Chapter 1

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"Would you believe me if I told you that I genuinely love you?"

His eyes widened, glistening, holding back a tear, attempting to control his waving heart. He's sweating bullets; he's convincing himself that my words are all foolish ideal beliefs. Because it doesn't make sense. Logically impossible. But he wants to believe it. I can see it: I hope he wants to believe me. So I grab his wrist, pull him closer, and use my other hand to make him face me, lock eyes, and hope he sees the truth.

"Shinichi, I love you. Really."

He's vulnerable in my embrace, a scene that is not often shown in the tv show, upholding an image as the main character of "Detective Conan": intelligent, intuitive, observant, and brave. Yeah, he only ever really shed a tear for the woman he loves- Ran Mori- but now it's different. He's holding me and crying for me, not her.

An explosion is set off nearby, and ear-piercing screams next: "SAVE ME!"

The world shakes, making us struggle to stand up properly.

I look at him, worried for our safety, only to see calm loving eyes staring back.

He gives me a soft smile, frowning a little, disappointed, and plots me down on a chair behind me.

"Stay here. I'll be back soon."

I stand up, panicking, watching him leave.

"Wait Shinichi!"

He turns back for a second, at peace.

"I love you too, (Y/N)."

Off he goes, into the far distances, some sort of glue holding my legs back from sprinting towards him. It's like time pauses for a second, my outstretched hand reaching out for nothing but the image of him. Black consumes my vision, a headache taking over, engulfing my surroundings, heavy footsteps ringing my ears endlessly. So I shut my eyes, cover my ears, and crouch down, head facing my knees.

It's only when I hear the sound of giggling children that I stop clutching onto my ear. The bangings and horrified screams became silent. Only the sounds of cheerful and upbeat music, the scraping sounds of metal, and excited or joyful screams remain. No bombs and crying citizens but rollercoasters and happy people.

A child curiously points at me: "Why is she on the ground?"

The mother tugs on his hand, trying to redirect his eyes to something else, probably thinking I'm strange.

That's when it hits me.


I'm at a theme park and I just daydreamed about loving a fictional character, watching him go to solve a bomb case.

I'm completely mad. 


Please leave gentle criticism :,) 

Loving you for real (Kudo Shinichi/ Edogawa Conan x reader)Where stories live. Discover now