Chapter 9

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Chapter 10 in the manga :>

"Nice to meet you all.. I'm going to this school starting today.." Conan's voice wavers as he wipes away his clammy hands behind his back, faking a wobbly smile. "I'm Edogawa Conan."

He stands awkwardly in front of the chalkboard with his name written on it, before scratching the back of his head with the fakest and the most awkward chuckle I've ever heard in my entire life.

His lack of confidence shatters my fake smile and my will to put up with appearances.

All the students look at him blankly with snotty noses and empty heads, trying to pronounce his name, before erupting in laughter, pointing at the poor, humiliated, red-faced, the once famous, now short, highschool detective.

He furrowed his eyebrows with the smallest pout; he’s definitely regretting his self-chosen name.

I muster up all the courage I have to smile and robotically introduce myself: "Hi guys. I'm (L/N) (F/N). Let's all get along."

Again, the kids look at me blankly, as if they were examining my every movement, every breath, every sweat that's dripping down my face, to assess my worth as a good classmate and future friend. I gulp. Then they start chuckling at my monotone and scripted introduction. Phew. Kids are scary.

Alas, the teacher finally guides Conan and I to our seats (thankfully next to each other) so that we can enjoy an hour-long maths lesson.

"Okay everyone!" The teacher announced joyfully with her wooden stick pointing at the equation on the chalkboard. "What's one plus one?!"

Immediately Conan drops his head onto the table with a done expression, laughing quietly to himself in disbelief, listening to children cheering "two" with a toothy grin.

He's definitely cursing Agase-Hakase in his head.

He's having the time of his life.

An effortless kick to a football back and forth makes it swing around right where he wants it. Then a group of girls crowd around him excitedly, complimenting his skill.

"That's amazing Conan-Kun!"

"You're so skilled Conan-Kun!"

"Wow, so amazing Conan-Kun!"

"Oh my days, shut up about Conan Kun." I yell into my head with a scowl, rolling my eyes at his proud smile.

He's blinded by the continuous praise from the kids, eagerly trying out the new powerful trainers that Agase-Hakase created to make the kicks more powerful. I sigh at the sight, standing away from the field, letting my existence slowly fade away as usual.

Conan turns the wheel on his shoe to medium, keeping his eye on the goal, the goalkeeper, and lastly, the ball. With one large calculated swing, he kicks it and it flies.

It shoots through the area like a bullet, emitting a flashing light, zooming past the goalkeeper's head, tearing apart the strings. With a large crash, the strike embedded a scar on the tree, snapping some of the innocent twigs, rolling against the trunk, resisting any form of withdrawal.

Until eventually, the football meets its fate and surrenders against the traumatised greenery by the violated evergreen.

The goalkeeper, a disturbed child, crumbles to the ground before screaming and sobbing- traumatised for life.

I curiously turned to look at Conan from a distance, watching his face pale while making an anxious toothy grin (probably blaming Agase-Hakase for being extreme).

Teachers and children rush to Conan and the poor sobbing child by the goalpost. I stare for a moment and decide to take a step forward towards the shrunken detective before taking a step back instead, walking away back to class.

Throughout several lessons, the teacher picks on Conan because of his boredness and disinterest with the questions. He obviously answers every question smoothly and goes back into a slump, cursing APTX4869.

I put a little more effort into paying attention in the beginning but it didn't last long and I eventually caved into leaning on the desk alongside him. However, the teacher fails to really notice me and continuously picks on Conan. Strange.

Even during lunch time, children crowd around Conan and ask him questions. He gives me several looks for assistance but they lose interest in me quickly anytime I talk. I shrug it off.

Finally, it's home time.

As I walk alongside Conan, I notice his done expression, grumbling about how Agase-Hakase needs to make his inventions stay in moderation. But from a far distance, I notice Mr Mori. Ah. I remember this case.

"Look, it's Mr Mori, Conan-Kun." I say while tugging his sleeve.

His eyes shine with excitement and he rushes towards the detective. I tail along besides him, knowing that the case isn't violently extreme for the time being.

"Go home! You’re a bother- I’m working!” Mr Mori disses Conan, sending him away, “Also tell Ran that she doesn’t need to make my dinner because I’ll be home late.”

“Are you shadowing that guy?” Conan askes cheerfully, pointing at a man with sunglasses and a long blazer coat.

Mr Mori shushes him, before tipping over a large bin and catching the man’s attention. I sigh.

“I think I’m just going to go home,” I let Conan know. “I’m not really good at shadowing people.”

He gives me a confused look.


“But you have such a small presence though.” He says nonchalantly. “Anyways I’ll see you at home!”

As I consider his words, I watch him rush to Mr Mori. I shrug it off and turn around to head home but an adult bumps into me and I fall to the ground. She apologises to me, telling me that she unfortunately didn’t notice me as she thought that the one kid on the street had run off.

I quickly let her know that it’s ok, walking away on good terms, but confused at the situation. She only saw Conan?

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