Chapter 2

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Aside from imagining a strange scenario with a fictional character, while hanging around a theme park alone like a complete loser, I have no idea where I am.

Yes, theme park- I know what that is. But which one? I've never been to a theme park with a bunch of cute dolphins as the theme.

I rummage through my pockets in hopes to find my phone. Nothing. Money? Nope. It's completely empty. Ah, sugar. We love being irresponsible. Why am I at the theme park in the first place anyways?

Pushing aside questions, I decided to ask a stranger where I am. Then, I see him. Shiny brown hair, green jacket, jeans, and red trainers. A teenager with the iconic Shinichi outfit- possibly a cosplayer. That's when I knew I had to go say hello.

I watched him hide by a building, looking in the opposite direction. Suspicious behaviour, standing by the edge of the park and near a dark area- especially during the night. Perhaps I should stay away. Too late. I'm standing next to him.

He turns around, really on edge, pale. We lock eyes and that's the moment I realise he's the real deal or I'm dreaming again.

"Shinichi..?" I whisper, completely baffled, and conflicted.

His eyes widen as I feel a wack in my head. My vision fades again, my legs give out, and I fall on top of him, pushing him down with me. He holds me for a split second before I hear another bang and we both fall to the ground: the cool grass welcomes us.

Mumbling and gagging are all I can recognise. The scenes of the show, where Shinichi is given APTX4869, are replayed before me. It feels surreal. I feel numb. I fall unconscious.


A light nudge shakes me awake. "From a child", I assume as my vision clears up and a small figure appears.

He notices my consciousness and whispers to me: "Hey let's get out of here."

I notice some officers talking to each other about lost children, as the trained dogs patiently wait for their conversation to finish. We are in, what seems to be, a medical room. Bleached walls, white desk, and bed, a blank room.

The boy with oversized clothing lightly nudges me and whispers to follow him. I don't further analyse the room or the boy or, most importantly, myself. As I grab onto my oversized dress, I follow the boy out a window and sprint with him while being chased by the trained police dogs. The officer's shouts to come back can be heard from miles away until we finally escape it, only for it to start raining.

We don't talk, just ran, following a path he was familiar with as I was completely lost. Up a bridge, we finally slow down a little, too tired to sprint. It's dark and bleak until a light in front of us blinds us and a loud honk from an enormous van rings. The boy trips over and I get pushed along with him, tumbling together like a mess. A shriek by the driver woke us up, yelling at how irresponsible we were, driving away from us like a scared cat.

"A-Are you okay..?" I mutter out, watching him breathe heavily from shock, or possibly tired.

He meekly nods: "Yeah, just a little shaken."

I stand up first and give him my hand. He accepts the gesture but my weak arm and the slippery floor make me slide, dragging us both back down to the ground. We both have little cuts and bruises from tumbling about and running away. We both yelp from the pain.

This time, he stands up first and gives me his hand, small and soft. Cute but bruised. We flinch when our hands come in contact, our injuries meeting each other. It's a struggle standing straight, feeling blood rush out of a reopened wound from being hit with a bat by the strange figures earlier. The boy's eyes widen, worried as he sees red spots inflect the white bandage, engulfing it.

"Let's go," he says. "We need you to get a new bandage immediately."

We jog together while holding hands, the touch giving each other a hint of warmth that was lacking from the rain and the damp, enormous, clothing. Also, he could tell I was losing consciousness again: the blood spilling out of the bandage on my head. We squeezed each other's hands to encourage the other to push through the pain, the cold, and the fear.

Eventually, the rain stopped, leaving only murky clouds and massive puddles. The sounds of our footsteps were unending as I patiently waited for us to reach his destination. It was cold but his hand holding mine gave me hope for some reason. Probably strange thinking because of the loss of blood.

"Agase-Hakase!" the boy shouted towards a grandpa after failing to grab the handle to the gate of a dark-coloured mansion.

I watched as the two talked: the grandpa looking at the boy in disbelief.

Maybe it was because of the lack of adrenaline that was calming me down, helping me focus, and reminding me of the situation.

I was knocked out and woke up as a child. I have no idea where I am. I followed this guy in the same situation as me. That guy happens to look like the main character of my favourite tv show. And coincidently, everything that we've experienced is the same as what happened in that tv show- the first episode.

It's impossible, I tell myself.

"Shinichi!? Is that really you?" The grandpa asks in disbelief.

It's only then I accept the fact that I'm in an anime. Sounds surreal but it's the truth.

The last hour of me focusing on following the boy helped me avoid the fact.

Why? How? When?

I question myself on how this is possible as my vision blurs out again, watching the two run towards me worriedly. Collapsing, I finally sleep.


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