz myself with my perfume and I'm ready to make every boy drool.

I walk out into the bright sunshine and take in the scene. The girls are lingering in the kitchen while the boys, minus Noah, are in the pool. Pyria is perched elegantly on the pool's edge. She has all their attention right now. "Kiera," she calls to me. I give her a huge smile as I make my way down there. She's the type of girl I tend to be friends with. "I'm questioning the guys. Wanna play cops with me?" Pyria asks.

"Sure," I say as I sit next to her. I hear Lottie huff as she walks over. I roll my eyes. Great. Here comes drama.

"Sounds sexy," she says as she sits a bit away from us and stares at Pyria. The tension between the two girls is thick. Well there's only one way to change that and it's by bringing all the attention to myself.

"I think the most important question here, lads, is what do you think of my bikini?" I ask as I stand up and toss my hair.

"Mad respect," Pyria cheers for me.

I do a little turn and take in the flushed faces of the guys. Yep. This bikini was definitely the right pick.

"It's the color," Ibrahim says.

"No man," Bobby shakes his head as his eyes bore into me. "It's the way it fits." I smirk as he whistles, making my smile grow. "Damn, Boo!" I do a tiny pose for him.

"Lads, it's totally the body," Gary corrects.

I send him a wink. "Aww. You flatter me, boys."

"You are the fittest girl here," Pyria says and I smile at her compliment.

"Yeah. Yeah," Lottie scowls. "Nice suit. So who are you recoupling with?"

"I don't know," Pyria answers with a sigh." I sit next to her and dip my legs into the pool. "I don't want to step on anyone's toes, but I also want to be with someone I have a connection with. How are you and Rocco after last night?"

"We're still getting to know each other, but I think we'll be really strong," Lottie answers and Rocco beams at her.

"What about you and Bobby?" Pyria asks me.

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