Chapter 7

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My eyes fluttered open, sending a rush of pain to my skull. My ears were overwhelmed by the sound of hundreds of bullets being fired at once. As my eyes adjusted to the harsh light, an image of Sam's body crawling toward me came into focus.

"Are you hurt?" he asked, reaching his hand to check my pulse.

"I'll be okay," I muttered, grabbing my pulsing head. As I pulled my hand away, I noticed my skin was stained red.

"That doesn't look too good," Sam exclaimed, reaching out to help me sit up.

"Where's Nat?" I asked, looking around. "Steve?"

"They're both down on the street below," he stated, scanning the field. "These guys are gonna kill him unless I find a way to cover them."

"Here," I winced as I pulled out the knife I stole from the man with the metal arm from my belt. "Go help. I'll be there as soon as I catch my breath. I just need a minute."

"I knew I liked you," Sam grinned, taking the knife from my hand.

He stood, gripping the knife. I watched as Sam snuck up on one of the men who was about to descend to the street, kicking him in the knee. Sam's arm swung, punching him in the face one with one hand as he sliced the knife across the man's chest with the other. He spun rapidly, bringing his leg up to kick the man, sending him flying over the edge onto the street below. Sam picked up the gun the man had dropped and began firing.

"Go, I got this," he yelled down to Steve. I slowly lifted myself to stand and began to make my way over to him. "Stay down!" he yelled as bullets came flying in our direction. I lowered my body, crouching as I continued toward Sam.

"How many are there?" I gasped as I slid down next to him, holding my side.

"Too many to count," he exclaimed as he stood to shoot again.

"And the guy with the metal arm?" I asked, hesitantly.

"Yeah, he's there," Sam stated as he aimed for his target.

"Shit," I mumbled under my breath.

"Who is he?" Sam asked as he hid behind the concrete wall, avoiding a bullet. "He's masked."

"I don't know," I said, slowly. "But he was there when they took me. There's no way Steve can take him alone."

"Well you're in no condition to fight," Sam remarked as his gaze trailed over my injuries.

"It's not going to matter if he gets to them first," I exhaled. Noticing my stolen knife on the ground, I reached to pick it up as I rose to stand. I closed my eyes, summoning all of the strength I had left in me. "Cover me," I yelled as I seized one of the ropes that was grappled to the car in front of us.

"You're insane," Sam yelled while standing to fire at the men who were now shooting at me.

I held on to the rope tightly as I ran toward the edge of the overpass. I launched myself off the concrete, hissing at the burning sensation from the rope gliding through my hands as I slid to the ground. Sam took out another target before they even had a chance to aim at me as my feet made contact with the pavement. I turned, looking up over my shoulder at him. I gave him a quick nod to say thank you before heading off to help Steve and Nat.

I kept my distance from the man with the metal arm, making sure my movements were slow and stealthy, as I approached my target. I turned the knife once over in my hand, crouching into an attack position. I quickly ducked behind a car as he froze in the middle of the street, turning his head as if he was listening to something. In the distance, I heard the faint echo of Nat's voice. I eyed the man as he raised his gun and continued in the direction of her voice, aiming at the car I assumed she was hiding behind.

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