Villa Fantasies

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My stomach feels sour as I open my eyes to the bright sun. I feel like shit. My head hurts and I'm really thirsty. I drank way too much last night, but that was the plan. It was fun. I realize I'm on the daybed and a warm body is wrapped around me. Why did we fall asleep out here? I stretch my aching body and notice I'm wearing a large tshirt. Why am I wearing this?

"Hey baby." Bobby's voice sounds groggy with sleep and probably from a hangover.

"Hey you." I roll over to face him.

"You're so pretty," he smiles and boops my nose. "Boop."

I smile, but I feel like shit. "I don't feel pretty," I groan. "Wanna fill me in on last night? Why are we sleeping out here and what's with your shirt?"

"You don't remember?" I can't analyze the look he's giving me. It's not one I've seen before.

"I remember getting really drunk and dancing. That's pretty much it."

"Oh. Shit." He chuckles nervously and rubs his face with his free hand. "This makes things a little more awkward for me then."

"Oh no." I sit up really fast and instantly regret it as my head feels like it'll explode with the movement. "What did I do?"

"Well... It's not so much what you did but what we did." He looks ashamed like he did something wrong. "It was kind of your fault though," he mumbles.

"Did we have sex?" I scream. I quickly scan the yard, but it's empty. Everyone must still be inside.

"We did. I'm sorry," he says as he rubs my arms. It's clear he regrets it. How bad was I for him to apologize like this.

"Was it bad? Was I bad?"

"No," he chuckles. "It was damn good. It shouldn't have happened though. I'm sorry I let it happen."

"Hey. It's ok." I lean into his arms. "I'm sure I enjoyed it even though I can't remember it."

Bobby sighs. "That's the problem. Our first time shouldn't have been like that. It should have been special and romantic. I'm sorry."

"Well I don't remember it so the next time can be like that, ok?"

"I guess." It makes me sad that he seems so upset about it. I mean, he remembers having sex with me so shouldn't he be excited about it?

"We need a makeup one soon though. I don't think it's fair that you remember it and I don't," I purr as I run my finger down his bare chest. He doesn't smile like I thought he would.

"There's more I need to tell you. I pulled out, obviously, but we didn't use a condom."


"I know. I'm sorry. I was drunk. You were really drunk. It happened so fast and... well it was impossible to stop you."

"What? I think you need to start at the beginning."

"You wanted to have sex and I said no. So we started this bad boy game and I never made it to bad boy status so you told me you would show me. Next thing I know you're hovering over my dick begging for it and you lowered yourself down before my drunk brain could figure this out and I'm sorry." He rushes through the story so fast.

"No. I'm sorry. This is my fault then."

"No. I should have stopped it. It's hard to stop something that you want and it felt so good."

I blush. "So you wanted to have sex with me?"

His voice turns tender and that cocky smile that I love comes back. "Of course. I just wanted it to be more special though."

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