Chapter 16

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The next morning, Sam and I decided to get an early start. We left the hotel before the sun had crossed over the horizon, determined to continue our search for Steve's former friend. Sam was convinced the guy we were hunting was the man Steve believed him to be. I wasn't so easily persuaded.

I had seen the image of Steve's friend, Bucky, in his file. There was no doubt that the man struck a striking resemblance to the trained assassin we were now searching the streets of Budapest for. Even if they looked similar, I couldn't help but feel like the man Steve once knew was long gone.

Sam and I narrowed our search to a few miles outside of the market where I had spotted the Winter Soldier last night. I had a gut feeling he was still in the city. I continued to run the scanners, controlling the program remotely from my phone but I knew it was pointless. Now that he knew people were searching for him, he would take every precaution to not raise alarms.

So far, there had been no new sightings of the man. He truly was a ghost, disappearing into the night. His Hydra training had taught him to avoid any cameras, knowing that he would be recognized instantly if he attempted to board a train or flight out of the area. If I had to guess, I would assume he was deep underground, laying low and blending in until he was sure no one was after him.

At least, that's what I would do.

We were in the heart of the city, searching through the Central Market Hall in hopes that our ghost would be out shopping again. A crowded market was the perfect place to lay low, especially when that's where our perp had been discovered before. He probably assumed we wouldn't search any markets, thinking he wouldn't dare be seen out in public again.

"Remind me again why we're here?" Sam whined as he weaved in and out of the crowd that was gathering in the large restored building.

"Because," I huffed, rolling my eyes. "This is the last place we would expect him to be."

"Exactly, so if we don't think he's here, then why are we searching every inch of this place?" Sam questioned, jogging to keep up with my steadfast pace.

"I know you told Fury you were more of a soldier than a spy, Wilson," I exhaled, shaking my head as I glanced at Sam over my shoulder, "but I'm really gonna need you to start thinking like an agent."

"You guys are all paranoid," Sam scoffed, rolling his eyes as he trailed me. "Can we at least stop and get something to eat?" he moaned while holding his stomach.

I felt my own stomach growl and the mention of food. "Sure," I sighed, licking my lips. "But make it something quick and light." I turned to face him, "I don't want to throw up while pursuing him on foot."

"Disgusting," Sam grimaced while shaking his head. "You know, you don't have to share every thought that pops into your head."

"What?" I shrugged as I crossed my arms. "It's a valid point."

"Yeah," Sam laughed, rolling his eyes. "A point so valid I can't get the image of you hurling out of my mind."

"Just go find us something to eat," I sneered, narrowing my eyes as I glared at him.

"I don't know that I have an appetite anymore," Sam teased, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Or we don't take a break to eat and we continue walking," I suggested, shrugging my shoulders.

"Food it is," Sam sang as he turned in a circle and walked off in the direction of something that smelled heavenly.

"I'm gonna head over toward those shops over there and scan the area," I explained as I stared ahead at a cluster of clothing stands.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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