Chapter 3

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I was slipping in and out of consciousness as Loki carried me effortlessly out of the building. I could barely make out the words he was saying as I stared up at his face. His expression was unreadable. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he was worried.

"Hang on, we're almost there," he pleaded. "Don't die on me."

"That'd be unfortunate for you," I choked, smiling weakly.

"Here you are, mere moments from death, and yet you still find a way to torment me," Loki laughed, shaking his head as he rounded the alley corner. "Shit," he exclaimed as he came to an abrupt stop. He slowly retreated behind the wall and pressed his back into the brick, tightening his grip on me.

"What's wrong?" I asked, weakly. Loki peaked his head around the corner, glancing in the direction we had been walking.

"Those goons of yours are surrounding the Quinjet," he snarled. "I can't take you over there as myself." He looked down at me, concern growing in his eyes. I turned my head to see if I could find another path to get to the Quinjet where we wouldn't be seen.

"What if we-" I started, turning to look back at Loki. I stopped mid sentence, confused by the person staring back at me. His features were drastically different from the Norse god who had been holding me moments ago. I stared at the blonde man in the navy uniform that was carrying me.

"Figured this would be less conspicuous," the man explained. I blinked several times as the man's face quickly shifted to Loki's then back again. "They're less likely to arrest me if I look like one of you." I stared at the medicine symbol ironed onto the pocket of his shirt.

"Why a paramedic?" I questioned, wincing from the pain as I shifted to get a better look at his face.

"Why not?" the man- Loki asked. "This is what your healers wear, is it not?"

"Yeah, but they wouldn't be here already," I mocked. "And how would they have found me? And where's the ambulance you-"

"Alright, so not this one then. Got it," Loki exclaimed as he shifted back to his normal appearance. My breathing halted as I began coughing up small amounts of blood. "This one will just have to do," a familiar, sarcastic voice quavered.

We began to move from our hiding spot in the alley. I worked up enough strength to open my eyelids that were fighting to stay closed. The notable light brown spiked hair and rough features was a comfortable sight to see. I exhaled quietly as we continued to approach the Quinjet.

"Barton?" Rumlow's uncertain voice called. "When the hell'd you get here?" Footsteps echoed on the pavement as people approached the man carrying me toward them.

"Clint," Steve acknowledged. "He was stationed a few blocks away as a precaution in case things here went south. What happened?"

"Why weren't we informed of this?" Rumlow suspiciously questioned.

"Fury's orders," Steve explained.

"Like he said, I was brought in as backup," Clint declared.

"Our coms went down the minute we entered the building," Steve explained, sounding concerned.

"Yeah, that's why I went in after her," Clint insisted. "I couldn't hear any of you. I got worried and found her like this. Tried to patch her up with what I had. She needs help."

"Let's go," Steve stated. I felt my body being lowered onto a hard surface. I opened my eyes one last time to see my former mentor staring down at me with a distressed expression on his face.

~ ~ ~

Loki screamed in agony from the room next door. No one else dared enter in fear of his retaliations from investigating the noise. I pressed my ear against the door, listening to the sobs that were coming from the other side.

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