Chapter 15

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I nuzzled my face into the skin on his chest, letting out a deep exhale. My hair was a tangled mess from our mischievous endeavors that had left us both breathless. I tilted my head back, smiling to myself as I watched his bare chest rise and fall. My eyes trailed up to his face, softening with the realization that this was real.

He was mine. I was his.

"I can feel you staring at me," Loki growled, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"Can you blame me?" I blushed, rolling over onto my stomach. I readjusted my position so I was draped over his body like a blanket. My fingers traced small swirls on his chest while I soaked in his relaxed state. "You look so godly like this."

"Well, elskan mín," Loki chuckled as he opened his eyes to stare into mine. His hand gently lifted my chin as he brought my face closer to his. "I am a god," he whispered before crashing his lips onto mine in a passionate embrace.

"Loki," I murmured, his name barely escaping my lips as our mouths parted.

"Nothing brings me more pleasure than hearing my name escape your lungs," he smirked before his lips began their waltz with mine again. "Shall we pick up where we left off?" he asked as he rolled me over, pressing me into the mattress.

"I can't argue with a god," I breathed. My eyes darted across his features as I anticipated his next move.

Loki flashed one of his famous smiles, grinning as he lowered his face to my neck. His mouth caressed my skin, sending shivers and a burning sensation throughout my senses.

I rolled my head back, burying my face into the pillow as his lips trailed down my neck, pausing briefly at my chest before working their way down my abdomen. My eyes fluttered open to see him laughing gleefully, inhaling sharply as he shook his head at me.

He gripped one of my thighs with his hand, wrapping his fingers around my skin as he pushed my leg to the side. His fingertips ran over my leg with a touch so delicate and light, that I could barely feel him. He lowered his face to mine, his lips hovering over me while his hand traveled to the spot on my body that was aching with desire.

"Now," he chuckled, his warm breath causing my skin to shiver. "Where were we?" he questioned playfully while moving his lips over mine.

I wrapped my fingers in his hair, pulling him closer as our mouths performed their own intimate dance. "You're such a tease," I pouted, sticking out my lower lip.

Loki lightly latched onto my lip with his teeth, grinning uncontrollably before placing a soft kiss on my cheek. "There is a delicacy to the art of lovemaking," he growled in a hoarse, seductive voice as his lips traveled down my neck. "Something you Midgardians often take for granted," he added, sounding out of breath. "I'd be more than pleased to explain it to you-"

"I'm more of a visual learner," I whined, unable to contain the smile tugging at my lips.

"Well, in that case," Loki growled as his eyes darkened while climbing on top of me. He abruptly pulled away, pain flashing across his face. He brought his hand to his forehead, pressing firmly against the space between his eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" I gasped, lifting myself up so I was kneeling by his side. I ran my hand up and down his back in an attempt to comfort him.

"These bastardous creatures have impeccable timing," he groaned, shaking his head.

"The Chitarui want to speak with you? Now?" I probed, furrowing my eyebrows.

"I'll just be a moment," Loki explained, a pained expression still plastered on his face. He reached out to pick up his pants off the floor, quickly pulled them up over his waist, and turned to stare at where I was kneeling on the bed. He reached forward, his hand cupping my cheek. He leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on my forehead before shifting to grab his scepter from the nightstand.

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