Serial Bit Master

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I open my eyes to darkness. Did I dream a phone was going off? I look around but everyone is still sleeping. Noah's snores are still piercing through the quietness. The ding goes off again and I grab my phone, silencing it. A text? This early? I quickly read it and groan. A girls bonding day. Great. That's exactly what I want. With all this drama and fighting... Jo and Shannon. Elisa and Jo. Elisa and Chelsea. Plus, I'm hesitant around Elisa because I don't know what happened on her date with Bobby. This will be a disaster of a day. It's meant to be a secret from the boys though, so I sneak out of bed and wake Pyria first. She helps me wake the other girls and we meet in the dressing room.

"Looks like we're having a day of girl bonding," I announce as I hold my phone up and wiggle it in the air. "We can't wake the boys though."

"Oh this will be fun," Lottie says with amusement as she glances between Jo and Shannon. Does she enjoy the drama? Why does she sound so amused by it?

I quickly change into a cute floral bikini. I knot my hair on top of my head and throw on minimal makeup. I am beyond relieved when Pyria and I score a ride with Chelsea and Shannon. At least there won't be any fights while we drive to this mystery location.

"What if this is a trick and we're going to another Casa Amor," Chelsea wonders aloud.

"They wouldn't do that," I say.

"Girlie, this is Love Island. Pretty sure they do whatever they want," she responds with a giggle.

"That's true," Pyria agrees. "Do whatever they want as long as it strokes the drama flame." Speaking of drama... I quickly glance at Shannon as she's just watching the scenery slip by. She's quieter than normal, though she's an impossible read. I wonder what's going on in that head of hers.

In no time at all, we arrive at a gorgeous location. "This is heaven," Pyria sighs as we step out of the Jeep. It most definitely is. We're at the beach with an amazing outdoor hut. There is a huge infinity swimming pool with lounge chairs surrounding it. It's a perfect place to find relaxation, if only drama hadn't chased us here.

The other Jeep pulls up with Elisa, Jo, Marisol, and Lottie. "Pretty sure hell is invading Heaven now," I whisper to Pyria.

"Gah. You're so right. What's a girl got to do for some drama free relaxation?"

"Get kicked off the show?" I suggest with a giggle.

There are pitchers of Sangria waiting for us. Lottie digs though the cabinets in search for cups. She throws out some bags of crisps and begins pouring the alcohol. "Ladies," she says. "I know yesterday ended on a sour note, but let's not go there today. We're meant to have a day of bonding so I say we do just that."

"No better way to bond than iced Sangria," Chelsea giggles. "To girly time," she says as she holds up her glass. I take a sip of the sweet drink.

Jo heads to the loungers and flops down on one, claiming it as hers. I'm just now realizing there are tote bags on each lounger that are filled with goodies.

"Who said you get that spot?" Elisa asks and I glance at her with surprise. Who the hell cares where everyone sits? Why would she make that a thing?

"Oh. I'm sorry," Jo stammers. "I didn't realize there was assigned seating."

Elisa rolls her eyes. "I like to be in the middle so I can keep up with all conversations."

"Oh. So you're nosy. Maybe you're the gossip sneezer," Jo states.

I turn to Pyria and whisper, "Well this didn't take long. I thought we would at least be sitting down before it kicked off."

"Gossip sneezer? Me? No. No. No, honey. I controlled my sneeze. Chelsea's the one who sneezed it all over everyone," Elisa fumes.

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