Chapter 4

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When we arrived at the house, Conan's clutch on my hand loosened, and he hung his head low. My persistence to continue holding his hand was the only thing that kept us together. His mind was racing. About Ran.

"Actually.." he muttered, "Actually, I'm really-"

Then swiftly, Mr Mori swung down, barely sliding past Ran, sprinting with much excitement before tripping over himself and falling to the ground, his face flat, parallel to the concrete.

Ran scolded him, and Conan's focus was on Mr Mori's words. He got a job - men in black who kidnapped a young girl.

There is no point in me coming along. Rather, as someone unfamiliar with crime scenes, I might just cause chaos by being wimpy and burdening everyone there.

But jealousy strikes as Conan's hand slips away from mine and finds its way to Ran's, tugging her to the cab Mr Mori hopped into. With nowhere to go, other than following them, I awkwardly trail along.

"Who is that?!" Mr Mori yells, "Get off! You're going to wreck my job!"

"We're on the highway!" Ran exasperated.

Their arguing endlessly continued back and forth. Conan looked busy, possibly monologuing. I fiddled with the hem of my shirt, sighing at my foolishness to follow them. I've never been at a crime scene before. What an idiot. Looks like I will have nightmares tomorrow.
It was boring.

Yeah, nightmares from scary cases? Haha, no.

It was dreadful.

Dreadful because of how boring it was, sitting by the side of the garden alone, watching the professionals deal with the matter at hand.
The case was about a kidnapping of a rich man's young daughter, but I already knew of the outcome, having read the manga and watched the series in the past.
Therefore, all I could do was sit down and let my mind become the most important topic out there.

Firstly, how am I in this manga, or anime, world? How do you simply wake up and find yourself in an unfamiliar theme park and end up taking a drug that turns you younger?

Then, a loud bark drags my mind back to reality. Dogs were barking at Conan for standing near a tree. Their sharp teeth glisten under the moonlight, as if they're about to gnaw at his shoulder. My eyes widen, and my body instinctively gets up, sprinting towards Conan.
When I arrive, however, he's gone to play with a football next to Ran. She talks about how similar he is to Shinichi, kicking the football up and down to "clear his mind." I suppose people really do not pay attention to me whatsoever.

A small sigh escapes my mouth, and the dogs look at me pitfully. They motion for me to sit on their backs, perhaps to give me a ride? I comply, trying to ignore my clammy hands from the slight hesitation and nervousness.

As soon as the dog takes a couple of steps, a grin makes its way on my face, immediately making my eyes sparkle from excitement and joy. It's so much fun.
I can hear from a distance of a phone ringing and quiet mumbling. Seems like there's an issue. But I don't care.

I giggle. The ride is pure bliss; my hair flows behind me as the light breeze passes and the dog takes a light walk around the vicinity.

Then, the dog starts sprinting??? Really quickly????? To outside the garden and to some building??????????

I embrace the dog's body and clutch onto dear life, completely confused by the sudden change in speed.


Eventually, the dog lets me down, and I struggle to breathe as my view is a little hazy. My mind is dazed as I stare at a shed before me. Why am I here?

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