Prom's Cancelled

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I jump up when I hear a text go off. Typically, they whisk the girls away to go dress shopping. I already have my dress, but I'm excited to help everyone else shop.

Most of the girls are eagerly looking around the room, but nobody is reaching for their phone. "It's yours, Shannon," Graham grumbles before rolling over and burying his face in his pillow.

Bobby sits up and pulls me against him. "Prom's been cancelled," Shannon announces and an uproar follows.

"No," I whine.

"This isn't fair," Lottie scowls.

"The beautiful dresses. The dashing tuxedos. I was so looking forward to prom," Hannah pouts.

"Why though?" Pyria asks.

"It says we're going to the carnival instead."

"YES!" Bobby cheers, making the bed bounce. "That'll be a right laugh."

"Don't you what to see me in my dress though?"

"Of course, but you can't ride rides at the prom."

"No, you usually ride one after though," I bite my lip at him.

Bobby chuckles. "You can ride me after the carnival too. Come on gals. Go get ready. I'll fix a fry up for breakfast. We need some fuel for today."

"I'll help," Noah says and they disappear downstairs.

"This isn't fair," I whine again. "I designed a dress just for prom."

"If you're still here for the finale, wear it then," Shannon suggests.

"I have a dress for then too. This sucks."

"I was so looking forward to wearing a beautiful gown," Hannah sighs.

"Let's go ahead and get ready, or breakfast will be cold," Lottie suggests. She's right. Pouting isn't going to change anything.

After showering, I stare at my reflection in the mirror. "Fuck it. I'm wearing my dress today."

"What? To the carnival?"

"Yes. I say you all find your dressiest gowns and put them on. We're doing this carnival full glam."

"I'm totes in," Pyria laughs. I have just the dress.

"I do have something I think I could wear," Lottie says with a laugh. "This will be fun. We're going to shock the hell out of the boys."

"I have nothing," Shannon says. "Dressy isn't really my thing."

"Yeah," Hannah states with sadness. "I'm not sure I have anything either."

"Come on. Let me see." I search Shannon's wardrobe. "There has to be something..." She isn't into dresses. "What about this?" I pull out a really pretty dark green pant suit. "Oh!" I suddenly squeal. I go back to her tops and grab a black lace bustier. "I have some layered gold necklaces you can wear. You'll look smokin hot!"

"Ok..." she says sounding skeptical. "Won't I get hot?"

"Just lose the jacket then," I smirk at her.

"You want me to parade around in this top!" I love seeing her omit some kind of emotion here. She's always so serious and this shocked expression she has it really cute.

"No. I expect you to ride some rides in that."

"You'll be sexy, girl!" Pyria comes to offer encouragement. "Graham won't be complaining."

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