Chapter 5

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I woke to the muffled sounds of a man screaming from the room next door. My eyes flickered open, sending a sharp pain shooting through my head from the bright spotlight that was shining in my face. My head felt like it weighed 20 pounds heavier as I tried to lift it to look at my surroundings. I moved my arms to shield my face from the light, but was unable to lift them. I glanced at my hands, noticing the restraints that were holding my wrists to the chair. Blood was smeared across my ripped pants, staining the fabric a deep shade of red.

"Oh good, you're still with us," an older man's voice called from somewhere behind the light. I opened my mouth to respond, only to be met with the metallic taste of iron and cloth. I pushed my chin forward, trying to loosen the bind tied tightly around my mouth. "Can someone remove that gag from our guest's mouth?"

The outline of a man appeared in front of the spotlight, approaching in my direction. I blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the change in light and trying to decipher the person in front of me. I flinched as a hand reached out toward my face and lowered the cloth that was tied around my mouth. Without hesitation, I quickly turned my head, biting the hand of the man that had removed the gag.

"Ah," he winced. "Bitch," he exclaimed as his fist made contact with the side of my head.


I tilted my head, raising my eyes to meet his glare. I felt the blood trickle down the side of my face as I watched him massage the spot on his hand I had sunk my teeth into. He backed away, slowly, as he continued to scowl at me.

"Miss Gray," the older man's voice echoed throughout the room. "This is going to work a lot smoother if you comply." A shadow appeared next to where Rumlow was standing. "You give us the information we need and we'll let you go. Simple as that."

"If that's the case, then why am I tied to this chair?" I exclaimed, jerking my body in hopes of freeing myself.

"As precaution," the man explained as he stepped forward in front of the light. "Given what you just did to poor Brock over there, I'd say we made the right choice." Footsteps vibrated across the floor as he continued to walk toward me. "Now," he said as he bent forward, meeting my eyeline.

My eyes narrowed as the face of Alexander Pierce came into focus.

Treacherous bastard.

"If you'd be so kind as to tell us where Captain America is," Pierce stated, taking off his glasses and folding them into his jacket pocket, "we'll be on our way."

"What makes you think I know where Rogers is?" I asked, exhaling through my nose.

Pierce sighed as he stood up straighter, glancing over his shoulder at Rumlow. "You were last seen with him and agent Romanov, were you not?"

"Doesn't mean I know where they are now," I grumbled. "In case you idiots didn't notice, I wasn't with them when you took me captive."

"Hydra takes no prisoners," Rumlow called from behind Pierce.

Hydra? I thought they disbanded in the 40s after the war.

"No prisoners?" I questioned. "Then what exactly am I?"

"A member of S.H.I.E.L.D.," Pierce explained, smiling weakly. "Same as us."

I let a laugh escape my mouth, exhaling as I turned my head to the side, smirking in disbelief. Did this man seriously think we were on the same side? Especially after sending agents after me and taking me hostage?

More screams erupted from the room next door, causing me to shift my attention back to the men standing in front of me.

"Who else do you have here?" I pressed.

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