Chapter 2

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I followed Steve and Loki as they walked near the building they would soon be entering. Rumlow and his strike team followed closely behind me. The plan was for them to enter the building surrounding Loki and Cap to make it look like we had captured the god of mischief and were bringing him in for his long awaited trial. Unbeknownst to Loki and the strike team, Loki and I would be going off to complete a separate mission in addition to our purpose for today.

"So how'd you manage to get this guy, Cap?" Rumlow asked, motioning toward Loki, who was still chained and standing next to Steve.

"Convinced his brother that we weren't quite done with him yet," Steve said as he adjusted his tactical belt.

"Oh please," I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "You make it sound so easy. Don't try to downplay the fact that Thor nearly had you at the end."

Rumlow's eyes widened as he shook his head, grinning. Figures he'd like the image of Steve getting his ass kicked. I don't know what Rumlow has against Steve, but he sure has a hard time hiding it sometimes. I turned my gaze from the strike team to the chained Norse god standing before me. He was staring at me, quizzically. We intentionally did not fill him in on parts of the plan, this one included.

Rumlow continued to give Steve crap for having the balls to go up against the god of thunder, demanding details of the battle. I made eye contact with Loki, who was already staring at me. I raised my eyebrows and slightly motioned with my head, signaling for him to come closer. Loki hesitantly took a step without the strike team noticing.

"You can use illusion projection, correct?" I whispered, leaning in so only he could hear my words. He looked down at me, furrowing his eyebrows. "Can you?" I whispered, annoyed. I looked up to meet his gaze as he nodded once. "Good. Do it and meet me in that alley." I started to back away from him, when I felt his fingers brush against my arm. He lifted his hands to show me the chains, motioning with his head toward them. "They're not locked," I grumbled, agitated by having to explain this to him. "I didn't use the key. You can still use your powers." Loki's expression was a cross between baffled and impressed.

I slowly made my way away from Loki and over to where Steve and Rumlow were standing, still going on about the pretend battle between Steve and Thor.

"As much fun as this is, we have a job to do boys," I scolded, crossing my arms and looking up at Steve.

"Yes ma'am," Steve replied, giving a slight nod with his head. "Okay, Rumlow, you and the strike team come with me to escort the prisoner inside. Taylor, you head to the back and secure any exits in case this one decides to make a run for it. We'll meet you inside. Stay on coms so you know our location," Steve declared as he began to make his way toward Loki.

"You sure Gray's going to be okay by herself? Want me to send a few of my men with her?" Rumlow asked, eyeing me and Steve.

"Pretty sure I can handle securing exits on my own, Brock," I sneered.

"Yeah, sure. But what if the greaseball gets loose and tries to bolt? You gonna stop him yourself?" Rumlow mocked, taking a step toward me.

"Guess you better not let him out of your sight then," I replied, raising my eyebrows.

"Guess not," Rumlow said, skeptically.

"Right. Let us know if you run into any surprises," Steve said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Sure thing, Cap," I assured, smiling up at him briefly before turning to walk toward the alley.

"Taylor," Steve called after me. I turned to look at him over my shoulder. "Be careful."

I nodded my head, glancing at the ground before turning to continue heading toward the alley. I hoped Loki was around the corner waiting like I instructed. If not, we were going to have bigger problems than a suspicious strike team leader.

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