I See You

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Two days have passed...


Hope holds her phone, hands trembling, as we all gather around to watch the tiny screen. This isn't going to be good. It's a video message with no accompanying text. I don't want drama. The last two days have been fun. Now this though... There is no way this is going to be good. Mini clips flash across the screen, giving us a peek at what the guys have been up to.

Gary and Ibrahim are huddled close in the kitchen, talking in low tones. "I'd take any of these gals home to meet my nan," Gary says.

"Man, I know what you mean," Ibrahim agrees with big eyes. They both glance off screen.

Noah, who is displaying a sexy breakup beard, is standing on the lawn. His jaw drops as he stares at something off screen. "Whoa. Doesn't she kind of look like Hope?"

It cuts to a cozy nighttime clip where Ibrahim is cuddled next to some sexy redhead. "You look incredible," he says.

"Only incredible?" The mystery woman asks. "Come on. You've got a better line than that. How about irresistible."

"You think you look irresistible?" He asks her.

She has a coy smile. "I don't know. Why don't you tell me."

"You're irresistible." Their lips just touch as it moves to another scene.

This one shows Rocco standing next to the pool kissing some attractive girl. Gary is cheering him on. "You've got it," he cheers. "Alright! That's ten seconds. Ten seconds... You can stop now, bro," he laughs. Rocco doesn't stop.

"They seem to be enjoying this," Jakub adds as both men look on.

"You're a fine one to talk, mate," Gary says to him.

It switches to Gary and Noah sitting at the kitchen counter. "I'll tell you what," Noah says, "doing bits on the first night," he gives his head a small shake, "it changes everything."

"No doubt," Gary agrees.

The screen goes black. Silence descends as we're all trapped with our own thoughts, but chaos soon follows.

"What the hell, Gary! Which of those girls are you taking home to meet your nan?" Chelsea fumes.

"I don't know why everyone is so shocked," Pyria says. "We knew the boys would be cracking on just like we've been."

"She's the ultimate weather reporter," Lottie hisses.

"Doing bits on the first night. That's what he said, wasn't it?" Hope asks with worry.

"Don't jump to conclusions," Marisol says. "These could be taken out of context."

"Where was Bobby? He wasn't in this at all," I point out. My stomach grows sick with worry. Where was he?

I knew this video would bring nothing but drama.


We all gather around Rocco's phone to watch a video message. These last few days have been hell. I've camped out on the daybed drinking over my hangover until I find relief from passing out. The only time I'd get up was to use the loo. I've been miserable. I'm tired of the game and it's all taking a toll on me. I just want Kiera back here so I can tell her how I feel and move on one way or another.

The lads have all been taking care of me and I appreciate it. They've been bringing me food and water. They've talked to me and encouraged me. I feel like I'm closer to all of them because of this. Even Noah. Noah and I talked everything out and we're moving past it. This morning, they finally had an intervention to get me off the daybed. I showered and promised to have fun today. No more alcohol. No more moping. It's pathetic that a girl has pushed me to this point. It's not just her though. It's everything. The game. The unknown. The what if's. The drama. Love Island is a mean game of psychological mind fucks. It's all gotten to me.

So now, I'm nervously looking at Rocco's phone and I don't have a good feeling about this.

The video flashes on and the girls are all singing, 'girls on tour,' as they dance around. They all look excited to be at the other Villa.

It cuts to Marisol and some huge bloke of a man, cuddled up on a lounger. Their foreheads are pressed together as they whisper something so quiet, you can't make it out.

The next clip shows Lottie full frontal grinding on some guy as they dance. They're more or less dry humping on the dance floor. The guy is bright red with embarrassment, but he has his hand firmly on her ass.

It flashes to Kiera and some hot guy cuddled together on a bed, kissing. I painfully watch as he squeezes her breast. Fuck! I seriously want to punch something.

It show's Hope and Chelsea talking about how hot the guys are and that they just want to have some fun.

Out on the lawn, Pyria is straddling and grinding against some blue haired man. His face is flushed with embarrassment.

The video ends.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I rage. "I'm so over this fucking shit!"

"Calm down, man," Noah says as he pats my back. "It doesn't necessarily mean anything. These small clips don't show the whole story."

I throw him a look. "He touched her tit. That's all the story I need." I can't stop replaying it in my mind. His hand touching her. It should have been me. "I'm out of here," I say as I go to stomp out of the dressing room. Gary blocks my exit. "We've just brought you back to the land of the living, dude. Don't go back to sulking on the daybed again."

Seriously, I can't believe this shit. Of course I knew though. I knew she'd be having fun. All I've heard is how horny she is. Guess she found someone to finally do bits with her. Fuck! It should have been me. "What am I suppose to do then?"

"The same thing you were going to do. Talk to her. Whenever they get back, talk to her."

"Fuck," I mumble.

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