Chapter 3

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I awaken from a slight mumbling sound downstairs- from wherever I am. The room is dark and the bed is comfy so my mind becomes blank and allows the drowsiness to creep in. That is until I hear "My name is Edogawa Conan!" very clearly, forcing me out of my blundering state.

A zap- that's what it is, shocking my body awake, remembering the events before fainting. I touch my head and feel a dry bandage wrapped around my head.

"It's all real.." I mutter. "I'm in an anime."

Before I can dig deeper into my thoughts, I hear Shinichi's wavering voice becoming clearer every second as my hazing mind tries to focus on his words, talking about the meaning behind his name. Then, Hakase asks Ran if Conan can live with her.

A bitter feeling washes over me and it drags me out of the room to the stairs. I see from afar the two putting on their shoes to leave the house. Before I knew it, I'm calling for the two of them.

"Where are you guys going?"

Three heads turn to face me and two becomes visibly stressed. Ran looks at me with confusion, smiling: "Hello. I'm just getting ready to go home."

She turns to Hakase with curiosity, "Could I know who she is?"

His face drops and sweat drips down effortlessly. I can tell his head is spinning with excuses so I speak up before- in the most childish voice, I can mutter out: "I'm (F/N)! (L/N) (F/N)!"

A/N: (L/N) (F/N) = last name and fake name

Then I skip to her and then bow with sincerity.

She seemed so perfect in the show. I wanted to be like her. I respect her skills and her love for Shinichi. Meeting her now, I wanted to leave a good impression, and secretly plea for her unwavering love to everlast.

"Pleasure to meet you, Onee-chan!"

She cheerfully grins at me, introducing herself and complimenting my cute appearance. Then, she gets pale, analysing my face more. Eventually, her eyes widen and she drags Hakase out of the room to talk to him. What's up with her?

"Who are you really, (L/N)-san?" Shinichi, no, Conan asks me.

"(L/N) (Y/N), Mr high school detective," I reply jokingly, lending him my hand to shake. "Shinichi Kudo, correct? I saw you in the newspaper."

He blankly stares at my extended hand and grins, shaking it slightly: "I'm Edogawa Conan for the time being until we get out of this mess."

"Where are you going?" I ask.

He explains to me about Ran's father. About how he's a detective and he will be good to stay near to solve the mystery about the men in black. My heart drops a little, knowing that in his eyes, I'm just a victim, an outsider that happened to get involved in this mess. I'm useless to him.

"I think it's best if you stay with Agase-Hakase." He suggests, giving me a small smile, "It will be safer that way."

I want to insist that I will be helpful. Insist that I will be of use to him, but the feeling of guilt of potentially bothering him shuts my mouth. My whining won't do anything anyways.


Then, Ran comes back and crouches down to face me. Her eyes are filled with worry. Hagase's eyes are filled with stress, following behind Ran.

"(F/N)-chan. Do you... Remember..." she struggles to make out words, "How.."

I tilt my head in confusion, "What is it, Ran-nee-chan?"

"You were in an accident... Do you remember what happened next?"

My eyes glance at the two men beside me, assuming that my "accident" was a story made up by them to cover my identity. Confusion hit me, however. Why was she asking for the events after the supposed "accident"? I shake my head and give her a confused smile, telling her that I remember nothing.

She looks at me pitifully- eyes dripping with sadness and pain for me. It's been a while since someone has looked at me that way, reminding me about my past. I see my nursery teacher instead of Ran, the look of pity the teacher gave me when my parents forgot to pick me up. Rather, they forgot about my existence entirely.

I shake my head. Forget it. Now's not the time.

"Agase-Hakase," Ran starts, "Could I take her with me to meet my father? You understand where I'm going with this, correct?"

He hesitantly nods and sighs.

Conan and I look at Ran in confusion as she explains to me that I'm going to meet a detective, insisting that I put on my shoes and leave with her. We leave the house and she tells me and Conan to hold hands while walking, "It's dark outside" or something.

The midnight sky covers the sky, stretching across the plant. Its gleaming stars shine brightly, cheerfully looking down at us with curiosity. Beautiful and breathtaking.

I decide to listen to the conversation they are having, only to realise the topic.

Conan's hand becomes clammy, sweating vigorously. His face is red, spreading around his body, a blush so bright it could challenge the stars.

"I like Shinichi."

Ah. I'm just a bug between the two. An outsider that wasn't supposed to be part of this, of anything. Even if I try, nothing will change. I feel bitter, watching Conan smile. His smile for Ran. I could tell he wanted to hold her hand and not mine. Don't tell me I actually like Conan. He's a fictional character. I blessed their relationship. I just secretly plead for Ran's everlasting love for Shinichi a moment ago. Don't be a hypocrite.

I give Conan a teasing smirk, at least attempt at it. He blushes harder. If only his heart was for me.

I feel a light squeeze from him. It reminds me of the warmth I felt holding his hands when following him to Agase-Hakase's house a couple of hours ago. The immediate comfort I feel is immense, although the bitter feeling is not completely washed away.


I love him. 


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