Chapter 13

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The room around me was spinning. Images of stone pillars went by in a blur. Glimpses of gold shimmered from the sunlight shining through the open balcony, sending beams of orange light dancing across the floor.

I leaned against a pedestal, trying to focus on the cold sensation from my hand making contact with the hard stone. My eyes were closed as I tried to slow down my breathing in hopes that when they opened, the room would stop revolving.

The sound of footsteps approaching caused a slight panic. My eyes shot open, looking around the unfamiliar room in an attempt to find a hiding spot. They landed on a long curtain the color of garnets hanging in the corner of the room. I quickly tried to make my way over to it, moving it out of the way to hide behind the thick material.

I let out a quiet, slow exhale as I heard the footsteps enter the room, echoing as the door opened. This was the most obvious hiding spot, but it was the best I could do with such short notice. Whoever was in the room sounded like they were searching for something...or someone.

I tried my best to stay as still as possible as the person inspected the room. I lowered my head, looking down at the ground.

I pulled my eyebrows together in confusion as I observed the dress I was wearing. I gently ran the dark green fabric over my fingertips. The silky, lightweight material was the most delicate texture I had ever felt.

I jumped in fear as the curtain was pulled back, exposing my hiding place to the intruder.

I was met with a familiar presence, eyes the color of the ocean on a warm, sunny day softened as they discovered where I had taken cover.

"What? How are you-" I began to whisper.

"Hi," he said slowly, drawing out the word longer than necessary. His lips turned up into a smile, revealing an affection I hadn't witnessed in what felt like years.

"What's going on?" I asked, staring at the tall, dark-haired man in front of me. "Where am I? How are you here?"

He said nothing, but continued to smile and glanced past me, nodding to indicate I should look in that direction.

Not wanting to take my eyes off of him in fear he would disappear, I reluctantly turned around to look at what he was staring at. My breathing stopped as I took in the scene before me.

A golden city glistened in the light of a setting sun. My eyes were immediately drawn to a long bridge, dividing the city in two. The bridge glowed every color imaginable, changing colors with every inch my eyes scanned.

"It's beautiful, is it not?" Loki whispered as he leaned down next to my ear, his warm breath sending shivers down my skin.

"Where are we?" I gasped in wonderment, refusing to take my eyes off the marvel in front of me.

The sky was painted with multi-colored auras, whirling through the air. Faint outlines of planets could be seen in the distance, the sky decorated with thousands of glistening stars. The light from the sun was slowly descending behind an ocean that seemed to extend for miles, greeting the comforting colorful darkness that lingered in the air above like an old friend.

"Welcome to Asgard, elskan mín," he whispered as he placed a gentle kiss on my shoulder. His fingers lightly traced over the skin on my arm.

"How is this possible?" I asked as I turned to face him.

He sighed heavily as he ran his hands up and down my arms, closing his eyes for a moment.

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